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1、中外合作办学协议建立XXXX国际合作联合XX的协议(模版)Agreement on Establishment ofInternational Joint Xxxxon xxxx协议双方和签订地点Parties and Signing Place本协议由xxxx (中方单位名称、缩写)和xxxx (英方单位名称、缩写)于xxxx (地点)签署,旨在建立xxxx国际合作联合XX。This agreement is signed by and between xxxx (Institution in Chinese side, Abbreviation) and xxx(Foreign insti

2、tution as the partner, Abbreviation) in xxxx (Venue), for the establishment ofInternational Joint Xxxxon xxxx.总则Preamble1 .联合XX成立的目的和任务1. Objectives and Tasks of the Joint LaboratoryLI联合xx成立的目的1.1 Objectives1.2 联合xx成立的任务1.3 Tasks2.联合xx研究领域2. Research Areas of the Joint Laboratory2.1 领域一2.2 Area I2.3

3、 领域二2.4 Area II2.5 领域三2.6 Area III3.联合xx的组织机构及中外方主任3. Organizational Structures and Directors of the Joint Xxxxin both sides4. 其它事项,如联合xx成立背景、成立期限、组织形式等需要说明的问题。4. Others正文Terms1 .计划合作研究项目(包括由双方政府、团体和基金会共同资助的国际合作项目、针对某一课题的研究项目和由双方各自大学资助的短期交流合作项目)1. Collaborative Projects in Plan (This part includes t

4、he international cooperation projects funded bygovernments, societies and foundations of both countries as well as specific research projects and short-term projects funded by both universities.)1.1 项目一1.2 Project I1.3 项目二1.4 Project II1.5 项目三1.6 Project III2. 教师交流互访3. Staff Exchange and Mutual Visi

5、t3.学生交换和人才培养(人才培养相关协议,学生联合培养和授予学位等)4. Students Exchange and Training (Agreements of joint training and degree granting)5. 管理条例(如已具备,可视实际情况填写)6. Administration (State accordingly if available)5.其它条款(如知识产权、经费、协议的修改与终止和其它需要说明的事项)7. Other rules (intellectual property rights, funding, the modifications a

6、nd termination of theagreement)落款Signatures中方代表、单位、联系信息外方代表、单位、联系信息Signed by _ (Representative) for and onSigned by _ (Representative) for and onbehalf of(the organization of the representative)Positionbehalf of(the organization of therepresentative)PositionContact infoContact infoSigning placeSigni

7、ng dateSigning placeSigning date注:1 .本协议适用于校校之间、XX与XX之间签署专门针对共建联合XX的合作协议框架。2 .若中外双方未签署专门针对共建国际合作联合XX的合作协议,但在双方已签署的合作协议中有明确条目指出共建联合XX的,该合作协议也可视为有效,但须在申请立项之前签署针对共建国际合作联合XX的专门合作协议。3 .校级之间和之间的协议内容可根据需要在本框架内进行调整。The parties of the agreement could be:1. The agreement is applicable to the signing of the co

8、operation agreement on establishment ofinternational joint xxxxbetween universities and laboratories.2. If there is no such a cooperation agreement specifically for the joint laboratory, but a clear article orclause that elucidates the joint lab in the cooperation agreement signed previously, this agreement can beconsidered valid, but it is suggested that the two parlies sign an agreement specially for the jointxxxxbefore it applies for the intemational joint xxxxunder MOE.3. The agreement between universities and laboratories can be adjusted accordingly based on this sampleagreement.


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