表格模板-食品安全速查表 精品.xls

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《表格模板-食品安全速查表 精品.xls》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《表格模板-食品安全速查表 精品.xls(40页珍藏版)》请在第一文库网上搜索。

1、Food Safety Inspection食食品品安安全全速速查查酒酒店店名名称称:Hotel Name酒酒店店地地址址Address检检查查人人Inspected by日日期期DateS/NS/NRequirementRequirement要要求求ScoreScore分分值值DeductDeductpointspoints扣扣分分OutletOutlet 地地点点1. 采采购购 Purchasing1.1食品及食品相关供应商清单应持续更新,易腐食品供应商名单中应至少包括一个备选供应商。供应商名单、证照、资质证明齐全并且有效。供应商资质文件与实际供货相符合。Continually updat

2、e the supplier list.Supplier lists of perishable food shall include at least one backup supplier.Ensure the name list, license,certificates are in place and valid. Approved scope of license is consistent with the actual business scope.31.2酒店应向供应商提出最低食品安全要求,多次违反或不执行酒店要求的供应商应将其撤出供应商名单。Hotel shall brin

3、g up minimum food safety requirement to supplier. Suppliers repeatedly disobeying or contradicting standards should be removedfrom the preferred supplier list.11.3酒店自行制定高风险食品供应商审核计划,酒店应对提供高风险食品的供应商进行审核,审核合格后方可使用。多酒店联合审核或由一酒店代表审核,亦应有多方确认。Hotel shall set up a PHF supplier schedule. All PHF suppliers a

4、re audited before using it. In case of joint audit among different hotels or audit byone representative hotel, the final report must be verified by involved hotels.11.4对新的高风险食品供应商应同时进行资质审查及现场审核。现场审核报告需有使用部门、采购部、卫生专员共同确认签字。一些不在本地的预包装高风险食品供应商,应每年两次对供应商的信誉、检验报告(官方或第三方有资质的检验机构)进行审核回顾。For new PHF supplie

5、rs, both qualification and on-site audit are required. On-site audit report must be signed by user department, purchasing andhygienist. In case of joint audit among different hotels or audit by one representative hotel, the final report must be verified by involved hotels.11.5需从清单内的供应商处采购食品。如果特殊/紧急采

6、购,食品亦应来自有资质的正规渠道,如从超市购买,应保留购物小票。All food stuff shall be obtained from suppliers that within the supplier list. For special/emergency purchasing, food shall also be obtained fromqualified and legitimate resources. For example, purchase from supermarket, receipt shall be kept.2第 1 页,共 40 页1.6供应商供货产品如声

7、称绿色、无公害、有机或清真,应索要相应证明文件存档。For the products claiming to be Green, Pollution-free, Organic or HALAL, the relevant certificate must be provided.11.7对于年糕、粽子、月饼等委托加工产品,应提前要求供应商提供其产品的型式检测报告、生产厂家标签样式进行内部备案。每批次产品还需附有厂家的出厂检验报告。For rice cake, rice dumpling and moon cake, ask the suppliers to provide the type

8、test reports of product and get the label sample for internalregistration. The final factory inspection reports of each batch product should be provided by supplier.12. 收收货货 Receiving2.1收货人员必须接受相关收货标准的培训,并保持良好的个人卫生。The receiver must be trained on the criteria of food receiving and shall be in good p

9、ersonal hygiene.12.2收货区干净、无杂物及虫害迹象。Receiving area is clean and without food particles or pests.22.3酒店收货区域应设置清洁消毒设施。Receiving area in the hotel shall be equipped with cleaning and sanitizer system.12.4磅秤应由官方机构每年进行一次校准。Scales must be calibrated by authorized agents once a year.12.5卸货前,收货人员进行送货车车辆检查,如:

10、来货车辆清洁卫生,无虫害迹象。产品在运输过程严密覆盖,且没有被污染。冷藏车还需要检查其车厢温度。The receiver checks the hygiene of delivering vehicle which is required to be free from the trace of pest. Goods are tightly covered duringtransportation and free from any contamination. The chiller truck need to check the internal temperture.22.6收货过程中

11、,货物离地置放,且无其他交叉污染的风险。Goods are 15cm off from the floor during receiving and without other risk of cross-contamination.22.7使用探针温度计检查冷冻和冷藏食品的温度,冷藏食品10,冷冻食品表面-12。Frozen and chilled items checked via probe for temperature compliance. Chilled food should be 10. Frozen food surface temperature shouldnot be

12、 -1232.8收货人员进行质量检查, 所收货品在良好状态下,无异味。The receiver checks the quality of received goods which are in good condition and free from odor.12.9收货人员进行标签检查,所收货品的标签符合国家标准,预包装食品必须有营养标签,食品添加剂包装上需标明“食品添加剂”,进口货物需附有带中文标识。The receiver checks the commercial label of prepackaged food. The labels comply with national

13、standard. Food additive are obviously printed onthe package of food additive. Imported food is labeled in Chinese.3S/NS/NRequirementRequirement要要求求ScoreScore分分值值DeductDeductpointspoints扣扣分分OutletOutlet 地地点点第 2 页,共 40 页2.10收货的名称、规格、数量、食品温度、生产日期或者生产批号、保质期、进货日期以及供货者名称、地址、联系方式、索证情况以及车辆卫生交叉污染状况,均应及时记录。Re

14、ceived goods description, specification, quantity/weight, food temperature, production date or batch number, shelf life, receiving date, as well asthe name, address, contact information of the supplier, related certificate code must be recorded timely. Vehicle hygiene condition and crosscontaminatio

15、n status shall also be recorded.32.11收货人员进行保质期检查,所收货品应在保质期内,且所剩的保质期应超过酒店自行设定的周转期限。The receiver checks the shelflife of received goods, should be in valid shelflife and the rest shelflife must be longer than the turnover period set byhotel.12.12 收货人员进行包装检查,所收货物品需使用食品级包装,内包装处于完好状态,真空包装无漏气现象,罐头外观形状正常。T

16、he receiver checks the package of goods, should be food-grade and in good condition. No leakage for vacuum packages.Canned shape normalappearance.22.13冷藏食品在接收和检查后应立即冷藏储存。易腐食物、高风险食品应优先于低风险食品或干货食品检查入库。Delivered chilled food shall be inspected immediately and put into the refrigerator as soon as possible. Perishable food and PHF are inspected andstored prior to the low risk and dry food.12.14生禽类及生肉类产品必须提供相关动物检疫证明或卫生证书。证明文件内所标注的数量应与实际收货数量相符或大于收货数量。The suppliers are obliged to provide the animal quar


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