1、目录Directory韶关旅游简介序03游丹霞系列04 31丹霞山05 09南岭国家森林公园010 011广东大峡谷012 013金鸡岭014 015天景山仙人桥016古佛洞天017三龙谷018云髻山019天井山国家森林公园020 021车八岭国家级自然保护区022 023韶关国家森林公园024广东韶关芙蓉山国家矿山公园025铜钟寨026东华山027万时山027书堂石028樱花峪029始兴县深渡水生态景区030小坑国家森林公园031佛教系列032 039南华禅寺033 035云门寺036 037东华寺038韶关大鉴禅寺039民俗风情系列040 045必背瑶寨041042东湖坪民俗文化村043满
2、堂客家大围044九栋十八井045红围045历史遗留胜迹系列046-055马坝人遗址047珠矶古巷048梅关古道049北伐战争纪念馆050韶关市五里亭中共粤北省委旧址051风采楼051石塘双峰寨052 053三影塔054韶州府学宫055钟鼓岩055激情休闲系列056 061百丈崖峡谷漂流057云门峡漂流058灵溪河漂流059韶关银山高尔夫球场060翁源兰花桃李基地061温泉系列062 067丽宫国际旅游温泉度假区063曹溪温泉假日度假村064新丰云天海温泉原始森林度假村065新丰江源温泉旅游度假山庄066枫湾温泉度假村067饭店、旅行社一览表068 071百代旅游览胜迹中国优秀旅游城市中国旅游竞
3、争力百强城市中国的第8个世界自然遗产世界“丹霞地貌”命名地一一丹霞山A n Outstanding Tourist C i ty in ChinaOne of China, s Top 100 Competitive Tourist CitiesThe Eighth World Natural Heritage of China The Place Where Danxia Landform is Named across the world韶关旅游简介GENERAL INTRODUCTION韶关地处广东北部,北江上游,是粤赣湘三省交界的咽喉之地,北邻湖南郴州、江西赣州,南接珠三角,素有“粤北
4、重镇”之称,是历代兵家必争之地,辖十个县(市、区)。全市总面积L86万平方公里,总人口 283万人(2010年数据)。其中市区面积2856平方公里,人口 99万。韶关历史悠久,于汉武帝元鼎六年(公元前111年)建制,有2100多年历史;韶关境内山川秀美,人文荟萃,景观众多,集华南景观之大成,是中国优秀旅游城市、国家卫生城市、国家园林城市、广东省历史文化名城。韶关公路、铁路、水路相连,交通便利,通讯发达。南北大动脉京广铁路、武广高铁、韶赣铁路贯穿其中,另有京珠高速公路、韶赣高速、深湘高速、国道105、106、107、323通往湘赣各地,水路航道可直通珠三角。韶关人杰地灵,孕育了南北朝时期陈朝宰相
7、天籁之音韶乐由此而生。后圣人孔子,在齐闻韶,三月不知肉味,曰:“不图为乐之至於斯也。”而韶乐诞生之高岗,古人取其“色如渥丹、灿若明霞”之意命名为“丹霞山”。丹霞山这里自古以来都是耐人寻味的地方,处处都是丹霞伴随您而行。历史名城、山清水秀、民族风情是韶关的美誉世界自然遗产、国家级风景区丹霞山是韶关之壮美!禅宗六祖慧能的南华寺有空灵之美!马坝人”、古驿道、梅岭是苍桑之美!温泉的温馨之美!寨的原生态之美!美哉!丹霞。美哉!韶关。PrefaceA wonderful story made this place miraculous. Four thousand yearsago, when the E
8、mperor Shun was on his tour of the south, he rode aSuzaku(rose finch )over the auspicious cloud, and rested on the high hillof the south frontier. The Suza ku glowed against the rosy color of redcliffs which the Emperor Shun marveled at. The locals told EmperorShun that in the antiquity, Nv Wa, the
9、Goddess of Sky-patching, tried tocreate human but failed. Then Emperor Fu Hsi advised her to go to thesouth for that the South was fire dominating and was strong in the Yangenergy with lush vegetation. Coming south, Nv Wa succeeded in creatinghuman, and collected colored stones from the river and pa
10、tched the sky.Hearing the story and delighted, Emperor Shun tapped the stone andcomposed the music Shao Yue” , which was flawless and heaven-like.Later on, after hearing Shao Yue at Kingdom Qi, Confucius ate meat but didnot feel the aroma of it for three months, exclaiming never thought anymusic cou
11、ld be beautiful like this! Afterwards, the high hill where ShaoYue was born was name 13anxia Mountain, indicating the aColorfulness asred Elixir of life. Brightness as rosy Clouds” S incc ancient times, Danx ia M ountain has a lv ay s been a place of g rcat interest for tourists.S haog uan has earne
12、d i tself the name of historic city w i th a variety of ethnic custom s among thebeautiful mountains and rivers.Danx ia M ountain, the World Natural Heritag e and C hina,s National Level S cenic A rea, i s thegrandeur of Shaoguan.Nanhua Tem pie, w here Huineng the S ix th Patriarch of the Zen B uddh
13、ist S chool cultivatedhimself, i s a sy mbol of ethereal beauty.The laba M an” , the ancient post road and the M e i 1 in (Plum R ang e) are manifestation ofvicissitudes.The w armth of the hot spring s.The beauty of Yao Minority fs original eco-village! The Beautiful Danxie!The B eautiful S haog uan
14、!万古丹霞冠岭南Da nx ia -T h c Best Sccncry in Lingnan (the South of the Five Ridges)山山昴期、沟沟梁梁,久而久之,丹霞山以美艳的身姿、红妆待嫁的风采,向宾客展现出大家闺秀之美。丹霞山上天边的云雾,更是多情,像魔法一样,袅绕不绝,把您带进诗与梦般的意境。当您融进其中,分不清哪里是人间哪里是天上。当面纱揭开时,丹霞山的气势又磅礴无比,似金刚、似力士,也更多一份秀美清逸。当禅意进入它的山山石石,树树叶叶时,那种婀娜多姿、小鸟依人,让您体会到的是丹霞伴随您而行。将视线引向山巅。走,再上丹霞山!丹霞山的气势又磅礴无比,似金刚、似力士
15、,也更多一份秀美清逸。presentAfter ages, the hills, valleys and ridges of Danxia Mountainand fine attires, just like amountain, curling upwardsthemselves to visitors with pretty posturesbeautiful bride. The clouds above thedrcam-likc realm.and which is theromantically as if enchanted, take you into a poetic andImmersed in it, it is hard to tell which is the worldheaven.