An Analysis of PolysemyFrom the Angle of Cognitive Context 优秀专业论文.docx

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1、An Analysis of Polysemy From the Angle of Cognitive ContextAbstract: With the further development of cognitive linguistics, cognitive contexthas been gradually researched. The first scholars to study context from the cognitiveperspective were Dan Sparer and Deidre Wilson. These two scholars refer to

2、cognitive environmentl in their work Relevance: Communication and Cognition.This view is the first study for cognitive context. Xukuihua gives a definition ofcognitive context: cognitive context is the cognition of human brain understanding.Linguistic context, situational context and cultural contex

3、t are the specific forms ofcognitive context in the real worldAny word, once out of context, can only expressabstract semantic/3 Therefore, in interpersonal situation, olicemen meaningdepend on the context. If people understand a word in isolation without context, itshard to avoid mistake. As a resu

4、lt of this, cognitive context can effectively solve thisproblem.Therefore, the purpose of this thesis is to analyze politely from the perspectiveof cognitive context so as to give the readers a better understanding of the cognitivecontext. Meanwhile, the readers will realize the importance of cognit

5、ive contextwhich can help them communicate much more smoothly. Cognitive context canspecify clear and infer semantic meaning and add to the research value forcommunication.Keywords: Cognitive context, Politely, utterance meaning摘要:随着认知语言学的进一步发展,认知语境已逐渐被人们所研究。最早从认知角度来解读语境的学者是Dan Sparer和Deidre Wilsoo两

6、位学者在其论著关联性:交际与认知中提到“cognitive environment”,为研究认知语境开了先河。许葵花在其著作认知语境语义阐释功能的实证研究中给认知语境定义为“认知语境是人脑理解范围内有组织的认知化。语言语境、情景语境和文化语境是认知语境在真实世界的具体表现形式。”“任何一句话,一旦脱离语境,就只能表达抽象的语义。”因此,在人际交往中,多义词的词义只能靠语境才能确定,离开语境孤立地看一个词,难免产生错误。而认知语境可以有效地解决这一问题。因此,本文的写作目的是从认知语境角度分析多义词,从而让读者可以对认知语境有更好的理解。同时,既能帮助人们进行更为顺畅的交际,也意在让读者意识到认

7、知语境的重要性。认知语境可以明确和推断语义,从而对交际有研究意义。关键词:认知语境多义词话语意义I IntroductionSince Malinowski, a famous Polish anthropologist, proposed the term “context” in1923,a lot of the scholars both at home and abroad have already made some greatachievements on the study of context from different viewpoints, such as Firth,H

8、ymens, Holliday etc. in the field of foreign linguistics, andChinwangtao ,WangDechun, HeZhaoxiong and XiongXueliang in the field ofdomestic linguistics. Sperber and Wilson put forward to Relevance Theory. With thedevelopment of linguistics, context has become a popular field to study- And cognitivec

9、ontext as the new study part has played an important role in linguistics. Besides, inpeople daily communication, cognitive context is very helpful for people tounderstand each other. No sentence can be rightly understood without cognitivecontext. This thesis will explain and analyze cognitive contex

10、t in detail andsynthetically.II the Development and Effect of Cognitive Context2.1 The concept of Cognitive Context2.1.1 CognitiveEnvironment by Dan Sparer and Deirdre WilsonIn their book Relevance: communication and cognition, Sparer & Wilson firstput forward from the cognitive perspective view of

11、the context. They put forward theconcept of Cognitive environment: 4A persons total cognitive environment is he canperceive or infer that all the facts of the collection of these facts are made manifest forhime A persons total cognitive environment is the cognitive ability and the place ofphysical e

12、nvironments.4 ln their opinion, Context is a psychology construct, asuppose of hearer to the world. It is these supposes instead of the worlds actual stateaffect the understanding of an utterance.” The definition of Sparer & Wilson is basedon peoplels psychological reality, to overcome the physical

13、world to the limit.Sparer and Wilson also propose another cognitive term-cognitive environment.With respect to cognitive environment, they remark:An individuas total cognitive environment is the set of all the facts that he canperceive or infer: all the facts that are manifest to him. And also it is

14、 a function of hisphysical environment and his cognitive abilities. It consists of not only all the factsthat he is aware of but also all the facts that he is capable of becoming aware of, in hisphysical environment.6Although they dont give the technical term, cognitive context, theirunderstanding o

15、f cognitive environment is a great progress of understanding cognitivecontext in the history.2.1.2 The Context Theory by He HoaxingHe hoaxing believes that meaning and context are two basic concepts inpragmatics study, which are very important in linguistics. Such as “Here is so hot”.Traditional sem

16、anticist would make a conclusion that Its high temperature here”While they see the sentence. However, pragmatic scientists say that there are deeperlevels of pragmatic meaning in this sentence, such as the speaker identity, pragmaticpurpose and so on. Therefore, He Hoaxing thinks that “Apart from making clear aword,


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