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1、2021 年 6 月大学英语六级考试真题(三)Writing(30 minutes)DirectionsF:or thispart, you are allowed minutes to writean essaybased on the chartbelow. You30:,should start your essay with a brif description of the chart and comment on China s esvealleviationY. ou shouldwrite at leg words but no more th狈o words.Sources:

2、 China,s National Bureau of Statistics, China,s State Council Leading Group Office ofPovertAylleviation and DevelopmentPart ListeningComprehension (30 minutes)于 年Reading Comprehension (40 minutes)Directions:In this sectiotnhe,re ias passage with ten blankYsau are required to select one word fcblank

3、from a list of choices given inbanwkorfdo. Hewing the passagRe. ad thepassage through carefull2 1!Jrfl,*ltlfffilljrjj 2rig. Rural population in povertypoverty headcount ratiobefore making your choiceEsa;ch choice in the bank is identified by Ilelaestetarak the correspondletter for each iotnemAnswer

4、Sheet 2with as. ingle lintehroughthe centre. You may not use any of thewords in the bank more than once. .At43,vereachedthestagewherewomenarewarnedtowatchoutforthecreepingsadnessofmiddle age. We,re served up an endless streamadofice on how to survive yWrszz, as ifwe,rein theendurancestageofaslloiwpt

5、oward26.Thisistheagewomenstarttobecome“invisible 一ourvalue,attractivenessanpebversupposedly27bythevanishingofyouth.ButIdo,tfeellikemfading into 28 . I feel more seen than I ever haafbrthe first time in my llife a clear-eyview of myself that is29 , compassionate andaccepting.WhenIlookinthemirror,mpro

6、udofwhoIam-eventhosebrokenpartsthatforsolongseemed impossible to lovSeo when advertisertsry to sellme ways tozzturnback the clock, I have to30 a laugh. I would,t goback to the crippling self-consciouosfnmeyssyouth if you paid me. Thishard-won sense of self-acceptancoeneisof the joysof being ano Ider

7、 woman. But itsa narrative ofte31outbytheshamethatmarketersrelyontopeddleustheirdietpills,miraclefacecreamsandbreathable yoga pants-as if self-love i3 a commodity.For some women 1 know, this sense of trust and self-belief later in life gave them thdysfunctionarlelationshiposr33 on new careerpaths. O

8、thers talkedabout enjoyingtheirowncompany, of growth through 34 , deepening bonds of friendships, the abilityto be morecompassionate, less judgmental and to listen more and appreciate the smalHipfleeaErtesl0 is ffrom smooth sailinbgu, t its so much more than the redu3c5tivewe see in women,s magazine

9、s andthe Hollywood big screen.D) depictionsE) diminishedDirections: In thissection, you are going to read a passagewith ten statement sat tachedto it. Eachstatement containisnformationgiven in one of the paragraphs. Identifythe paragraph from which theinformation is deriveYdo. u may choosea paragrap

10、h morethan once. Each paragraph!smarked with aeven actors whhoave been dead for decadeTsh. e technology asbilittyo effectivekleyep celebritiealive beyond the grave is raising questions about public legacies and image rights.B)Latein2019,itwasannouncedthatUSactorJamesDean,whodiedwiinlll5trinaVietnWar

11、filmscheduledforreleasetlhaitseryearLnthefilmw,hichwillbecallFeddingJack,Deanwill be recreated on screen with CGI basedfootagel(djtfl) and photographs, with anotheactorvoicinghEhenewswasmetwithexcitementbythosekeentoseeDeandigitallytto life for only his fourtbhutfiiltm,also drew sharp critzziTchism,

12、 is puppeteering the dead forfamealone,zzactressZeldaWilliamswroteonTttteatssuchanawfulprecedentforthof performance.zzHet father, RobinWilliams,whodiedin 201w4 s-keen to avoid the same: fateBeforehisdeathe,filedadeedprotectingthofiesimageuntil20p3r9e,ventingothersfrorecreating him using CGI to appea

13、r in a film, TV showhodrgsama(.A)Digital humans are coming to aSOTtnyou. As computer-generatedimagery (CGI)has becomecheaper and more sophisticattehde, filmindustry can now convincingly recprmgtlee on screenThe James Dean film is a way to keep the actors image relevant for youngersagyesneMrartkiorRo

14、esler of CMG Worldwide, the firm that represents Dea,szzelstahtienk this is the beginnianentirewave,szaysTravisCloGfiOofWorldwideXR,oneofthecompaniesbehindthedi ;recreation of DeazznM, oving into the future, we want James Dean to be brought into differenvironments,ordifferentvirtualrealityenvironmen

15、ts,oraugmentedrealityenvironD) Other actorhsave been revived, with the permissionof theirestates, for advert isinpgurposes: forexample, a 2011 advertisementfor Dior featuredcontemporaryactressCharlizeTheron alongsideiconic 20th-century stars Marilyn Monroe, Grace Kelly and fcloatE,trAiey Hepburnwas

16、digitallryecreatedfor a chocolatecommercial in 2013. In the same year, a CGI Bruce Leeappeared in Cahinese- 1 anguage ad forwhaisky brand, which offendedmany fans because Leweaswidely known not to drink alcoholzaltnatlhle last five yietas, become more affordable and nachievable in a whole movys TimWebber at UK visualeffects firm Framestorteh, e companybehind the Hepburn chocolate Fardamestore used body doubles with resemblance to Hepburnstructure and body shape fersamaework formanual animation.


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