Manufacturing Process生产过程管理程序(中英文).docx

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1、LOGOQUALITY SYSTEMPROCEDURE质量体系程序Number文件编号:MC-C3-01D叩artment部门:Production 生产部Subject文件名称:Manufacturing Process Management Procedure 生产过程管理程序Revision 版本:1.0Effective Date 生效日期:2021/01/01Page 1 of 7Approval批准Reviewer审核Originator作成Change History变更记录Revision版本Effective Date生效日期Originator编写人Reasons for

2、Change修改原因1.0 Purpose 目的To make sure that production processes of all products are in effective control so that a stable qualitycould be guaranteed, and customer requirements could be met.目的为确保公司所有产品的生产过程能够在有效的管理状态下进行,保证质量稳定,满足客户要求。2.0 Scope 范围Production of all Components made in our plant.本公司所有产品的生

3、产过程。3.0 Definitions 定义Production delivery date: it refers to the delivery date marked in by Logistics. All the planned processesmust be satisfactorily completed before the date, including the final products inspection and packaging.生产交货期:是指物流部确认的交货期,在此之前必须完成所有的生产过程,包括最终检验及包装。4.0 Procedure and Flow c

4、hart 程序及流程图4.1 Responsibility and authority 职责与权限4.1.1 AQP dept, is responsible for making the work instructions.项目部负责作业指导书制定。4.1.2 Process engineer and quality engineer are responsible for making the inspection instructionof production working procedure, and also responsible for planning reference

5、points ofdifferent working procedure.工艺工程师与质量工程师负责制订生产过程工序检验指导书和过程检验标准,并负责策划各工序控制点以及生产工艺流程。4.1.3 Logistics is responsible for making and placing and also responsible fordelivery date coordination and process follow-up.物流部生产负责制订和下发生产工单,并负责交期协调和过程跟踪。4.1.4 Production Department is responsible for works

6、hop staff training, manufacturing accordingto to produce product in accordance with work instruction and makes on-timedelivery.生产部负责车间员工培训,按生产工单生产,生产出符合作业指导书标准的产品,并按期交货。4.2 Resource Planning 资源规划4.2.1 Production ground planning is made by on-site principals to achieve the objective of areasonable, s

7、mooth production process, and a swift, prompt, and well-done manufacturing.生产场地由现场主管根据生产需要进行规划,保证生产流程合理、顺畅,达到快速、敏捷、良性制造的目标。4.2.2 Production Environment: in order to enhance product safety and means to minimizepotential risks to employees, the production line implements 6S activity to make sure a saf

8、e,clean, bright and comfortable environment Refer to u6S Management Regulation,.生产环境:为加强对产品安全性和方法并以最大程度地降低对员工造成地潜在风险,公司导入6S运动来保证生产过程中的安全、清洁、明亮、舒适。执行6S管理实施规范。4.2.3 Equipment Management: Maintenance dept is responsible for keeping the productionrelated equipment on the well and available condition. op

9、erator of production dept is due tocheck machine status according to daily maintenance items of equipment maintenancework instruction, fill in the corresponding in record , For thedetails refer to Equipment Management Procedure.设备管理:维修部负责确保生产相关设备的可用性,生产部门操作工在开机前根据各设备的日常维护内容逐一检查机器各部位,在相应的设备点检记录表中记录,具

10、体按照设备管理程序执行。4.2.4 Personnel 人员4.2.4.1 New employee must take part in pre-work training. Then the new operator must get thetraining from the position. only after passing the training they can get to the workposition alone.新进人员必须由现场主管岗前培训,然后分配到相应的岗位进行岗位技能培训,培训合格后方能独立上岗。 Production personnel con

11、figuration must meet the requirements of production capacity.生产人员配置必须满足产能需求。 Production department shall implement technical skills training for multiple postsaccording to the arrangement of work. To define the post abilities for operators,Technical Skills Matrixn shall be prepared and kept b

12、y shift leader, approved byProduction manager, and recorded by HR Department. The table will serve as basis fortaking the post.生产部各车间依据工作需要安排对员工的多岗位技能培训,并编制技能矩阵表以对本部门员工岗位能力进行跟踪确认,以作为各工种顶岗的依据,技能矩阵表由生产部班组主管制定,生产经理审查,人力资源部备案。 (Technical Skills Matrix should be reviewed monthly or while operators

13、 skill improved,we can update in time .技能矩阵表每月更新一次,如果有员工岗位技能有变动时也可及时更新。4.3 Production Arrangement 生产安排On the precondition of guaranteeing a on-time delivery, Production Department make productionarrangement according to the “Work Ordern given by Production Planner. And on the day ofproduction situat

14、ion and will record in the“ daily production reports l,. If on-time delivery couldn,t beguaranteed, it should be feedback to Production Planner without any delay for them to decide ifsubcontract or delivery negotiation is needed.生产部接到物流部的生产工单后,在保证达成交货期的前提下,根据现有产能状况,进行生产安排,及并将当日的生产情况记录在生产日报表中。如因客观或主观

15、原因无法达到交期要求,第一时间反馈到物流部,由其确定是否外发加工或进行交期协调。4.4 Pre-work Preparation 产前准备4.4.1 Work Instruction is made before production start. When a new product is put on theproduction line or a new technology is introduced into production, engineering personnelmust be on production site to provide technological instruction.生产前由项目部制作作业指导书,新产品生产和引进新技术,工艺工程师必须到生产现场提供技术指导。4.4.2 Maintenance Department makes and confirms moulds according to


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