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1、LOGOQUALITY SYSTEMPROCEDURE质量体系程序Number文件编号:MC-C2-03Department 部门:AQP项目部Subject文件名称:PPAP Procedure生产件批准程序Revision 版本:1.0Effective Date 生效日期:2021-1-1Page 1 of 8Approval批准Reviewer审核Originator作成Change History变更记录.Revision版本Effective Date生效日期Originator编写人Reasons for Change修改原因1.0 Purpose 目的It is to guar

2、antee company,s correct understanding over the demands presented in customers,engineering design records and standards and to guarantee those potential abilities to sustainably meetthe said demands during executing the real production under required take time.确保公司正确理解顾客工程设计记录和规范的所有要求,并在执行所要求的生产节拍条件下

3、的实际生产过程中,具有持续满足这些要求的潜在能力。2.0 Scope 范围This procedure is applicable to all related products and when customers require to submit approvalreport or to amend approval report.本程序适用于本公司提供给顾客的所有产品,也适合顾客要求递交批准报告或其变更批准报告的其它场合。3.0 Definitions 定义3.1 PPAP: Production Part Approval ProcessPPAP:指生产件批准程序的英文简称3.2 P

4、roduction Part: Parts used for Production Part Approval should be from effective productionprocess. Typically, this process involves one hour to one shift with a stated production of 300pieces at least, except other written statement from customers.生产件:对于用作生产件批准的零件应取得有效的生产过程。典型地,该过程是从1小时到1个班次的生产,规定的

5、产能至少为300件,除非顾客另有规定。4.0 Responsibility 权责4.1 AQP Dept. take responsibility to contact customers to execute various demands of submittingPPAP under different conditions;项目部负责与顾客联系落实各种情况下提交PPAP的各种要求;4.2 All departments help AQP Department to execute customers5 various requirements on PPAP andprovide re

6、lated data. Refer to bellow table.4.3各部门负责配合项目部执行顾客对PPAP的各种要求,并提供相关资料,见下表.No.PPAP ItemDoc./RecordResponsibility1Completed part submission warrant完整的零件提交保证书PSW CoverQuality Dept.质量部2IMDS Date-sheets IMDS 数据表IMDSAQP项目部3Material Test Report材料试验报告Quality Dept.质量部4List of test equipment 测量设备清单Quality Dep

7、t.质量部5MSA (Measurement system analysis)量测系统分析R&RQuality Dept.质量部6Process Flow Diagram 过程流程图AQP项目部7PFMEA过程失效模式和效果分析AQP项目部8Production Control Plan 生产控制计划Quality Dept.质量部9Customer drawings, specification and anydocuments of engineering changes客户图纸、技术规范和工程变更相关的文件AQP项目部10Special Characteristic list 特殊特性清

8、单AQP项目部11Packaging Specification 包装规范AQP项目部12Tier II Supplier PPAPQuality Dept.质量部13Dimensional Results 尺寸报告Quality Dept.质量部14Initial Process Study 初始过程能力AQP项目部15Checking Aids 检具 CMM 报告Quality Dept.质量部16Customer Engineering Approval 客户工程批准AQP项目部17Design FMEA DFMEAAQP项目部18Design Records 图纸AQP项目部5.0 P

9、rocedure 程序5.1 AQP and Quality Dept, to Collect customer information including special requirements/processdesign requirements/specification/logistics requirements项目部以及质量部收集顾客特殊要求、顾客过程设计要求、顾客的规范和顾客物流要求等顾客信息。5.2 Product delivered for customer approval should be made from effective production. The pro

10、ductionshould be mess production at least for 1-8 hours. .meanwhile, the capacity must cover customersmaximum daily requirement, Unless customer have special requirement提交给顾客批准的生产件必须取自有效的生产,该生产过程必须是1小时到8小时的产量,同时务必保证能够满足客户最大的日需求,除非是顾客有特殊规定,5.3 Product delivered for customer approval should be produce

11、d in same environment of product sitewith same tools/measurement instruments/process/material/operators. Meanwhile ,all of the componentsPPAP should be finished before the PPAP producing. Suppliers PSW should be signed by QualityManager.提交给顾客批准的生产件必须在生产现场使用与生产环境同样的工装、量具、过程、材料和操作者进行生产。同时,在进行PPAP生产,所有

12、的子零件的PPAP必须完成,PSW需要被质量经理签字确认。5.4 For following status, the company must submit PPAP before delivery of first products, unlessauthorized customer representatives remit so.对出现下述情况,本公司必须在首批产品发运前提交PPAP,除非经授权的顾客代表免除了该要求:1 ) New product 新产品;2 ) Corrective to delivered non-confirmed products 对以前所提交不符合产品的纠正

13、;3 ) Engineering changes due to design, technical specification or material由于设计记录、技术规范或材料方面的工程变更而引起产品的改变5.5 For following status, the company must inform customer product approval department, and customermay ask for PPAP当出现以下情况时,本公司必须通知顾客产品批准部门,顾客可能因此会决定要求提交PPAP批准。1) Using different structure or mat

14、erial compared with before approved product和以前顾客批准过的产品相比,使用了其它不同的结构或材料。2) Using new or improved tools (not including easily damaged tools), including additional or back-uptools.使用新的或改进的工装(不包括易损工装),包括补充的或替换用的工装。3) ) Producing after update or new issue of tools or equipment.对现有的工装或设备进行升级或重新布置之后进行生产。4

15、) Producing with transfer of tools or equipment to a different site or a new site.工装和设备转移到不同的工厂或在一个新增的厂址进行的生产。5 ) Change of parts, material or service from supplier will influence assembly, shape, usage, durabilityor property.供方的零件、材料、或服务的变更,从而影响顾客的装配、成型、功能、耐久性或性能的要求。6 ) Restart after stop of mess production for or exceeding 12 months.在工装停止批量生产达到或超过12个月以后重新启用。7 ) Ch


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