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1、UnitlThe goats教学内容:三年级小学英语课外阅读教材Unit 1 Thegoats教学目标:1 .能听懂故事、理解故内容。2 .能用简短的单词或句子表达自己的一些意愿或想法。3 .掌握英语课外阅读的一些小技巧。4 .学会同伴间互相帮助。教学重、难点:1 .能听懂故事、理解故内容。2 .能用简短的单词或句子表达自己的一些意愿或想法。教学准备:PPT头饰教学流程:Stepl: Greeting.T: Are you ready?S: Yes.T: Class begins.Step2: Free talk.1 .T:Hello,Good moming/afternoon.2 .邀请一位

2、男生,然后向大家提问T: Who is he ?Ss: He,s . He is my friend.T: Listen, I can say it in a chant.Chant: Boys , girls, Who is heshe? , He,sShe,s my friend.(老师说上句,学生说下句,在操练第二组时,学生就能自己说出chant,可以多说几组,帮助学生活跃课堂气氛,为后面揭题做好铺垫)Step3: Presentation.l.T: Today let,s meet two new friends, OK? Let,s see who are they?(图片)揭题:U

3、nitl Three goats (板书)(带领学生学习goat,要求能认,会读)2. T: First, let,s enjoy the story about the three goats.(观看视频动画)3. T: Do you like the story?Ss:.T: Read the story by yourselves , try to think and find the Chinese meaning.(学生结合书后生词表,朗读并理解课文大概意思)4. .T:Lets play a game.(检查学生自学的情况)(Roles: If it is right, you c

4、an say : Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, if it is wrong , you can say:No, No, No)5. ) Baby goat has some cool stones.6. ) Mother has two babies.7. ) Sister goat likes to eat and play.5.T:You did a good job. How do you know the word : present.51: .52: .T 总结:Reading tips阅读中,遇到生词,我们可以:1.查生词表。2 .读课文图片,猜词义。3 .询问老师。6.T

5、he three goats wants to give presents to mother, what do they give. Read and match them.(PPT) You can discuss with your partner.(read and match)7 .Read and complete.Read by yourself and complete the sentences.8 . Read the storyStep4: Consolidation1. Read the story after the tape, one sentence by one

6、 sentence.2. (PPT) From these pictures,today is day.From these pictures, the flowers are very 3. Act the story.Choose one part to act(选取一段扮演)Act the whole story.(整个故事扮演)Step5: Homework.1. Read and act the story after class2. Try to read the story The goat and the butterflyUnit2 The juicy fruit tree教

7、学内容:四年级小学英语课外阅读教材Unit2 The juicy fruit tree教学目标:5 .能听懂故事、理解故内容。6 .能用简短的单词或句子表达自己的一些意愿或想法。7 .掌握英语课外阅读的一些小技巧。8 .学会同伴间互相帮助。教学重、难点:9 .能听懂故事、理解故内容。10 能用简短的单词或句子表达自己的一些意愿或想法。教学准备:PPT头饰教学流程:Stepl: Greeting.T: Are you ready?S: Yes.T: Class begins.Step2: Free talk.1 . T: What fruit does monkey like?S:He like

8、s bananaspeaches.T: What fruit does elephant like?S: He likes bananasT: What fruit does . like?S:2 .L ook at this picture. Whats this ?Ss: Its a tree.T: This is a special tree.It a fruit tree. Its a juicy fruit tree.How is the fruit?S: It,s juicy.T: All the animals like it.(通过谈话引出课题)Step3: Presentat

9、ion.1. T: OK! Today , lets learn the new lesson. The juicy fruit tree揭题:Unit2 The juicy fruit tree (板书)(带领学生学习juicy和fruit这两个单词,要求能认,会读)2. T: First, let,s enjoy the story about the juicy fruit tree.(观看视频动画)3. T: Do you like the story?Ss:.T: Read the story by yourselves , underline the new words you d

10、on,t know andwrite on the blackboard and try to think and find the Chinese meaning.(学生结合书后生词表,朗读解决生字生词并理解课文大概意思。)4.TLet,s play a game.(检查学生自学的情况)(Roles: If it is right, you can say : Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, if it is wrong , you can say:No, No, No)(1 ) The animals want to eat the juicy fruit.(2 ) The eleph

11、ant has a big body and a long nose.(3 ) The tree is too smooth.(4 ) The tree is too hard(5 ) At last,they can,t reach the fruit.T 总结:Reading tips阅读中,遇到生词,我们可以:1.查生词表。2 .读课文图片,猜词义。3 .询问老师。9. T :At first, can they get the fruit? Why?SIS2:.6.(PPT) T:How is the fruit tree? (smooth hard tall)S:T: In the

12、end,How do they get the fruit?S:(work together)(帮助学生理解生单词,并教读)Step4: Consolidation1. Read the story after the tape, one sentence by one sentence.2. What do you know from the story?你从故事中学到了 什么?A. Two heads are better than one.(三个臭皮匠,顶个诸葛亮.)B. All roads lead to Rome.(条条大路通罗马)3. Act the story.Choose on

13、e part to act.(选取一段扮演)Act the whole story.(整个故事扮演)Step5: Homework.1. Read and act the story after class2. Try to read the story From head to toeUnit3 The story of tadpoles looking for mummy教学内容:四年级小学英语课外阅读教材Unit3 The story of Tadpoles looking Formummy教学目标:10 .能听懂故事、理解故事内容。11 .能用简短的单词或句子表达自己的一些意愿或想法。

14、12 .掌握英语课外阅读的一些小技巧。13 .学会同伴间互相帮助。14 .能熟读课文,并根据课文内容完成相关练习教学重、难点:5 .能掌握生词6 .能熟读课文,并根据课文内容完成相关练习7 .掌握阅读技巧教学准备:PPT教学流程:Stepl: Greeting.T: Are you ready?S: Yes.T: Class begins.Step2: Free talk.1 .T: Today, let, s talk about something about the little tadpolesDo you know about the little tadpoles7They are

15、 so lovely!What are they like?Where do the Tadpoles live?(由于四年级的孩子词汇量不多,我们要放慢语速并结合肢体语言帮助孩子理解句子意思)2 . Now, let,s go into the story of the little tadpoles o揭题:Unit3 The story of Tadpoles looking For mummy (板书)(带领学生学习Tadpole look for这两个单词,要求能认,会读)Step3: Presentation.l.T:Now let s read the passage and answer the question:Who do the little tadpoles meet?A. A duck BA fish CA crab D.A tortoise2.Find out the new w


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