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1、普高高一年级英语学科Unit 1 Teenager Life教学设计【设计者】萧山十中来燕【内容说明】新教材必修1第一单元,本单元共设计6课时第一课时:Listening and Speaking第二课时:Reading and Thinking第三课时:Discovering Useful Structures and Assessing Your Progress第四课时:Listening and Talking第五课时:Reading for Writing第六课时:Video Time and The Face-Down Generation (from workbook)【单元总体

2、教学目标】1 .学习本单元词汇和词组,会正确的拼读,重点词汇能够应用。重点词汇有 teenager, volunteer, debate, prefer, content, suitable, actually,challenge,confused, fluent, graduate, recommend, advance, obviously, quit,responsible, responsibility, solution, schedule, youth, behaviour, generation,attract,focus, addict, adult.重点词组有 prefer.

3、to., clean up, suitable for, sign up, be responsible for, beattracted to, focus on, addicted to, concentrate on.2 .通过本单元的学习,能够理解听力内容并能够模仿对话。3 .通过阅读文本,获取有效信息,并理解文体和语言特点。同时了解自己的高中学习和生活,正确面对目前遇到的困难和挫折。4 .能够通过练习,理解并正确运用名词短语,形容词短语和副词短语5 .熟悉并掌握建议信的常见文体,掌握提建议的常用表达方式。并能模仿写一封解决青少年问题的建议信。6 .通过学习本单元的视频,能够体会与上一

4、辈青少年生活的不同,并结合自身的生活经验,能够比较和分析中外青少年学习生活的异同。7 .能够基于本单元所学的知识,自主阅读The Face-Down Generation (fromworkbook)第一课时【教学目标】1 .听懂各种俱乐部的活动及相关话题。2 .在听的过程中,获取描述俱乐部活动,个人爱好的相关词汇和句型。3 .能够使用所学的语言,和同学谈论选择俱乐部的话题。4 .学习一些语音知识。【时间预设】课内1课时加课前20分钟和课后20分钟【教学过程】一、先行学习课前请学生们用20分钟时间自行预习相关词汇,并背诵记忆,完成相应的练习。1.1 will visit Li Yan, a f

5、or the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games.2. In my opinion, you had better do some work at the weekends.3. He with our maths teacher about the solution to the problem.4. I buying a dishwasher spending hours at the kitchen sink.1.1 buy a dishwasher spend hours at the kitchen sink.6. She used to mess u

6、p the floor and I had to after hen7. Taking your age into account, you(不合适)this job.8. My mother doesnt allow me to wear short skirts to the church- she doesn,t thinkthey,re .二、交互学习Activity 1: Opening Page(3min)【小组讨论】Please look at the picture on p 11. Talk about what you see in the picture and try

7、toexpress your feeling and understanding about it with the quotation from Aristotle.请学生结合主题图和亚里士多德的名言,谈谈对图画的理解。【展示评析】请2-4个小组代表发言,并由其他小组对此进行质疑或补充。教师适时补充并引导学生进入单元主题。1 .风筝的寓意可以是希望和梦想。2 .手中的线可以是掌握在自己手中的信念。3 .线在手中,可以控制风筝,也就是说自己的梦想掌握在自己手中。风筝有线,而我们要把握梦想,需要好习惯的积累和努力奋斗的精神。Activity 2: Listening and Speaking(1

8、4min)1. Before listening: let students look at the pictures and read the questions. Then letthem predict the content of the conversations.2. While listening:CD Listen to the conversation 1 &2 for twice and finish the E1&2. Then check theanswers. Listen to the conversations for three times and finish

9、 the E3. Then check theanswers.3 After listening: Listen for more details and fill the blanks.Julie: Hi, Adam! Are you going to join a club?Adam: Hi, Julie!, but m not sure which one.Julie: I think I will join the Ballet Club.to be a dancer, and ballet hassuch beautiful movements.Adam: Oh, wow,一 ve

10、got two left feet! Mr Brown told me about theNature Club. They watch biology lectures and grow plants in a greenhouse. I likeanimals,.Julie: Did you hear about the Cartoon Club?Adam: Yes,! But what do they do in the club? Watch cartoons?Julie: No, they write stories and draw cartoons.Adam: Oh, no. B

11、esides,.Julie: Max is in the Volunteer Club- He says that they mostly help clean up parks andgive directions to visitors.? Let students imitate the speakers and find out the expressions about hobbyand suggestions.Activity 3: Making Dialogue(15min)1. Let students describe the picture and read the dia

12、logue in pairsWhat club willSam probably choose?Why?2. The teacher help students to summarize the phrases for preference andsuggestions.Like: I like/love/enjoy/prefer.m interested inm into.m fond of.m crazy aboutDislike: I dont like.I hate.Suggestion: I think you shouldWhy not.?You can try.You had b

13、etter.Maybe you could.3. Let students in pairs make a dialogue about which club you would like to chooseand give the reasons.【展示评析】请4-6对学生来表演对话,最后由其他学生来点评,教师总结。Activity 4: Pronunciation(8min)1、听录音,跟读、模仿活动1中字母组合的准确发音。2、教师引导学生进行总结,并写出更多含有这些字母组合并且发音相同的词,以起到巩固、强化的作用。3、听活动2的录音并跟读,然后结对朗读活动2中的谚语,并翻译成中文。Hom

14、ework: (20min)1、熟记谚语。2、完成配套作业本练习 Period 1 Listening&Speaking.第二课时【教学目标】1 .学生通过阅读,能够提取文章主要信息和相关细节。2 .能介绍Adam升入高中遇到的挑战,说明在遇到这些挑战时Adam的心态变化和应对办法,促进形成正确,积极的生活和学习态度。3 .推断出Adam的性格特点,借鉴别人处理问题的方法应对自己所面临的挑战。【时间预设】课内1课时加课前20分钟和课后20分钟【教学过程】一、先行学习课前请学生们用20分钟时间自行预习相关词汇,熟读课文并完成练习。1. What,s the main idea of the te

15、xt?The passage is mainly about.2. Adam felt at the beginning of his senior high.A. excited B. interested C. confused D. worried3. Who gave Adam advice on courses?A. parents B. the school adviser C. the coach D. classmates4. Hearing he was poor in playing football well, Adam.A. felt disappointed but went on with itB. left the football and joined a clubC. didn,t give up and tried to improveD. felt unhappy but signed up for a new team二、交互学习Activity 1: Brainstorm(3min)1. Let


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