名师教学设计《Unit12 Holidays》教学案例示范教学教案.docx

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1、Wnitl2 Holidays教学案例Teaching aims:1 .知识目标::Enable the students to master the new words and the sentencepattern.2 .能力目标: Make the students can make up some new dialogues, develop theabilities of communicating with others and expressing in English.3T青感 目标:Help the students to develop a positive attitud

2、e towards life.Key points and difficult points:1 .Key points : How to remmember the new words and the sentence pattern.2 .Difficult points: How to improve the students5 abilities of understanding andexpressing.Teaching aids: multimediaTeaching methods:LCommunicative language teaching method2Scene-ac

3、tivity teaching methodTeaching procedures:Step L Warming up and revision(Suppose there will be a holiday in the following days.)T: Well, you look happy and excited these days.why?Ss: Because the holiday is coming.T:Do you want to have a nice holiday?Ss: Of courseT: I have lots of new and good ideas

4、for a nice holiday-step 2 PresentationL Listen to the tape, then answer some questions with the informationyou hear.How many people are there in the dialogue?What are they going to do?2 Listen to the tape for a second time and check your answers. Thenlisten again and repeat sentence by sentence- (Fo

5、cus on the studentspronunciation and intonation)3. New words: happy, plan, fun, flower, sweet, dear, Mother, s Day4 Retell what these people like doing during holidays in your own wordswith the help of the information above.Step3 Consolidation (Pair-work)1Show some public holidays in both China and

6、Western countries (Forexample, Spring Festival, Christmas Day, Mid-autumn Festival,Unitl2 HolidaysNew words:1. happy 2. plan 3. flower4. sweet 5.dear 6 funSentence patternA: What do you like doing during Spring Festival?B: I like A: Do you like-?B: No, I don, t like but I likeReflection after teachi

7、ng (教学反思)本节课我将课本里的一些活动整合或提前,不拘泥于课本,目的是尽量创设贴近生活的情景,进一步提高学生的口头表达能力,并通过一些跨文化信息激发学生的兴趣,让学生感受到学习英语和合作学习的乐趣。在输入文化信息的时候,充分地利用了幻灯片资料。通过游戏和竞赛的形式进行反复操练,教学形式具有趣味性和多样性,让学生在轻松愉快的环境中合作学习语言,激发学生的参与性,扩大参与面,使更多的学生开口说英语,同时也极大的调动学生学习的积极性。由于个别学生英语基础部不扎实,在学生自编对话小组活动中,有的学生不敢表达自己的看法,今后还应该多鼓励。同时注重文化意识的渗透,使学生在学习英语的同时,感知异域文化,拓宽视野。3


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