3、同的光子具有不同的能量。同样的道理,电子在真空中的速度也是一样的;但是,不同的电子具有不同的能量。For example, photons travel the same speed in a vacuum; however, different photons havedifferent energies.By the same token, electrons have the same speed in a vacuum; however, different electronshave different energies.1洛伦兹力的内涵洛伦兹力是指运动于电磁场的带电粒子所受到的力。
4、洛伦兹力方程,可表达为:F = qE-(qp)(yB)其中,户,洛伦兹力,量纲,*I(1)丁 (-2);q,带电粒子的电荷量,量纲,;E ,电场强度,量纲,L(DT-2)5P,普朗克长度,量纲,5,带电粒子的速度,量纲,L71)T7-1)L1)(-1)5第一种内涵,正电荷感受到电场(E )的作用,正电荷将会朝着电场( )的方向加速。第二种内涵,正电荷感受到磁场(B)的作用,按照左手定则,正电荷会朝着垂直于速度(打)及磁场(8)的方向弯曲。根据左手定则,当四指指电流方向,磁感应线穿过手心时,大拇指方向就是洛伦兹力方向。第三种内涵,洛伦兹力方程的,夕*E,就是电场力,第四种内涵,()(x3),就是
5、磁场力。也就是说,处于磁场内的载电导线感受到的磁场力就是这洛伦兹力的磁场力分量。值得一提的是,洛伦兹力公式适用条件是:磁场是匀强磁场,R与B方向垂直)。从另一外角度来看,洛伦兹力方程的积分形式为:F = pEp(JB)pWV.其中,户,洛伦兹力,量纲,*1/(1)丁(-2)荷密o)r(-D;E ,电场强度,量纲,L(1)(-2)1/(1)丁(-1)L7DT-1)5 普朗克长度,量纲,;叫 微小体积元素,量纲,L73)(-1)L71)T7-3)L(3)(0)o若带电粒子射入匀强磁场内,其速度与磁场间夹角是,002j,则该粒子将作等距螺旋线运动(沿B方向的匀速直线运动及垂直于B的匀速圆周运动)。2
6、电荷及电场电场存在于电荷周围,是能够传递电荷与电荷之间相互作用的物理场。换句话说,在电荷的周围存在着由它产生的电场;同时电场对场中其它电荷也产生力的作用。相对于电荷静止时,观测者所观测到的场就称为静电场。当电荷相对于观察者运动时,则除静电场外,还可观测到磁场。An electric field exists around an electric charge and is a physical field capableof transferri ng charge-tcharge interactions. Tn other words, there i s an electricfield
7、 around the electric charge; at the same time, the electric field exerts a forceon the other electric charges in the field.The field observed by the observer when stationary relative to the charge is calledthe electrostatic field. When the charge moves relative to the observer, a magneticfield can b
8、e observed in addition to the electrostatic field.除了电荷可引起电场(静电场)外,变化的磁场也可引起电场(感应电场,涡旋电场)。变化的磁场也可引起电场。所以运动电荷(或电流之间)的作用要通过电场及磁场来传递。静电场是有源无旋场,电荷就是场源;而有旋电场是无源有旋场。磁体周围存在磁场,磁体之间的相互作用就是以磁场作为媒介的(两磁体不用接触就能发生作用)。In addition to electric fields (electrostatic fields) that can be induced byelectri c charges, cha
9、nging magnetic fields can al so induce electric f i el ds (inducedelectric fields, eddy electric fields) A changing magnetic fi eld can al so causean electric field. So the action of moving charges (or between currents) istransmitted through electric and magnetic fields.The electrostatic field is an
10、 active non-swirl field, and the charge is the sourceof the field; while the swirl electric field is a passive swirl field.There is a magnetic field around the magnet, and the interaction between the magnetsis mediated by the magnetic field (the two magnets can act without touching).从微观的角度来看,磁场是由运动电
11、荷(或电场变化)而产生的。运动电荷产生磁场的真正场源是运动电子(或质子)所产生的磁场。例如,电流所产生的磁场就是在导线中运动的电子所产生的磁场。From a microscopic point of view, magnetic fields are created by moving electriccharges (or changes in electric fields). The real source of the magnetic fieldproduced by the moving charges is the magnetic field produced by the m
12、oving electrons(or protons). For example, the magnetic field produced by an electric current isthe magnetic field produced by electrons moving in a wire.3暗物质暗物质不带荷,是宇宙的组成部分之一。暗物质是可以连续变化的物质;暗物质的密度较小,但由于数量庞大,其总质量很大。Dark matter has no charge and is one of the components of the universe. Dark matteris m
13、atter that can vary continuously; dark matter is less dense, but has a largetotal mass due to its large quantity.暗物质无法直接观测得到,但其能干扰星体发出的引力及光波。暗物质存在证据之一,来源于对球状星系旋转速度的观测。Dark matter cannot be directly observed, but it can interfere with the gravitationaland light waves emitted by stars- One of the evid
14、ences for the existence of darkmatter comes from observations of the rotational speed of spherical galaxies.值得注意的是,根据量子三维常数理论,物质的量纲,可表达为:量纲,*L6-m)T(-3+n);其中,,表达荷,具有信号速度;L6-m)T(-3+n),表达场,具有超距(纠缠)。It is worth noting that, according to the quantum three-dimensional constant theory,The dimension of matter can be expressed as:Dimension, *L(6-m)T(-3+n);in, expressing charge, with signal speed; (6-m)丁(-3+n), expressing field, with hyperdistance (entanglement).暗物质的量纲,可表达为:量纲,I(m)T(-n) *I (6-m) 丁(-3+n)