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1、加拿大简单的留学申请书如果没有找到您想要的内容,点击“怎么写申请书察看更多加拿大简单的留学申请书Dear 一Acclaimed as a prodigy, I entered into one of Chinas Ivy Leagueuniversities at 14 and joined the countrys topmost scientific researchinstitution as a graduate student at 19, Now an experienced engineer at26, I would like to scale still higher int

2、ellectual heights by undertakingadvanced studies that I hope would put me firmly on the cutting edge ofscientific development.I have demonstrated a keen mind since my early childhood. Foryears, I consistently outperformed all of my classmates in suchchallenging subjects as mathematics, physics and c

3、hemistry. I was thuschosen to represent either my school or my city in a variety of provincialand national contests of academic skills, in which I won numerous prizes.This impressive academic record put me on academic accelerationseveral times. That not only enabled me to finish my primary andsecond

4、ary education in eight instead of the usual twelve years but alsosent me at 14 to a privileged class for the gifted at the Chinese Universityof Science and Technology, a major cradle of the countrys scientific andtechnological talents.After two years of basic training in the gifted class, I choseele

5、ctrical engineering as my major and computer software programmingas my minor; convinced that expertise in these fields would stand me ingood stead in an era of Chinas rapid economic expansion andtechnological modernization. As you can see from the transcripts of myundergraduate grades, I excelled in

6、 both of these areas.Upon graduation in 1991, I won easy acceptance into the Instituteof Electronics under the Chinese Academy of Sciences and became agraduate student at 19, when most Chinese students would be juststarting their university education. At this institute, I narrowed myacademic interes

7、t down and focused it on the area of human andartificial intelligence, where the courses I took were deliberatelyconcentrated. It seemed to me that scientific breakthroughs would nextcome in this area, which made it both challenging and promising. Ilearned a whole lot about this area in the course i

8、f doing my thesis titled“The Radio Shunting System in Railroad”, for which some experimentswere conducted on the basis of artificial intelligence.My solid education paid off in my ability to take on a variety ofresponsibilities in Chinas burgeoning software industry. After I obtainedmy Masters Degre

9、e in Engineering in 1994, I first took up a job with atelecommunication company, where I managed a trunk communicationsystem that resembled the cellular wireless system. A year later; I joineda software company to develop CMIS program for Chinas Post andTelecommunications Ministry. It was a large pr

10、oject, and I made crucialcontribution to it by independently developing and finalizing onesubsystem, which proved to be a significant success and won me profuseappreciation from users. After the completion of that project, I havebeen working for the Japan Brother Ltd. in the area of softwaredevelopm

11、ent.The relative smooth path of my career notwithstanding, I have nothad a chance to lead a major project, although I have always finished mypart of every project immaculately. In spite of all my achievements, I feelthat I have not taken the full advantages of my intellectual capabilities. Inow wish

12、 to pursue still more advanced studies and thereby obtain anadvanced degree so that I can open more doors and shoulder greaterresponsibilities.I believe I have acquired the necessary theoretical framework andsufficient practical experience for further studies. My ability to teachmyself and conduct i

13、ndependent research allows me to attaincompetence quickly in areas that I may at first know very little about. Inever work just to finish an assignment, but instead I always tryconscientiously to improve my knowledge and expertise through thework I do. In this fashion, I have become seasoned in such

14、 fields astrunking system (telecommunications) and CMIS system (software). Thisquality should help me as I seek to further upgrade my education,particularly if I have ready access to the seasoned guidance of a strongfaculty and the convenience of state-of-the-art research facilities.The University o

15、f Idaho is well known for its excellence in the E. Efield, complete with an accomplished faculty and modern researchresources. These should set a good stage for me to exercise my keenmental power and diligence. If I am accepted, I am confident that I canmake quick progress in the E. E field, especia

16、lly in the areas of artificialintelligence, image processing, wireless communication, neural networkand computer networking, which have many characteristics in commonand share many important principles. Due to the broad applications ofthese technologies, I believe the progress we make in these areas willhelp shape the future of the mank


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