《医院设计作品图集-01-Angdong Hospital Project.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《医院设计作品图集-01-Angdong Hospital Project.docx(19页珍藏版)》请在第一文库网上搜索。
6 T77IIAW1MDH40 WINi%!昂卜,X,JVj “睡BC,eMLseraftAiMMMH i1!LM,a aaWB T41M 上.1MV, .AK.,.,SrW s】JJ二 ,律lJh99F199l11MIHM1 iPHASING STRATEGY1. The old hospital building had no lift.Patients had to be carried up the stairson their relatives* backs.2. The new hospital was builtaround the old building. The oldbuilding continued to function duringconstruction.3. The old building v/as demolishedand replaced by a public courtyardand ramp, allowing patients onwheelchairs to access the upperfloors.