6月四级真题答案 2.docx

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《6月四级真题答案 2.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《6月四级真题答案 2.docx(18页珍藏版)》请在第一文库网上搜索。

1、2013年6月15日大学英语四级真题答案与解析Part I Writing (30minutes)参考范文:The importance of doing small thingsFrom the carton, we can clearly see that the boy is worried about disposing of nuclear waste,while his father tells him to empty the family dustbin first. This carton reminds me of a Chinesesaying: How can you

2、make the world clean (conquer the world) when you don,t clean your ownroom(solve your own problems)? However, most people always aim high something big, whileattach little importance to small things in their daily life.In my opinion, it is necessary and important to do small things well first. On th

3、e one hand,doing small things is the first step towards success. It helps us develop good habits, gainexperience and improve our skills, all of which lays a good foundation for our future development.It makes great difference whether we pay due attention to small things or not. On the other hand,the

4、 big is the small. It is the accumulation of the small. If something needs to be done, it is by nomeans small. No matter what kind of task it is, if it is worth doing at all, it is big and worth doingwell.Therefore, it is advisable to be down to the earth and do small things before undertaking bigon

5、es. As college students, let,s, first and foremost, do well in our study and improve our abilitiesby doing more social work around us.概述本次考试的作文命题延续了去年12月的图表作文形式,但这次作文提供的是类似于漫画的简图,更接近于研究生入学英语统考大作文十多年来一直采用的命题形式。作文指令要求考生先描述图画内容,而后就父子的对话内容(先把小事做了,然后才能成就大业)畅谈自己的观点。图中父子的对话: -Dad, I am a bit worried aboutd

6、isposing of nuclear waste.(我有点担心将来如何处置核废料)”,“-Ifyou can empty the dustbin, you can do anything.(如果你现在能把这垃圾桶清理好,你将来什么事情做不了?)”这对话不仅让我想起“一屋不扫何以扫天下”、“不积蹉步无以至千里,不积小流无以成江河”等古代名言及“万丈高楼平地起”、“伟大出自平凡”等流行语。是啊,我们不首先把身边的、眼下的事情做好,不从小事做起,积累经验、培养能力、建立信心,何以指望将来成就大业?好高鹫远者往往眼高手低、志大才疏啊。这篇作文可以构思成2下三段:第一段,简单描绘图画内容(a brie

7、f description of the picture),点明父亲的用意。第二段,就成就大业之前先做好小事之重要性阐述自己的观点:论述从小事做起的重要性 (express your views on the importance of doing small thingsbefore undertaking something big.第三段,结论和建议。重述自己观点并就自己或大学生们如何脚踏实地地学习、工作提出建议。Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)篇章层次分析:这是一篇介绍电子教材的说明文,讨论了电子课本的发展过程、

8、存在的缺陷、新的改进和电子教材普及尚存在的问题。全文共24自然段。短文于第一、第二段罗列了传统纸质课本的一系列缺陷;然后于第三段引出电子课本,并把发展电子课本作为一种promise、一种mirage一种dream;第四段提到最早使用电子课本的先锋(Cornell and Brown大学);第五、第六段借使用者Kalpit Shah之口阐述电子课本使用中存在的问题;第七段分析出现这些问题的原因;第八至十八段介绍改进后的电子课本Inkling。其中第八段为导入;第九段是Inkling总裁Maclnnis对普通电子课本不能流行之原因的进一步分析;第十段是对新产品功能的界定(platform);第十一

9、至十七段是Inkling程序的演示,包括化学课本(第十二段)、音乐创作课本(第十三段)和最具特色的批注功能(十四至十七段);第十八段概述Inkling对传统电子课本缺陷的处理;短文十九至二十二段综述电子课本仍然需要解决的一些问题:软件开发的人工问题(二十至二十一段)、运行软件之硬件的成本问题(二十二段);最后两段是结论:电子课本前景尚不明朗,但传统纸质课本定会淘汰,迄今为止的努力和尝试是良好的开端。1. A. they are not rescued once a new edition comes out本题问及传统纸质课本的缺陷,答案在短文开头两段;题干之the biggest probl

10、em与短文第二段的the worst part对应,其后的内容与选项A内容相吻;选项B和C也是传统纸质课本的缺点,但不是最大的问题;2. B. They havent fixed all the shortcomings of print books.题干之digital textbooks指向第三段;其中第一句中的“. digital textbooks,., could help easemany of these shortcomings”为本题答案依据,且由下文关于电子课本尚存在的问题得到进一步确认。3. A. they find it troublesome to take note

11、s with an iPad.由题干之 Kalpit Shah 和 use paper andpencil定位到短文第六段最后一句;前文的”.because they couldn,t read or write in it.”为本题答案的依据;注意选项B的内容在第七段。4. D. they are no more than print versions put on a screen由 Inkling CEO Matt Maclnnis 和 Course Smart 定位到第九段。该段的”.its an exact copy ofthe print book these guys. take

12、 an image of the page and put it on a screen.艮1 是答案依据。5. C. a platform for building multimedia content 有关“updated version of Inkling”介绍涉及短文笫八段至十八段的内容,其中第十段第一句He calls Inkling a platform for publishers to buildrich multimedia content from the ground up,.是 Matt Maclnnis 对它的概要描述。6. A. share his learnin

13、g experience with the best and brightest thinkers由题干之 Inklings notation system.定位到第十四段首句But the most exciting part about但答案在第十六段最后一句The best comments are then sorted democratically by a votingsystem, meaning that your social learning experience is shared with the best and brightestthinkers/5 o7. C.

14、professors can join in students5 online discussions 题干之 one additional advantage 艮口 第十七段的 bonus, 答案就是“,professors can even chime in on discussions.”8. manpower 题干之 it takes a great deal of 对应于第二Hb段的“it takes a respectable amountof,答案就是介词of后的名词短语;也可根据上一段的内容填efforts。9. cost本题问及与学生相关的电子课本使用的挑战,答案出处在下一段

15、(第二十二段)。由“Its an added layer of cost- and an expensive one at that”确定本题填 costo10. remains to be seen 或 remains uncertain 题干之 whether digital textbooks will catch on 相当于短文第二十三段的“Whether digitally interactive ones like Inkling actually take off or not.”由此可知空挡处应当填remains to be seenoPart III Listening ComprehensionSection ADirections: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations* At theend of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both theconversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there


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