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1、1. 2014.1122Online shopping is now replacing shopping in store.Do you think it is a positive or negativedevelopment?2. 2015ll14The best way to teach children to cooperate withothers is through team sports at school.To what extent do you agree or disagree?3. 2015.11.07For schoolchildren, their teache

2、rs have moreinfluence on their intelligence and socialdevelopment than parents.To what extent do you agree or disagree?4. 2009.05.16It has been believed that people who read forpleasure have developed imagination and languageskills better than people who prefer to watch TV.To what extent do you agre

3、e or disagree?5. 2015.10.10Some people think that governments should focus onreducing environmental pollution and housingproblems to help people prevent illness and diseases.To what extent do you agree or disagree?6. 2015.05.16Some people say that many schools encouragestudents to evaluate and criti

4、cize their teachers inorder to improve the quality of education whileothers say that this will lead to the loss of respect forteachers and disrupt class.Discuss both views and give your own opinion.7. 2009.01.10Some people think that the range of technologyavailable to individuals makes the increasi

5、ng gapbetween the rich and the poor.To what extent do you agree or disagree?8 200901.15Students in schools and universities learn far morefrom lessons with teachers than from other sources(such as the Internet and television).To what extent do you agree or disagree?9. 2009.04.25Some people think tha

6、t computer and the Internet areimportant in childrens study, but others think thatstudents can learn effectively with teachers inschools.Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.10. 2009.02.07Rich countries often give financial aid to poorcountries, but it does not solve the poverty, so richcoun

7、tries should give other types of help to the poorcountries rather than the financial aid.To what extent do you agree or disagree?11. 2009.06.27Some people think that the developing countriesrequire financial aid from international organization,but others argue that they should need practical aidand

8、advice.Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.12. 2009.02.21Today most of people understand the importance ofprotecting the environment, while some people thinkindividuals are too weak to take actions and make adifference.Discuss why someone holds such an opinion.What should be done to deal wi

9、th this problem?13. 2009.07.11Some people think that companies and individuals,rather than governments, should pay to clean uppollution that they have caused.To what extent do you agree or disagree with thisstatement?14. 2009.1031The environmental problem in the world cannot besolved by ordinary peo

10、ple, but governments andlarge companies should be responsible for thisproblem.To what extent do you agree or disagree?15 20090228Concerning the public health problems, some peoplethink the government should increase the sportfacilities; others think it should take other measuresto help resolve this

11、problem.Discuss and give your own opinion.16. 20090404Nowadays people live in the society where consumergoods ae elatively cheaper to buy.Do you think its advantages outweigh itsdisadvantages?17. 2009.10.10An increase in production of consumer goods resultsin the damage of the natural environment.Wh

12、at are the causes and possible solutions?18. 2009.12.05Nowadays, people always throw old things awaywhen they buy new things, whereas in the past, oldthings were repaired and used again.What factors may cause this phenomenon?What effects could the phenomenon lead to?19. 2009.04.18If a product is goo

13、d or it meets people ,s needs,people will buy it. Thus, advertising is unnecessaryand no more than entertainment.To what extent do you agree or disagree?20. 2009.05.21A hundred years ago, people think that human racewas steadily improving in every area of life. Now itseems that this is not sure in t

14、hat situation.In which areas do you think we have made importantprogress nowadays?In which areas do you think we still need to makeprogress?21. 2009.07.23Many people are optimistic about the 21st centuryand see it as an opportunity to make positive changesto the world.To what extent do you agree or

15、disagree with theiroptimism?What changes would you like to see in the newcentury?22. 2015.07.23Some people say that the government should givethe healthcare the first priority, while others believethat there are more important priorities to spend thetaxpayers, money.Discuss both views and give your own opinion.23. 20090829Nowadays a growing number of international tripsmake the maj ority of different regions of the worldmuch more similar than ever before.What are the reasons for this?Do the advantages outweigh the dis


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