英汉礼貌用语对比研究 优秀专业论文.docx

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2、文化中通常被认为是有礼貌的,而在英国文化中经常被认为是侵犯个人隐私的行为;说英语国家的人在谈及年龄,收入,婚姻状况等时,表现较为间接,而在中国文化中,人们谈论这些话题时却比较直接。在跨文化交际中,礼貌表现形式的差异归根于交际者所处文化背景的不同。本论文从礼貌原则的角度分析英汉礼貌用语在称呼语、社交应酬语、日常寒暄语、谦逊与客套、委婉语等方面的语用差异,从而进一步表明礼貌用语的差异性在跨文化交际中所具有的重要意义。关键词:英汉礼貌用语,语用差异,对比Abstract:Huge difference in both English and Chinese culture, leading to t

3、hepoliteness of language differences had an impact on cross-culturalcommunication. Generally speaking, politeness has its binding effect onevery member of the society, which plays a crucial role in helpingestablish, maintain friendly interpersonal relationship and facilitate socialinteractions. Ling

4、uistic politeness is a vehicle for the maintenance ofsocial equilibrium, therefore the appropriate use of politeness forms willmake communication successful.Inspired by numbers of original studies on politeness and motivatedby the concern for the issue of politeness, the author intends to make acont

5、rastive study on politeness in English and Chinese culture and pointout some distinctive features carried in English and Chinese politeness,which might be simply grouped as follow: assertiveness &non-assertiveness, directness & indirectness, modesty &self-denigration, and privacy & attitudinal warmt

6、h. In order to explainthese distinctive features carried in English and Chinese politeness,cultural values and patterns of thought are explored.In this thesis, from the perspective of politeness principle pragmaticsof politeness in the salutation, social activities, language, daily greetings,modesty

7、 and courtesy, euphemisms such as differences in polite terms tofurther show that differences in cross-cultural communication has animportant significance.Key words: Politeness, pragmatics difference, comparisonIntroductionLanguage and culture are inseparable, and the language is the carrierof cultu

8、re and communication tool, which records the history of thedevelopment of human culture, reflecting the outcome of the progress ofsocial civilization. Due to the different English Chinese historical andcultural background, geographic environment and way of thinking, reflecton the language there is a

9、 big difference.Courtesy is an important part of human language, a symbol ofhuman civilization, we will inevitably have to use polite language in dailycommunication. For some linguists, all the conflicts and struggles of thehuman society, including political differences and disputes are due toimprop

10、er use of language, which leads to misunderstandings caused bythe people. Although this argument is a bit extreme, but illustrates theimportance of politeness in language use. For a long time, polite languageis a language learning and sociolinguistics to explore traditional topics,many of the result

11、s of this research. In the 1950s, the American scholar E.Goffman, from a sociological point of view the behavior theory of theface initial courtesy,. According to his explanation, the face and“embarrassed“,“shame or losing face“ sort of feelings related to theconcept. People tend to be in communicat

12、ion “give face, fclose fce and“save face, so people have to learn to use polite language.1.Literature reviewIn 1987, the British scholar P. Brown and S. Levinson published anarticle entitled “the application of a common phenomenon in language:Politeness Phenomena, polite in the face for the first ti

13、me the systemdiscussion, thus causing a great concern of linguistics. It is divided into apositive face and negative face two kinds: the former refers to people,sexpectations of their own behavior, thinking to get recognition andappreciation of the latter refers to communicative activities in their

14、ownfreedom is inviolable. In this way, courtesy along with it divided intopositive politeness and negative politeness.Lakoff (1973) holds the view that politeness is a device used in orderto reduce friction in personal interaction.Leech (1983) interprets politeness as forms of behavior aimed at thee

15、stablishment and maintenance of comity, i.e., the ability of participantsin a socio-communicative interaction to engage in interaction in anatmosphere of relative harmony.In the 1980s, the British linguist G. Leech,s point of view from thepragmatics of politeness principle in communicative activitie

16、s tore-induction and classification, and that the politeness principle by decent,generous praise, modest, consistent and constitute six criteria, such assympathy. Leech,s politeness principle of attention to themselves andrespect for others, a combination of both, more in line with the nature ofverbal communic


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