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1、联合培养邀请函模板篇一:哈尔滨工业大学公派联合培养博士研究生邀请信模板Dear Professor USEPPE A.FABRIZIO:My name is I am majoring in I have been a Ph. D.candidate since September of this year at Harbin Institute ofTechnology (HIT), whh was founded in 1920.HIT is recognized as one of the nine multi-disciplinary research-oriented univers

2、ities in China.Now I have an opportunity to be selected as a VISITING STUDENT byChina Scholarship Council (CSC) to continue my Ph. D.research at one of the world-class universities.Therefore, I am searching for a worldwide famous university as anECHANGE STUDENT for about 1 or 2 years.I got to know y

3、ou from your outstanding academ writing titled“High Frequency Over-The-Horizon Radarv whh was published in 20 andyour ecellent academ paper “Robust Adaptive Beamforming for I IF SurfaceWave Over-The-Horizon Radar” .Since I've been pursuing my Ph.D.degree in the School of Electrons and Informatio

4、n Enneeringfocusing mainly on High Frequency Surface Wave Radar, my researchinterest lies in array signal processing of HF radar, especially about(1) adaptive beamforming under strong ionospher clutter, (2) space-timeadaptive processing techniques in clutter mitigation and (3) parameterestimation as

5、 well as target detection.The most eciting thing is that your research area is closelyrelated with mine, and your prestious academ performance, not onlyreflects in your book but also shines in your papers.I really think that your ecellent research would definitely help me.It would be my great honor

6、if I have the chance to fulfill part ofmy Ph. D.research under your supervision for I feel as if I could benefit alot from you.Recent years, the Chinese government has been encourang Ph. D.candidates to conduct their academ research abroad.Our government will pay suffient living epenses for me while

7、 duringmy stay.Thus I have no epectation of a salary while I am studying at youruniversity.Hence, I really reciate the opportunity to partipate in youroutstanding research team under your guidance to continue my researchcareer.Therefore, I could not help writing this email to inquire whetheran open

8、position as a visiting Ph.D.student is available starting September 20.The CSC program runs like this: Students must acquire an OFFIALINVITATION LETTER from the prospective tutor or university.Therefore, all I need is an offial invitation letter from you.The date of eollment l'm considering is S

9、eptember 20.In order to make sure I can meet the program deadline net year, Ihave to prepare all the lation materials (including your offialinvitation letter) before the end of February 20.My CV is attached.I hope to hear from you about the possibility of becoming a studentof yours.Best regards1篇二:【

10、经验】申请联合培养博士出国(自荐信模版)【经验】申请联合培养博士出国(增加自荐信模版)作者:jiangtaojnu (站内联系 TA)发布:207-01T6我刚刚申请了联合培养博士出国,而且拿到了美国麻省理工的邀请函,算是非常幸运了。现在跟大家交流一下我申请时候的经验。开始跟导师联系,信中简单介绍了自己及研究情况。然后提出我们国家有一项政策,可以资助生活费和差旅费,供博士出国学习研究。I am , a Ph. D.candidate who studying at University and will be graduated at 2021.When I noted the news ab

11、out the coorperation research betweenfamous University abroad and my University, I was so encouraged and gladto check the information by all kinds of way.Noting you and your research is by means of the Internet.The Environmental Bioanalytal assays is interested me much before Ientered University.So

12、I choose my doctor theme is something about the environmentalbiologal technology.In the half year of studying on biologal monitoring technology ofPharmaceutal and Personal Care Products (PPCPs), I noted that there is agreat deal of space for us to research and the technology of bioanalysisis benning

13、 to be the more precision and selectivity way.So with the enthusiasm feeling, I hope I would have the opportunityto work under you.然后指出自己研究的特色及能力。My ecellent job has always ensured me places in my class.I steadily remained in the ten listing among the five hundredstudents.Follog my passion, in 20, m

14、ajoring in environmental enneering, Ientered the Department of University.I was ranked No. 1 in my class for four consecutive years and hadwon scholarships every academ year.In June 204, being an outstanding graduate, I also got an ecellentscore on my thesis project.Through substantial field survey,

15、 resource collection, carefuleperiment and data analysis, I find the best condition whh has the qukertransparency and measurement.0g to my ecellent eperience on studying and researching, I wasselected by my Master, s research supervisor who show me the way offurther education on at University.During the two years studying on environmental science, I gainedthe most importance eperience is the biology knowledge whh is related tothe marine organism.To broaden my knowledge scope, whenever there was an environment-related seminar, whether it discusses environmental technology orissues, I wa


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