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1、毕业设计(论文)任务书题目:24米风机叶片叶根吊装夹具的结构设计与有限元分析姓名 学院机械工程 专业机械设计制造及自动化班级 学号指导老师 职称 讲师 教研室主任一、基本任务及要求:1.查阅大型风机叶根吊装夹具设计文献15篇以匕 并写出文献综述,开题报告2、分析大型风力发电机叶片的特点与工作方式3、对叶片的叶根吊装夹具进行设计4、对夹具设计主要受力部位进行校核和优化5、绘制叶根吊装夹具相关图纸6.1. 写毕业论文,字数15000以上。二、进度安排及完成时间:1 .第1周(3.4开始) 布置任务,下达设计任务书,熟悉设计内容2 .第2 3周查阅资料、撰写文献综述、撰写开题报告3 .笫48周对大型

2、风力发电叶片的叶根进行吊装夹具设计4 .第911周完成对所设计的夹具进行校核和优化5 .第1214周撰写毕业设计说明书(论文)6 .第论文评阅,毕业设计答辩7.第16周毕业设计资料整理、归档摘要:风机是一种将原动机的机械能转换为输送气体、给予气体能量的机械,它是火电厂中不可少的机械设备,主要有送风机、引风机、一次风机、密封风机和排粉机等,消耗电能约占发电厂发电量的1. 5%3. 0%o在火电厂的实际运行中,风机,特别是引风机由于运行条件较恶劣,故障率较高,据有关统计资料,引风Abstract :Is a fan of the original motive of the mechanical

3、energy is converted into gas, gasenergy to the machinery, it is theindispensable equipment in thermal powerplant, main blower, induced draft fan, a fan, sealing blower and exhauster9electricenergy consumption accounts for about 1.5% of to power generation powerplant 3%. In the actual operationof the

4、rmal power plant, wind machine, especiallythe fan because the operating condition is bad, high failure rate,according to therelevant statistics, the average annual incidence of induced draft fan fault for the 2time, the bloweris average and annual failure for the 0.4 time, causing unplannedoutage or

5、 reduce the load operation. Therefore, to quickly determine the fault reasonsof fan operation, take effective measures to solve the power plant for the protection ofthe safe operation of. Although the fault type fan is various, the reason isvery complex, but according to the actual plant operating s

6、troke engine fault ismore: bearing vibration, high bearing temperature, dynamic leafcards astringent, protection misoperation.Over the years, wind power generator with hydraulic machinery, as the powersource to replace human, animal,played an important role in the development of theproductive forces

7、. Modern electrical power and the wide application of the twentiethCentury 50ls Middle East oil discoveries, the development of wind turbines to slowdown.0 in the early seven, due to the oil crisis”,appeared the problem of energyshortage, people realize that theconventional fossil energy supply inst

8、abilityand limited, so look for clean renewable energy has become an important topic inmodern world. Windasa renewable, nonpolluting natural energy again attracted attention. In recent years, especially in theformal implementation of renewable energy law, to create a favorable environmentfor the dev

9、elopment of China,s wind power generation, according to Chinese windpower development report 2007prediction, the domestic wind turbines will beincreased by 37.4% every year, according to the existing policy,Chinese wind powerinstalled capacity by the end of 2020 can be achieved 50000000 kw. Wind pow

10、ergeneration unit is tending to increase, the average power of the wind turbineinstalled above 1.5MW. The hoisting of largegenerator for wind turbineinstallation bring new task. This paper describes the installation process engineeringexample of wind turbine. And the wind turbine is briefly introduc

11、ed.摘要:2Abstract: 3一,大型风机的背景5L1风机的现状51.2风机的特点8历史11分类13二,设计方法142.1 叶片夹具设计142.2 材料的选用及其特性152.3 结构的选用及有限元计算162.4 加工工艺选择25三,设计方案验证263.1 夹具的可行性分析263.2 夹具的优点及其不足之处26四,总结26五,致谢27六,参考文献29一,大型风机的背景1.1风机的现状风机,英文为:Draught Fan风机是我国对气体压缩和气体输送机械的丑惯简称,通常所说的风机包括通风机,鼓风机,风力发电机。气体压缩和气体输送机械是把旋转的机械能转换为气体压力能和动能,并将气体输送出去的机

12、械。风机的主要结构部件是叶轮、机壳、进风口、支架、电机、皮带轮、联轴器、消音器、传动件(轴承)等。无动力通风机是利用自然风力及室内外温度差造成的空气热对流,推动涡轮旋转从而利用离心力和负压效应将室内不新鲜的热空气排出。风机关系到系统的输配能耗,是建筑节能非常关键的部分。根据国家空调设备质量监督检验中心多年风机检测表明很多风机在额定工况下都存在问题,因此需要严格按照产品标准要求生产和制造风机。风机制造和风机检测依据的标准主要有GB/T 1236-2000工业通风机标准化风道进行性能试验、JB/T9068-1999前向多翼离心通风机、JB/T 8932-1999风机箱、GB 10080-2001空

13、调通风机安全要求、JB/T 9069-2000屋顶通风机、GB 10178-2006工业通风机现场性能试验、JB/T 10281-2001消防排烟通风机技术条件、GB/T13933-2008小型贯流式通风机、JB/T6411-1992暖通、空调用轴流通风机、JB/T 7258-2006一般用途离心式鼓风机、JB/T10562-2006一般用途轴流通风机技术条件、JB/T 10563-2006一般用途离心通风机技术条件、GB 19761-2009通风机能效限定值及节能评价值、JG/T 259-2009射流诱导机组、JB/T 7221-1994单元式空气调节机组用双进风离心通风机、JB/T 893

14、2-1999风机箱、GBT 19075-2003工业通风机 词汇及种类定义等。检测项目主要风量、风压、输入功率、转速、射程、能效等。风机噪声检测和风机振动检测主要依据GB/T 2888-2008风机和罗茨鼓风机噪声测量方法、JB/T 8690-1998工业通风机噪声限值、JB/T8689-1998通风机振动检测及其限制、GB 9068-1988采暖通风与空气调节设备噪声声功率的测定-工程法、GB/T 3767-1996声学声压法测定噪声源声功率级反射面上方近似自由场的工程法。风机刚开始工作时轴承部位的振动很小,但是随着运转时间的加长,风机内粉尘会不均匀的附着在叶轮上,逐渐破坏风机的动平衡,使轴

15、承振动逐渐加大,一旦振动达到风机允许的最大值llmm/s时(用振幅值表示的最大允许值如下),风机必须停机修理(清除粉尘堆积,重做动平衡)。因为这时已是非常危险的,用户千万不可强行使用。在风机振动接近危险值时,有测振仪表的会报警。风机轴承振动的最大允许值为:(1)用轴承震动速度有效显示时为:llmm/s。(2)用轴承振幅显示时为以下值:1 .电机同步转速为3000转/分时:最大允许值为:0.1mm (双振幅)2 .电机同步转速为1500转/分时:最大允许值为:0.2mm (双振幅)3 .电机同步转速为1000转/分时:最大允许值为:031mm (双振幅)4 .电机同步转速为75。转/分时:最大允许值为:04mm(双振幅)5 .电机同步转速为600转/分时:最大允许值为:05mm(双振幅)6 .电机同步转速为500转/分时:最大允许值为:0.6mm (双振幅)风机的轴承温度正常时为S70C,如果一旦升高到70,有电控的应(会)报警。此时应查找原因,首先检查冷却水是否正常?轴承油位是否正常?如果一时找不到原因,轴


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