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1、Contents1.0 Assess the main features of managerial work and explain the main roles and activities ofmanagers within the organization22.0 Identify two ways that organizations can measure managerial performance. State how eachmeasure can be utilized to assess managerial performance22.1 employee motiva

2、tion and morale22.2 employee satisfaction33.0 identify and explain an appropriate behavioral theory of leadership and highlight itsapplication in the organization33.1 initiating structure33.2 Consideration (concern for people)44.0 identify and explain a contingency or transformational theory of lead

3、ership and highlight itsapplication in the organization44.1 Leadership styles44.2 Maturity levels4Question 5 for the organization, explain how theories of leadership can be used to improve theway in which a manager leads the staff.55.1 A leaders functions forachieving the task55.2 A leaders function

4、s fbr building and maintaining55.3 A leader,s functions fbrdeveloping individuals5Reference错误!未定义书签。5l0 Assess the main features of managerial work and explain the main roles andactivities of managers within the organizationLI Main features of managerial workManaging can be demonstrated the administ

5、ration of an organization, referring to theeffective use during the process in which the management level achieve their goalsthrough the combination of resources. Also, they attempt to maximize thecoordination of resources efficiently and effectively.12 Managerial activitiesFirst type of managerial

6、activity is planning, which is a necessary way to makedecisions to meet anticipated demand on a set of actions. In the case study ofStarbucks, CEO Mr. Howard Schultz, had made decisions about improving the salesof coffee for every Starbucks all over the world in the future to meet morecustomers dema

7、nds. Second is organizing and controlling, they are mainly pointingout the allocation of various resources and monitoring progress to ensure employeesalignment to take right actions. In Starbucks, Mr. Howard controls all of businessactivities in the entire organization.13 Managerial rolesThere are 1

8、0 management roles, which can be divided into three key points. First oneis the interpersonal roles including figurehead, leader, and liaison. In Starbucks, Mr.Howard is the CEO and he is primarily expected to provide strategies and guidanceboth the current situations and future plans for the team e

9、ven the entire organization.Second one is the the informational roles including Monitor roles, Disseminator rolesand Spokesperson, In Starbucks, Mr. William as the disseminator and spokesperson,finds information involving the organization inside and outside. In addition, SatyaNadella plays significa

10、nt roles on transmitting IT information to the organization.Third one is the decisional roles including resource allocator, disturbance handler,negotiator and entrepreneur. In Starbucks, Mr. Howard is a successful entrepreneur,seeking for new targets in the food market within the entire organization

11、.20 Identify two ways that organizations can measure managerial performance.State how each measure can be utilized to assess managerial performanceTwo ways can measure managerial performance in this report through theidentification the case of Starbucks company. One is employee motivation andmorale,

12、 and another is the employee satisfaction.21 employee motivation and moraleThe employee motivation and morale to the organization can be recognized one,sdirection to behavior, or what causes employees to want to repeat a behavior for theorganization. A motive to employees is what prompts he or she t

13、o act in a certain wayfor specific behavior. It is a kind of the strategy designed by company management toencourage employees operating projects well. Commonly, members, motivation andmorale may decide whether staff can accept organizational goals and adopt theorganizational environment.The employe

14、e motivation and morale of Starbucks are structured in a comfortablework environment. Managers in Starbucks, recognize every single employeesbirthday and send gifts for new babies and weddings. Involving in employees, lives tomake them feel valued as family members within the company. It quite can m

15、otivatestaff.2.2 employee satisfactionEmployee satisfaction refers to the degree to which content or satisfied employees arewith their jobs. It can measure how a company supplies the employee benefits orwelfare and whether all of these can meet or surpass employees expectation.Employee satisfaction

16、can affect the management effectiveness in many ways. If thecompany get hang of the higher employee satisfaction, the projects assigned by themanagers can complete quickly and efficiently.In the case study of Starbucks, as for those talented and motivated employees whoexpect more from companies. Starbucks uses a diff


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