1、毕业设计(论文)9gzx型旋转式割草机所在学院机械与电气工程学院专业机械设计制造及其自动化班 级 11机自X班姓 名 学 号 指导老师 2015年3月31日I诚信承诺我谨在此承诺:本人所写的毕业设计(论文)4LBZ-100型割草机割草机改进设计均系本人独立完成,没有抄袭行为,凡涉及其他作者的观点和材料,均作了注释,若有不实,后果由本人承担。承诺人(签名):2015年 3月 21日2割草机的发展方向将是向高科技化方向发展,制造出适用性强的割草机很有发展市场,对不同地区开发出不同的割草机是很有发展前途的。由此,相应的制造出高性能的割草机是国外收获机的发展概况。该割草机可一次性完成割草、割草、分离和
3、及成品、半成品的拉、压、弯、剪等物理性能,选购各种不同的夹具可做抗拉、抗压、持拉、持压、抗弯、撕裂、剥离、黏着力、剪力等试验。拉伸试验是指在承受轴向拉伸载荷下测定材料特性的试验方法。利用拉伸试验得到的数据可以确定材料的弹性极限、伸长率、弹性模量、比例极限、面积缩减量、拉伸强度、屈服点、屈服强度和其它拉伸性能指标。从高温下进行的拉伸试验可以得到蠕变数据。金属拉伸试验的步骤可参见ASTME-8标准。塑料拉伸试验的方法参见ASTMD638标准、D-2289标准(高应变率)和D-882标准(薄片材)。ASTM D-2343标准规定了适用于玻璃纤维的拉伸试验方法;ASTM D-897标准中规定了适用于粘
4、结剂的拉伸试验方法;ASTM D-412标准中规定了硬橡胶的拉伸试验方法。1.准备试件。用刻线机在原始标距范围内刻划圆周线(或用小钢冲打小冲点),将标距内分为等长的1()格。用游标卡尺在试件原始标距内的两端及中间处两个相互垂直的方向上各测一次直径,取其算术平均值作为该处截面的直径,然后选用三处截面直径的最小值来计算试件的原始截面面积关键词:割草机;割草;改进设计AbstractThe development direction of harvester will be to high-tech direction, making out theapplicability of harveste
5、r is the development of the market, is very promising for differentregions developed different harvester. Thus, the corresponding manufacturing combine highperformance is the development of foreign harvester The development direction of harvesterwill be to high-tech direction, making out the applica
6、bility of harvester is the development ofthe market, is very promising for different regions developed different harvester. Thus, thecorresponding manufacturing combine high performance is the development of foreignharvester. The rice combine harvester can complete harvesting, threshing, separation
7、andbagging operations at one time. The development direction of harvester will be to high-techdirection, making out the applicability of harvester is the development of the market, is verypromising fbr different regions developed different harvester. The development direction ofharvester will be to
8、high-tech direction, making out the applicability of harvester is thedevelopment of the market, is very promising for different regions developed differentharvester. Thus, the corresponding manufacturing combine high performance is thedevelopment of foreign harvester. The rice combine harvester can
9、complete harvesting,threshing, separation and bagging operations at one time. The machine has the advantages ofsmall volume, light weight, flexible operation, through and good adaptability, can better solvethe problem of big, medium-sized harvester to harvest in the hilly, mountainous and paddyeld.T
10、hus, the corresponding manufacturing combine high performance is the development offoreign harvester. The rice combine harvester can complete harvesting, threshing, separationand bagging operations at one time. The machine has the advantages of small volume, lightweight, flexible operation, through
11、and good adaptability, can better solve the problem of big,medium-sized harvester to harvest in the hilly, mountainous and paddy field. The machine hasthe advantages of small volume, light weight, flexible operation, through and goodadaptability, can better solve the problem of big, medium-sized har
12、vester to harvest in thehilly, mountainous and paddy fieldThe rice combine harvester can complete harvesting,threshing, separation and bagging operations at one time. The machine has the advantages ofsmall volume, light weight, flexible operation, through and good adaptability, can better solvethe p
13、roblem of big, medium-sized harvester to harvest in the hilly, mountainous and paddyfield.#Key Words: rice thresher threshing; improved design;摘要IIIAbstractIV目 录VI第1章绪论1第2章总体方案确定32.1 割草机工作原理32.2 割草机总体设计42.2.1 割草机的类型定位42.2.2 割草机的整机结构及选择42.2.3 割草机的工作流程4第3章割草机设计53.1 割草原理53.2 割草机类型选择5第4章动力的选择74.1 整机消耗的功
14、率计算74.1.1 割草机的功率消耗的计算74.1.2 清选装置的功率消耗的计算74.2 柴油机的选择8第5章传动装置设计95.1 传动路线95.2 确定传动装置的传动比95.3 传动装置动力参数的计算95.4 皮带轮的设计与计算105.5 验算小带轮的包角115.6 确定V带根数115.7 单根V带预紧力的计算115.8 计算压轴力12第6章齿轮的设计与计算136.1 材料的选择及许用应力的确定136.2 按轮齿接触强度的计算136.3 按齿根弯曲强度设计14第7章轴的设计与计算167.1 轴的材料选择167.2 轴的最小直径确定167.3 轴的结构设计167.4 轴的校核17第8章键连接选
15、择20第9章滚动轴承选用219.1 滚动轴承校核219.2 割草滚筒转速计算229.3 滚筒直径计算229.4 割草滚筒长度确定23第10章割草机其他部分设计2410.1 滚筒割草齿设计2410.1.1 弓齿形状选择2410.1.2 弓齿的排列2410.1.3 相关参数的计算2410.2 凹板的设计2510.2.1 凹板类型的确定2510.2.2 凹板直径的确定2510.2.3 凹板与滚筒之间间隙的确定26结论27参考文献28致谢28VII第1章绪论第1章绪论割草机为割草机械,是指以农作物种子的能力,源于机械分离,主要是指农作物收获机械。根据为谷物,不同类型的割草机的材料。如“打米机”割草使用;被称为“玉米割草机”割草玉米等。割草机称为“谷机”,是机械割草稻最常用的手段。后需要第一割草,稻粒的这种机械分离和茎。割草机分为两类,一-类靠人力驱动器上,被称为“人类的节拍机”,半机械化的工具;会打米机动力驱动,它被称为“力量割草机。”割草机出现大大降低了割草的劳动强度,同时也提高农业生产力