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1、Approval批准Reviewer审核Originator作成Change History变更记录Revision版本Effective Date生效日期Originator编写人Reasons for Change修改原因1.02017-1-1ShrankInitial release 初次发行2.02020-11-13Shrank需定期到客户或AIAG官网去查看最新格式1.0 PURPOSE 目的1.1 The procedure defines the method to assure that the product satisfies the customers.定义公司内产品实现

2、所策划的步骤及执行情况,以保证产品满足客户的要求。2.0SCOPE 范围2.1 Apply to all of new projects and new products in MAMK0适用于公司所有新产品和新项目。3.0 DEFINITIONS 定义3.1 Product Quality Planning is a structured method of defining and establishing the steps necessaryto assure that a product satisfies the customers.产品质量策划是一种结构化的方法,用来确定和制定确

3、保某产品使顾客满意所需的步骤。4.0 REFERENCE DOCUMENTS 参考文件4.1 APQP Manual APQP 参考手册4.2 PD-C2-03 Production Part Approval Process 生产件批准程序5.0 RECORDS 记录5.1 APQP Schedule项目开发计划5.2 New project Development Review Report 新项目开发评审表5.3 Team feasibility commitment 小组可行性承诺5.4 Part Submission Warrant 零件提交保证书5.5 Product qualit

4、y planning summary 产品质量策划总结6.0 RESPONSIBILITY 职责6.1 Program manager as project leader, set up APQP team, launch and control new projects.项目经理作为项目的主导,负责成立APQP小组,开展并跟踪项目。6.2 APQP team launches and develops new projects.APQP小组按客户和APQP要求,完成项目的开发。7.0 PROCESS 流程7.1 1st Phase: Plan and define the program第一

5、阶段:计划和确定项目7.1.1 Program Manager led to organize the APQP team after getting the project. The teammembers should include sales, engineering, logistics, and quality. If customer has specialrequirements, APQP team should include customer representative.项目取得客户授权后,项目部组织成立APQP小组,项目启动。小组中的成员包括销售、项目、物流、质量人员

6、等,如客户有特别要求,APQP小组成员应包括客户代表。7.1.2 APQP team take the team meeting and reviews the customer drawings, specification,inspection & test standard, special requirements, package specification, fill in the . If there is any query, Program Managercommunicate with customer to clarify, then work out the .APQP

7、小组召开小组会议,小组评审客户要求,包括图纸、标准资料及相关的检验、试验要求、客户特殊要求等,评审结论形成FN-AQ-008New project Development ReviewReport新项目开发评审表。评审后发现的问题点,由项目经理与客户沟通后澄清,并编制 FN-AQ-009Product quality planning summary。7.1.3 AQP department make preliminary bill of material, process flow chart, Special product andprocess characteristics.项目部主

8、导制定初始材料清单、初始过程流程图、产品特殊特性清单。7.1.4 Quality department make initial Control Plan质量部主导制定初始控制计划,2nd Phase: Product Design and Development第二个阶段:产品设计与开发产品DV验证7.1.5 When MAMK should apply the DV test in China ,AQP must get the CTS or othercorrelation test specification ,AQP and Quality Dept.to train the ope

9、rator and submit thetest report to MK NA .在需要进行产品DV测试的时候,项目部负责获得CTS或者相应的测试规范,项目部与质量部负责培训相关的员工。并将测试报告汇报给北美总部。Product Mould design and development产品模具的设计和开发7.1.6 AQP department award drawings, product and material specification, special product andprocess characteristics and etc. from MTC.项目部从MTC获得图纸、

10、标准、产品规范、材料规范、产品和过程特殊特性等。7.1.7 AQP department to audit the mold, fixture, inspecting tools and finish the development.项目部负责模具、夹具、检具及相应工装的设计审查,并按计划完成模具开发和制作。7.1.8 AQP department make prototype and verify the mold and tooling.项目部负责初始工装样件加工,模具工装验收。7.1.9 AQP and quality department should identify new equ

11、ipment, tooling and facilitiesrequirements, The APQP team should track the progress, and ensure the new equipment,tooling, test equipments and facilities are capable and ready before pre-launch.项目部和质量部应根据新产品/项目的实际需要,提出新设备、工装和试验设备的需求,跟踪其进度,并在试生产前及时完成。7.1.10 For purchased parts, engineering department

12、 lead to define PPAP levels andrequirements, and source proper suppliers.对于外购件,项目以及质量部主导定义PPAP等级和要求,寻找合适的供应商。7.1.11 If Customer require, Quality department lead to make Pre-launch control plan.客户要求时,质量部制定样件控制计划。7.1.12 APQP team signs TS-402.04 Team feasibility commitmentand submits to customerif nee

13、ded. If customer has requirements, please follow customers format.APQP小组制定FN-AQ-002小组可行性承诺,如需要提交客户。如客户有要求,则按客户规定的报告形式进行。7.2 3rd Phase: Process design and development第三阶段:过程设计开发阶段7.2.1 APQP team implement follow the project plan:APQP小组按照计划开展以下工作:A) AQP department make bill of material, process flow c

14、hart, Characteristics matrix, andlead APQP team to do FMEA and update if necessary, error-proof plan.项目部制定材料清单、过程流程图、特性矩阵图,组织小组分析每一过程的潜在失效模式PFEMA,防呆计划。B) AQP department make package specification and get customer approval if necessary.项目部制定包装规范,需要时提交客户批准认可。C) Purchase or AQP determines the supplier

15、and purchase material; ask supplier submitsamples and data as PPAP.采购或项目确定供应商,采购材料,安排外发供应商,要求供应商按PPAP要求提交样品和资料。D) Quality department approve suppliers PPAP.质量部批准供应商PPAP0E) AQP department make the floor layout. Production Department to arrange operator.项目部负责场地规划、布局,生产部负责人员安排。F) Quality department lead to make Pre-launch control plan.质量部组织APQP小组制定试生产控制计划。G) AQP and Quality department make working and inspection instruction.项目和质量部制定作业、


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