Supplier Management供应商管理程序(中英文).docx

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1、批准:审核:作成:Change History变更记录Revision版本Effective Date生效日期Originator编写人Reasons for Change修改原因1.0 PURPOSE 目的1.1 The procedure standards the general rules for selection, evaluation and management ofsuppliers to ensure all what purchased including products and service aligned with companyrequirements.规范供应

2、商的选择、评估和管理流程,确保所采购的产品和服务符合公司的要求。2.0 SCOPE 范围2.1 Apply to all suppliers which provide products and service to company.适用于向公司提供产品和服务的所有供应商。3.0 DEFINITIONS 定义3.1 Three types Suppliers 三类供应商:Type A: Suppliers which provide finished-goods, raw material in BOM and process subcontractin Routing.A类:提供成品,BOM

3、中的原材料和产品加工工艺路线中的工序外包服务的供应商。Type B: Suppliers which provide raw material and process subcontract for mould.B类:提供模具材料和模具加工供应商。Type C: Other suppliers except type A, type B.C类:A、B类以外的其他供应商4.0 REFERENCE DOCUMENTS 参考文件4.1 ISO/TS 16949:2009 Clause 7.4 Purchasing 采购5.0 RECORDS 记录5.1 FN-PU-001 Supplier Audi

4、t Form 供应商调杳表5.2 FN-P-002 Approved Supplier List 合格供方名录5.3 FNPU003 Back Up Supplier List 备用供方名录5.4 FNFU-005 Supplier On S让e Audit Form 供应商现场评审我5.5 FN-PU-006 Supplier Performance Evaluation Form 供应商业绩考核表6.0 RESPONSIBILITY 职责6.1 .Purchasing department responsible for organizing the activities of resea

5、rch, selection, evaluate,monitor and control for suppliers of raw material in BOM and process subcontract in Routing, setup and revised Approved Supplier Lis.采购部负责组织采购产品供方、外协加工方的选择、评价和监督控制,供方的审核评估、建立及修订“合格供方名单”;6.2 Quality department responsible for incoming inspection and quality evaluation, establ

6、ishsuppliers1 quality records, and provide coaching and support for suppliers5 quality improvementwhen needed.质量部负责物料性能检验及产品品质评价,建立供方质量档案,并对供方的质量方面提供辅导。7.0 -PROCESS 流程7.1 Type A supplier selection and management A 类供应商的选择和管理7.1.1 Purchasing department source the suppliers through network, telephone,

7、 or customerrecommend, resource on hand and etc. get needed information from suppliers, and selectpreliminary target suppliers which could provide required new products or process service.Purchasing department can add supplier to BOM list when provided by a Specific qualifiedsupplier, if supplier wa

8、s specified by customers, also need make a note, and must use thesupplier when required by customers. When initial selection, each material need havemore than one back up suppliers, Purchasing department will research and selectioncorresponding back up suppliers according to company development need

9、s.采购部通过网络、电话、客户介绍、已有资源等方式寻找供应商,根据产品和客户的要求,初选出符合公司新产品/材料/外包加工工序要求的供应商。采购部门认为需要时可以在BOM清单上列明某项物料的特定合格供方,如客户指定的供方亦需要注明,且如客户有要求时,必须采用客户指定的供方。初步筛选时每种物料一般应有一个以上备选供方,采购部根据采购产品的要求以及公司发展需要搜集、选择相应的后备供方,建立“备用供方名录”.Remark: Type A supplier should be registered to ISO9001.另注:A类供应商必须通过ISO9001质量体系认证。7.1.2 Purchasing

10、 department release FN-PU-001 Supplier Audit Form to the preliminary targetsupplier.采购部向初步筛选的供方名单发出供应商调查表,由供方在一周内填妥后回传。7.1.3 Purchasing department organize on-site audit if purchasing assessment result is ok, typeA supplier need do a technical assessment, quality audit, supply chain and logistics au

11、dit.Purchasing department organize this activities, required AQP, Quality department join inalso, and fill in the FN-PU-005 Supplier On-Site Audit Form, and the applicability andeffectiveness of heat treating processes, plating processes, coating processes shall bedetermined utilizing CQI-09, CQI-11

12、, CQI-12, make sure what the PFC is used by them,unless specified by customers, and shall be recorded .If the score is above 70, take thesupplier as an Approval Supplier.供应商的采购评估结果符合要求后,采购部组织对A供应商的现场审核,A类供应商审核包括技术评估、质量审核、供应链物流审核;采购部组织,项目部和质量部共同参加,并完成FN-PU-005供应商现场评审表,其中委外热处理、电镀、电泳涂装类供应商,除客户指定的供应商外,必

13、须分别按照CQI-9、CQI-11及CQI-12的规定进行,确定供应商所使用的热处理、电镀及喷涂流程,并将此流程记录在案。评鉴分数达70分者,可列为合格供应商。Remark: Suppliers only do trading business do not need do technical assessment, qualityaudit, supply chain and logistics audit.另注:贸易类的供应商可以免审(含技术评估、质量审核、供应链物流审核)7.1.4 If supplier could not pass on-site audit, Purchasing,

14、 AQP and quality dept. make decisionbased on actual situation to train this supplier for improvement, or reselect other suppliers,as the suppliers of heat treating, plating, coating, the related corrective actions plan mustbe carried out within 90 days, and shall be recorded; if supplier could pass

15、on-site audit,Purchasing department will add the supplier into the potential qualified supplier list.如果供应商不能通过现场审核,采购部,项目部和质量部根据实际情况决定对该供应商进行辅导改进,或者选择其他供应商,其中委外热处理、电镀、电泳涂装类供应商,若首次现场审核不能通过,必须对每一个“不理想”及“需要立即行动”环节进行分析,并执行相应的纠正措施,且纠正措施必须在90天内完成,并将相关记录收录在案;如果供应商通过现场审核,采购部可将该供应商作为潜在的合格供应商管理。7.1.5 In purchasing request, purchasing dept will choose one supplier from potential qualifiedsupplier list and release small batch trial order to the suppliers. Purchase dept. will set up afile for the supplier upon their pa


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