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1、加拿大留学商科专业申请书加拿大是一个安全、公正和热爱和平的国家。90年代以来,加拿大的犯罪率逐年稳步下降。1997年,距加拿大警方报道,犯罪率已连续五年下降,下降率为5%o这里给大家分享一些加拿大留学商科专业申请书,欢迎阅读!加拿大留学商科专业申请书Dear 一An experienced engineer of security printing with Chinas CentralBank, I now would like to scale higher intellectual heights by pursuing Ph.D. studies in mechanical engin

2、eering at your university. I believe that mystrong background in CAD has adequately prepared me to embark onthis endeavor.I have been working since 1996 for the Peoples Bank of China, aChinese version of the Federal Reserve, at its unique research institute ofsecurity printing, with the responsibili

3、ty of designing the Chinesecurrency and the machinery to produce it. By engaging me in a variety ofprojects, the job afforded me ample exposure to cutting-edgedevelopments in computer technologies, particularly in CAD software. Ihave, for example, recently redeveloped a purchased CAD (ComputerAided

4、Design) software to make it more suitable for our own purposes.By adding our own partsubassembly to the database and make our owndrawing criteria, we have achieved dramatically better efficiency.My job performance, which has won me professional respect fromall of my colleagues, was achieved thanks t

5、o the strong background Iacquired as a student in computer science. My undergraduate GPAranked first among the 63 students of classmates in mechanicaldepartment, for which I was awarded first-class and second-class prizesmany times. My graduate GPA ranked among the top 4% of the 105students in my ye

6、ar, which won me the “San Hao scholarship every yearduring the three years of my graduate studies.Unlike many other Chinese students, who are content withperforming well in exams, I made a point of learning through my ownhands-on experiences. In the Masters program at the Beijing Institute ofPrintin

7、g, I gained an in-depth understanding of artificial intelligence,including expert system and genetic algorithm, especially in neuralnetwork. For my thesis, I programmed a multi-level BP neural networkwith C language to analyze my mathematical model, and applied much ofmy knowledge in optimization. I

8、 thus became able to program with ahost of different computer languages, especially C+, with which I helpedmy graduate advisor to design a paper-cutting machine. To analyze themechanism statically and dynamically, I programmed a software systemto analyze and emulate it on screen. In undergraduate st

9、udies, I hadoften programmed with Fortran77 and the Basic language.Upon the completion of my Masters studies, I easily passed thedoctoral record examination in CADCAM of Beijing University, one f thetop universities in China. But I gave up the opportunity in order to gainmore practical experience in

10、 the industry. The decision proved to be right,as it guaranteed me better access to sophisticated facilities, such asstate-of-the-art personal computers. With the Peoples Bank of China, Ihave thus accumulated solid expertise in many kinds of operating andapplication software systems, particularly in

11、 CAD. I now have a firm gripon the latest developments in computer science in China.The challenges I met and the successes I achieved at the PeoplesBank have not only endowed me with confidence but also fired off mydesire to further improve myself. I have enjoyed high-quality andefficient production

12、 with the use of a kind of PC-based CAD software,MDT, developed by Autodesk Corporation. I now have a dream: someday, every person can design his favorite product with some sort of CADsoftware, and then search for an ideal factory over high-speed internetits production; and the factory will put spec

13、ifications of the product, as ithas received them via the high-speed internet into its CIMSz and outpops the product, as designed, at the end of the factorys production line.It is a beautiful dream for every engineer, but many difficulties the speedof data-transfer and how to manage the product data

14、 among CAD, CAM,CAPP and CAE systems. These questions are fascinating, and I would liketo come up with my own answers to them.To prepare myself for advanced studies in your country, I havepersisted in improving my English proficiency. As demonstrated by myscore of 700 (96%) in the verbal section of

15、GRE, I now have an adequatecommand of English for undertaking graduate studies in your program.After carefully comparing the strengths of many universities, I findMercy University particularly suited for my purpose. It has got the bestcombination of quality faculty, many state-of-the-art facilities,

16、 and anintriguing academic environment. Currently, China still lags significantlybehind Western countries in mechanical engineering. I hope that, with afew years of graduate studies under your seasoned guidance, I will beable to return to my motherland and help bring mechanical engineeringin my country to international standards.Alth


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