Product line changing产品换线程序(中英文).docx

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1、LOGOManagement regulation管理规范Number文件编号:MC-S5-03Department 部门:生产部Subject文件名称:Product line changing procedure 产品换线程序Revision 版本:1.0Effective Date生效日期:2021-01-26Page 1 of 3批准:审核:作成:Change History变更记录Revision 版本Effective Date生效日期Originator编写人Reasons for Change修改原因1.02021-01-261.0 Purpose 目的To make sure

2、 the quality of products, standard operation and accuracy of line change over, promotingthe capacity为了确保产品质量,保证换线的标准化作业及换线的准确性,并快速提升换线后的产能,特制定此办法。2.0 Scope 范围This Procedure apply for all stamping welding and assembly line in MATK适用于公司所有冲压、焊接、装配线。3.0 Definitions 定义3.1 None 无4.0 Responsibility 权责4.1 L

3、ogistics Dept.: Responsible for release production plan物流部:负责制定生产计划。4.2 Process Dept.: Responsible for create change over work instruction工艺部:负责制定换线的操作指导书。4.3 Production Dept.: Implement change over according the changeover work instruction生产部:按照操作指导执行换线工作。4.4 Quality Dept.: Responsible for first of

4、f part check and confirm the products quality质量部:负责确认换线产品的质量,并做首件检查确认。4.5 Maintenance Dept.: Make sure good products produce and adjust equipment once first part Nok设备维修部:质量确认完产品首件后,如产品质量有不合格情况发生,设备维修部门负责对产线工装的调整及维修,直至产品质量符合相关的要求。5.0 Procedure 程序5.1 Logistics release production plan based on custome

5、r order and forecast, prepare raw material物流部在根据客户订单要求,制定生产计划,准备相关的生产物料.5.2 Production manufacture products based on production plan, after get the order which requiredchange over to anther products, Production need implement change over follow PE workinstruction. Make sure all raw material and fixt

6、ure correct and implement equipment/material/errorproofing check生产部按照生产计划安排生产,当产品切换成另一种产品时,生产部需要根据工艺部门制定的换线操作指导书进行换线作业。换线时保证所换工装正确性,及其它设备的相关工艺参数符合工艺文件的要求,并进行相关点检确认。5.3 Inspector should confirm first part quality status after change over,release production continueproduce if the first part ok; or inf

7、orm production supervisor if the first part Nok质量部检验员在生产部门换线结束后,对生产线的首件产品进行质量确认,如产品符合相关的检验要求,则进行下一步的正常生产;如产品不符合相关的检验要求,质量检验员通知生产领班或主管,生产线停止下一步工作。5.4 Production supervisor should inform maintenance adjust equipment or fixture after get feedbackfrom inspector. Till to ok parts produce. All adjust part

8、s must be scrap based on non-conformingproducts disposal procedure. Inspector should scrap adjustment sample and redo first partinspection.生产领班或主管接到质量检验员的零件不符合相关的标准后,通知设备维修部门对生产线的工装及相关设备进行检修,查找问题点并进行维修,直至零件符合质量要求。维修过程中所产的调试零件全部按不合格零件处理,不可流入正常合格零件中,质量检验员负责对维修过程中的不良品进行监控及零件质量进行确认。6.1 Reference Documents 参考文件MC-S5-01产品监视与测量程序6.2 Reference Forms 参考表单7.1 production Plan 生产计划7.2 change over check sheet 换线检查表7.3 inspection record 检查记录表7.4 产品BOM表8.0 Flow Chart 流程图无生产计划Production Plan换线作业指导书Change over SOP正常生产Production


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