1、毕业设计(论文)6320轴承外圈冷碾扩成形机理研究所在学院机械与电气工程学院专 业机械设计制造及其自动化班 级 11机自x班姓 名 学 号 指导老师 2015年3月31日I精密冷辗是从传统热辗扩发展而来的。至少在六、七十年之前,人们就产生了实现精辗的愿望,并先后做过试验,但受到多种条件的制约。近20年以来,由于精密冷辗工艺方面的突破性进展和现代工业控制技术、传感器技术、微机技术、材料技术等的飞速发展,为精密冷辗技术的发展创造了条件,使其由试验研究进入实用阶段。当前精密冷辗技术在世界范围内处于成长和上升时期。这一阶段的主要标志是在应用中提高、完善、发展,在发展中扩大应用。在常温下用轧制加工环形零
4、发轴承套圈冷辗扩设备较早的厂家,生产的冷辗扩机有立式的,也有卧式的,日本共荣精工生产的是卧式的。关键词:冷碾扩成形冷碾扩成形;冷碾扩成形;改进设计AbstractThe development direction of harvester will be to high-tech direction,making out the applicability of harvester is the development of the market, isvery promising for different regions developed different harvester. Thu
5、s, thecorresponding manufacturing combine high performance is the development offoreign harvester. The rice combine harvester can complete harvesting,threshing, separation and bagging operations at one time. The machine has theadvantages of small volume, light weight, flexible operation, through and
6、 goodadaptability, can better solve the problem of big, medium-sized harvester toharvest in the hilly, mountainous and paddy field. Thus, the correspondingmanufacturing combine high performance is the development of foreignharvester. The rice combine harvester can complete harvesting, threshing,sepa
7、ration and bagging operations at one time. The machine has the advantagesof small volume, light weight, flexible operation, through and good adaptability,can better solve the problem of big, medium-sized harvester to harvest in thehilly, mountainous and paddy field.Thus, the corresponding manufactur
8、ingcombine high performance is the development of foreign harvester. The ricecombine harvester can complete harvesting, threshing, separation and baggingoperations at one time. The machine has the advantages of small volume, lightweight, flexible operation, through and good adaptability, can better
9、solve theproblem of big, medium-sized harvester to harvest in the hilly, mountainous andpaddy field.Thus, the corresponding manufacturing combine high performanceis the development of foreign harvester. The rice combine harvester cancomplete harvesting, threshing, separation and bagging operations a
10、t one time.The machine has the advantages of small volume, light weight, flexibleoperation, through and good adaptability, can better solve the problem of big,medium-sized harvester to harvest in the hilly, mountainous and paddyfield.Thus, the corresponding manufacturing combine high performance is
11、thedevelopment of foreign harvester. The rice combine harvester can completeharvesting, threshing, separation and bagging operations at one time. Themachine has the advantages of small volume, light weight, flexible operation,through and good adaptability, can better solve the problem of big,medium-
12、sized harvester to harvest in the hilly, mountainous and paddyfield.Thus, the corresponding manufacturing combine high performance is thedevelopment of foreign harvester. The rice combine harvester can completeharvesting, threshing, separation and bagging operations at one time. Themachine has the a
13、dvantages of small volume, light weight, flexible operation,through and good adaptability, can better solve the problem of big,medium-sized harvester to harvest in the hilly, mountainous and paddy field.Key Words: rice thresher threshing; improved design;#摘要IIAbstractIll目录V第1章绪论7第2章总体方案确定82.1 冷碾扩成形工
14、作原理82.2 6320轴承外圈冷碾扩成形总体设计102.2.1 轴承的特点52.2.2 冷碾扩成形的整机结构及选择62.2.3 冷碾扩成形冷碾扩成形的工作流程8第3章冷碾扩成形结构设计103.1 结构组成部分及功能113.2 结构设计中的主要内容123.3 成形机理介绍13第4章成形机理研究154.1 有限元简介174.2 模型导入204.3 材料设定214.4 网格划分234.5 边界条件设定254.6 分析结果284.6.1 轴承外圈分析结果304.6.2 套圈分析结果1514.6.3 辗扩辐分析结果1524.7 分析结论2241.1.1 承外圈分析结论1571.1.2 套圈分析结论15
15、81.1.3 辗扩辑分析结论159结论40参考文献41致谢42#第1章绪论精密冷辗是从传统热辗扩发展而来的。至少在六、七十年之前,人们就产生了实现精辗的愿望,并先后做过试验,但受到多种条件的制约。近20年以来,由于精密冷辗工艺方面的突破性进展和现代工业控制技术、传感器技术、微机技术、材料技术等的飞速发展,为精密冷辗技术的发展创造了条件,使其由试验研究进入实用阶段。当前精密冷辗技术在世界范围内处于成长和上升时期。这一阶段的主要标志是在应用中提高、完善、发展,在发展中扩大应用。在常温下用轧制加工环形零件是轧制加工的又一O它与冷轧种类型。近几年来,我国轴承行业开始采用冷轧加工轴承套丝杠或齿轮等零件的不同点在于轴承套圈毛坯在成形辐和芯辐之间经冷轧后截面缩小而工件直径扩大。为了区别于一般的螺栓和齿轮这类零件的冷轧加工,我们把轴承套圈这类环形零件的冷轧加工称为冷辗扩加工,把用来进行冷辗扩加工的设备称为冷辗扩机。轴承套圈的冷辗扩工艺是上世纪80年代发展起来的新技术。最先采用这项技术的有德国、美国、日本和前苏联,在80年代末和90年代初开始受到我国轴承行业的重视,先后