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1、加拿大留学大学生申请文书加拿大留学大学生申请文书DearI have always had a fascination with the archaeological world.Archaeology provides me with the opportunity to question how myancestors lived, worked, survived and created what is now the worldtoday. My interest in learning about humanitys past arose from when Iwas a child

2、, where I was captivated with artifacts in museums. Itprovided a forum which was to my imagination and introduced me toexperimental archaeology.As I have matured, my enthusiasm and excitement for archaeologyhas grown after visits to Chester and York, where I was able to appreciatenot only the archae

3、ological artifacts found in these places, but also themagnificence of the standing buildings that remain today. This lead to aparticular interest and eagerness to learn more about the ways ofeveryday life for the people living in the ancient world, in particular theRoman Empire.My A-1 eve I study of

4、 archaeology has demonstrated mycommitment to learning techniques, methods and theories needed toengage in effective research, excavations, delicacy and preservation ofartifacts. Reading books such as Archaeology is Rubbish, by TonyRobinson and Excavation by Steve Roskams has continued my studies.Th

5、ese books have provided me with extra knowledge of how to deal withspecialist sites, such as waterlogged and underwater excavations.Additionally, they have developed my understanding of techniques usedby archaeologists to gain the most accurate results when reconstructingthe past.A-Level Religion an

6、d Philosophy has extended my knowledge ofarchaeological aspects such as Roman religion and ritual. Moreover;geology has developed my understanding of how geological features canimpact the landscape, which is essential for desktop archaeology andinvestigating settlement. Geology has also increased my

7、 ability to dateand provide a location as to where certain artifacts may have come from.I have experienced hands on archaeology at the Dig centre in York. Thisdeveloped my practical methods of excavation and interpretation ofartifacts. The zDig, centre gave me the opportunity to familiarise myselfwi

8、th animal bones and how they can be used to help archaeologists inrecreating the past.I have a particular interest for many sports including, karate, rugbyand athletics. My commitment to Karate has earned me the rank of 1stDan black belt, which has qualified me for the teaching of the subject,and gi

9、ven me effective leadership qualities. Similarly in rugby, I am in theprocess of becoming a qualified referee. This has been a valuableexperience as it has developed my team leading, and team work skills.My extensive work within the college has gained me a position onthe college council as enrichmen

10、t representative; where I have broughtthe students and staff closer together. Subsequently, the responsibilityand trust placed in me to do this job has provided me with excellentcommunication and organization skills. Furthermore, as illustrated above,I am a conscientious, hardworking student and l,m

11、 more than willing toaccept and overcome new challenges that I may face during a place athigher education.Yours sincerely,怎样快速适应加拿大留学新生活一、管理时间在加拿大的学习,是一个人的旅途,没有家长和老师对你进行管教,除了上课之外,所有的时间都是自由的,这时候如果没有很好的支配自己的时间,将会带来很不利的影响。对自己的时间要有短期和长期的规划,虽然不需要严格到每个小时,但是大家需要为自己明确目标,而且制定实行的大致时间,让自己有一点压力,完成应该要完成的任务,才可以利用




15、空间,是21世纪的热门职业。加拿大的教育体系特别完善,加拿大的心理学专业教学水平先进,是炙手可热的专业。不过心理学同时波及一些理科知识,对于文科生来说,学习略显吃力。2、教育学教育学是就业前景的十大专业之一,加拿大的教育学专业也一直是较为热门的一个文科类专业。教育学专业波及教育学、幼儿教育、教育管理、特殊教育等领域。在加拿大,教师是稀缺职位,不过你的英语水平必须要足够高,才能更轻松的在加拿大找到工作哦。3、传媒学相比国内的教育,加拿大的传媒更具优势。加拿大的传媒专业设置齐全、教育理念先进、教学方式完善,且更具国际化氛围。传媒是很多文科生热衷的专业,所以要求也相对较高。就业形势一片大好,传媒类专业会细分几个方向,学生毕业后会从事新闻、营销广告、大众传媒、媒体发布、创造表演等几个类别。4、政治与国际关系国际关系专业关注研究冲突与和平、贫困和财富、自由和压迫等全球化问题的起因、后果、解决方案以及各个国家、国际组织之间在经济、政治、军事、文化上的交流。5、视觉艺术与表演艺术视觉艺术与表演艺术是两个很大的艺术范围。视觉艺术囊括图形艺术(Graphics Art)和艺术(Fine Art)两大类。6、社会学社会学是研究社会和人的行为的学科。社会上的一切事情都可以从


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