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1、四六级冲刺必备:写作精选范文21篇新东方-大学英语四六级考试(CET):The open policy means that our country is open toinvestment, trade and technical and economiccooperation with other countries on the basis ofequality and mutual benefit The purpose of openpolicy is to acquire advanced technology,management skills to serve our soci

2、alist constructionso as to promote the realization of the fourmodernizations.We must adhere to the open policy. Becauseeconomic relations between states today havebecome increasingly close, and no country canpossibly advance behind close doors. Only in this way,can we gradually close the gap between

3、 our countryand the developed countries.Through the implementation of policy, we canlearn advanced technology and managerial expertisefrom abroad; make full use of the foreign capitals toset up great enterprises; absorb useful and healthyideas and new knowledge of the modern civilization;and broaden

4、 our views and raise our level ofcompetence.2. The place of Science and Technology in ModernLife.Human life can not continue without science andtechnology. For many years, human society hasdeveloped with the advance of science and technologywhile the development of science and technology hasin turn

5、brought the process to mankind. So the life weare living now is more civilized than that of our forefathers.The development of science and technology havebrought about many changes in people,s life. Forexample, the invention of television and space rockethave opened a new era for mankind. Through th

6、e useof TV people can hear the sound and learn the eventshappening thousands of miles away. Owing to theinvention of spaceship and rocket, the dream of manslanding on the moon has now come true.Science and technology also play an importantrole in our socialist construction. We may sayz oursocialist

7、construction is just like a skyscraper, whilescience and technology are its base. Without the base,the skyscraper can,t be built. Thereforezhave opened anew era for mankind. Through the use of TV peoplecan hear the sound and learn the events happeningthousands of miles away. Owing to the invention o

8、fspaceship and rocketz the dream of man,s landing onthe moon has now come true.Science and technology also play an importantrole in our socialist construction. We may sayz oursocialist construction is just like a skyscraper, whilescience and technology are its base. Without the base,the skyscraper c

9、an,t be built. Therefore, we should tryour best to contribute to the development of scienceand technology so as to provide a more solid base tobuild our country.3. Importance of EducationChina, as a developing country, is determined tocatch up with and even surpass the developed ones. Ithink that on

10、e of the best possible ways to do so is togive first priority(1X,6)to the development of culture,science and especially education.In modern times, when science and technologyare making great progress, the education of the workforce is of primary importance. Moreover, many of thesuccess in advanced c

11、ountries have demonstrated thata nation ,s prosperity mainly depends on the quality ofits labour force, namely those who have been welleducated.In a developing country such as China, ourinvestment in culture, education and science, andespecially elementary education, must enjoy toppriority. This is

12、crucial(决定性的)for China to catch upwith the developed nations in to day,s surging(汹涌的)waves of technological revolution. Otherwise, the gapbetween China and advanced countries will bewidened rather than bridged.4. Air PollutionAir pollution is one of the major problems of themodern world. A great dea

13、l of energy is needed to runthe factories of modem industrial nations. Automobile,trains, planes and busses need energy, too. Nearly allof this energy is produced by burning fuels. Theburning produces wastes, some of which remain in theairz causing air pollution.Scientists are finding ways to stop a

14、ir pollutionespecially in big industrial areas anddensely-populated cities. They are studying new waysof generating electricity that may be less damaging tothe environment. In the meantime, many power plantsare being modernized to give off less polluted material.Also, engineers try to design and loc

15、ate new powerplants to do minimum damage to the environment.However, it may be that we still have a long way togo before we have a clean world. Nearly all of thecountries are trying hard to prevent and control airpollution. There indeed seems to be no end to tasksthat environmentalists will be required to do. Peoplewill continually find new ways to control pollution.5. Environmental ProtectionToday the quality of our natural environment hasbecome an important issue. The world population isrising so quickly that the world has become toocrowded. We are using up our natural resource


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