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1、此文档为【大英2】复习资料考试范围:L听力:1-8 单元的(News report 3 ;Conversation 2 ; Passage 2)2 .词汇:1-6单元的(课后练习LanguageFocus中第一题)3 .完形填空:1-6单元的(Reading inDepth)4 .阅读理解:1-4单元的(Guidedreading 和 Timed reading 1)大学英语II期末网络化考试说.(窗而版)一、考试时间:16周周日(2021年6月2乙旦)全天考试时间60分钟,具体考试时间及考场安排请让学生于m周在信息科技学院校园网上查询,或等待教务发送给辅导员的考试相关信息二、课号 I04BG

2、002-0131 (2020 级非艺术类专业)及 I04BGJ20 0101 (2018级非艺术专升本)的正修及跟班页修学生需持三证(学生证、身份证、一卡通)进入考场,并按照考场安排的座拉号对号入座。三、考试成绩总分为100分。四、考试题型和范围:I.听力(选择题,每小题2分,共共分)大学英语听说教衿2(听力深教材 l nil18Listen to ShareListen to Communicateonversaton 2| 新闻:一篇,共3道题rcpor 3)(来源于1-8单元中的(来源于1-8单元中的Passage 2 )K i (来源 1-8 单元中的 Listen to I lcrs

3、tand“长对话:篇H.词汇:(选择题,每小题2分,共40分)八.t 谀后约习21世纪大学英语应用型综合教程2 (4写课教材)Mi 保J院LLnuMEc Frcuy 中的 笫1题720庇词汇语法选择瓯J111.完型填空(选择题,每小题2分,共2U分)皿7超世纪大学英借应用型综合教科2 (读.胃课教材)Unit 1-6 I、,A味灯-2Reading in Depthio 个空,Mided(选择题,每小题装语长生国法、2分,共2。分)tlu 落匹直题部分.每单元前两篇(印听力一)Unit3(new report 3)1. What does the study show about Genera

4、tion Y?A.They occupy over a third of the Indian workforce.B.They are graduates from top colleges.C.They are keen on starting their own business.D.They love work of designing fashionable clothes.2. What is the characteristic of Generation X, according to the study?A.They love fashion and new technolo

5、gy.B.They think highly of qualification, loyalty and education.C.They lay stress on gaining knowledge and loyalty.D.They think getting more money is important.3. What is important for Generation Y, according to the news report?A.Qualification, loyalty and education.B.Face-to-face communication.C.Gai

6、ning knowledge and loyalty.D.Growth and learning opportunities.Unit4(new report 3)1. What,s the news report mainly about?A.Changes in romantic relationships.B.Development of the Internet.C.Changes in the ways of dating.D.Development in smartphones2. Which of the following was a common way to find a

7、partner in the US in 1940?A.Through friends-B.Through family connections.C.Through schoolmates.D.Through neighbors.3. When had the Internet changed the way people got together?A.By 1980.B.By 1990.C.By 2000.D.By 2013.Unit5(new report 3)1. What was once used as money in American prisons?A.SoupB.Noodle

8、s.C.Cigarettes.D.Fruits.2. What do the prisoners use ramen to do?A.Smuggle cigarettes in the black market.B.Hire services from other prisoners.C.Exchange it for money.D.Bribe the cook.3. Why is ramen replacing traditional cigarettes as money in American prisons?A.It is cheap and easier to get.8.1 t

9、is valuable and difficult to get.C.It is healthier than cigarettes.D.It is more delicious than other food.Unit6(new report 3)1. Which aspect does the Teach Less, Learn More” policy tend to improve?A.Reading.B.Mathematics.C.Science.D.Innovation.2. What are the signs of success in students for the pol

10、icy?A.They are more confident in engaging in class discussion-B.They are showing greater academic excellence in the classroom.C.They are getting the admittance to top universitiesD.Many of them have succeeded in school.3. What are the signs of success in teachers for the policy?A.They donrt ask stud

11、ents to memorize things for the examinations.B.They have reduced course content in most classes.C.They are showing increased levels of innovation in the classroom.D.They donlt push students to go to top universities.Unit7(new report 3)1. What do one third of young Japanese women want to do?A.Go out

12、to work.B.Be a full-time housewife.C.Take a part-time job.D.Be a working mother.2. Whatrs the experts1 argument about women?A.They need more education.B.They need better-paid jobs.C.They face social pressuresD.They may rescue Japanrs economy.3. What do younger women tend to look fbr?A. A rich husban

13、d.B.A well-paid job-C.A stable lifestyle.D.A high standard of living.Unit8(new report 3)1. What is the news report mainly about?A.Netizensf reactions to Vietnamrs dog meat markets.B.Netizens, reactions to a girl weeping next to a dead dog.C.Netizens, reactions to people of South Korea eating dog mea

14、t-D.Netizensf reactions to missing dogs in Asian countries.2. What do we know about the dog in the picture?A.It was beaten by the girLB.It was adopted by the girl.C.It was missing.D.It was killed.3. What is the influence of the picture?A.The dog meat market in South Korea was closed down.B.The deman

15、d for dog meat fell in many Asian countries.C.Many people called for a ban on the consumption of dog meat.D.The largest dog meat restaurant in Vietnam was closed down.听力(二)Unit3(conversation 2)1. What is Michaes problem?A.He has difficulty in graduating from high schoolB.He wants to go to university but can,t afford itC.He can,t decide on taking a gap year or going to university.D.He is not sure what major can help him to get a good job.2. What is Mich


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