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3、结合实地调研与访谈结果,综合构建文化旅游景区吸引力模型。从实证分析的结果来看,以提升游客游览体验为方向,以旅游景区的文化建设为核心,是文化旅游景区提升自身吸引力的重要方式。通过建立吸引力模型,确定了该景区提高吸引力的主要项目,通过完善这些项目,在文化核心层次方面突出亮点,做出特色,做出品牌,有望让柳宗元文化旅游景区的吸引力得到显著提升,获得更多游客的青睐。关键词:文化旅游景区,旅游吸引力,旅游体验,柳宗元,永州IABSTRACTCulture is the connotation of tourism, and tourism is thecarrier of culture, so that

4、 Cultural tourism scenic areas arethe primary element and support of developing cultural tourism.Tourism is an economic activity as well as a culturalactivity, with its status improves in the economic area,tourism becomes more and more obvious to demanding anddepending on culture. Accompany with tou

5、rism activities,people are touching the pulse of culture, feeling the charm ofculture and obtaining the nutrition of culture constantly. Thehighest level of tourism development is the integration withculture, culture exists in both activities of appreciatingcultural landscapes and closing with natur

6、al landscapes, thats why we say that culture is the soul of tourism. Coming withthe leisure times, the status of tourism has been promoted,tourism resources have been developed greatly because ofdifferent local governments regard the tourism industry as apillar industry or forerunner industry by ben

7、efiting fromvarious preference policies for tourism industry, then a lotof cultural scenic areas have been established.Cultural scenic areas are different from natural scenicareas because cultural tourism resources are more reflected inits cultural connotation and historical evolution. Hence,connota

8、tion construction should be the center of promoting theattractiveness of cultural scenic area, then extending to buildthe eternal image and to create theme-basis immersion programs.This paper based on the previous study of cultural touristscenic area and tourist attractiveness, using the experiencee

9、conomy theory, tourism experience theory, tourism systemtheory, tourism lifecycle theory and evaluation theory, takingprevious papers and research results as references, summing upattractiveness system and model of the cultural tourism scenic,and to explain the evaluation factors used by this paper.

10、The combination of questionnaire survey with data analysisis the main method to do the empirical research of this paper.According to the result of questionnaire survey, we used thesoftware SPSS22. 0 to analysis the data based on factor analysisand principle component analysis, then extractingattract

11、iveness factors, combining with the result of fieldresearch and interview, we build a attractiveness model ofcultural tourist scenic area. Empirical research indicatesthat to improve the attractiveness of cultural tourist scenicarea from the perspective of tourist experience should takingthe tourist

12、 experience as a foundation, and taking the culturaldevelopment of tourist scenic area as a core. According to thecultural tourist scenic area evaluation model, we shouldfocusing on improving attractiveness factors of basic level andtaking the cultural level as a highlights, to strengthen itsfeature

13、s and brands, thus, we may expecting to improve theattractiveness of Liu Zongyuan Cultural Area observably, thento attract more visitors.Key Words: Cultural Tourist Scenic Area , TouristAttractiveness, Tourist Experience, Liu Zongyuan, Yongzhouiii中文摘要I英文摘要111绪论1.1 研究背景11.2 研究意义21. 3研究方法与技术路线22文献综述2.

14、 1概念界定42.2 研究综述52.3 理论基础错误!未定义书签。3研究设计3. 1文化旅游景区吸引力指标选取 143. 2文化旅游景区吸引力因子修正 144实证研究以永州柳宗元文化旅游景区为例4. 1景区概况175. 2背景分析186. 3景区SWOT分析227. 4问卷设计224. 5数据分析234.6研究结论355对策建议5. 1基本保障层375. 2文化核心层406总结与展望6. 1研究总结437. 2研究不足与展望43参考文献45附 录1:柳宗元文化旅游区景区吸引力与旅游体验问卷54附录2:攻读硕士期间科研成果及获奖情况错误!未定义书签。9致谢60V体验视角下文化旅游景区吸引力提升研

15、究一一以永州柳宗元文化旅游景区为例1绪论1 - 1研究背景旅游景区作为旅游产业发展中的重要组成部分,其主要作用是引起游客的关注并前来旅游,通过旅游输出,达成促进国内旅游业整体发展水平再创新高的目的。因此,旅游景区作为旅游业发展中的重要组成部分,需要依据旅游业的整体规划进行设计、开发。随着经济发展的加速,游客越来越看中在旅游景区的体验,因此传统方式下的价格战、资源争夺战等,已经越来越难以吸引游客的目光,迫切需要进行转型,建立以游客体验为核心的新竞争态势。为了增强旅游景区对游客的吸引力,在景区的建设中,要建立起旅客体验中心,通过增强旅客的体验感来吸引游客,从而增加旅游景区的竞争力。国内旅游业目前的竞争形势仍主要以资源竞争为主,同时辅以旅游设施、娱乐项目的开发,以形成独具特色的旅游区特色,从而吸引旅客的目光,但从现有的旅游设施、项目建设情况来看,有待进一步开发。旅游业严重的竞争态势,增加了旅游业开发的风险性,同时旅游业投资者过于看重产业的收益,导致大部分旅游景区提供给游客的产品种类较少,缺乏特色文化的打造,没有醒目的旅游主题设计等,因此很难满足不同游客对景区观光的个性需求,削弱了景区的整体发展


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