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1、南开大学22春学期(高起本1709-1803、全层次1809-2103)饭店业人力资源管理(-)(二)(EI双语)在线作业1 . An MSDS plays which of the following roles in OSHA compliance?选项 A: informs employees of their rights under OSHA选项 B: specifies how employers must label work hazards选项 C: provides information about hazardous chemicals used at theproper

2、ty选项 D: designates a point person for OSHA compliance issues参考答案:【c】解析:通过题干和相关知识点可知选项C为正确答案。2 .员工产量可接受的标准指的是()0选项A:生产率标准选项B:业绩标准选项C:劳动预测选项D:生产率参考答案:【B】解析:通过题干和相关知识点可知选项B为正确答案。3 . Specific steps must be taken to decertify a union, just as specificsteps are required to certify one. Which of the follow

3、ing must take placebefore a certified union may be decertified?选项 A: The NLRB must issue the employer a warning that the unionmay be decertified.选项 B: A union representation election must take place.选项 C: A decertification petition must be filed with the employer.选项 D: A decertification petition mus

4、t be filed with the NLRB参考答案:【D】解析:通过题干和相关知识点可知选项D为正确答案。4 .罢工可以分为六种类型:经济罢工、不正当劳资罢工、司法权罢工、()、静坐罢工以及二级罢工。选项A:福利罢工选项B:工人罢工选项C:野猫罢工选项D:民众罢工参考答案:【C】解析:通过题干和相关知识点可知选项C为正确答案。5 . A manager considered her training program unsuccessful due to thefact that a majority of the trainees said they did not like it.

5、Thismanager was using a/an training objective.选项 A: on-the-job behavior选项 B: learning-acquired选项 C: critical-incident选项 D: reaction-based参考答案:【D】解析:通过题干和相关知识点可知选项D为正确答案。6 . Which of the following is not a factor that makes it difficult forHERE to unionize large segments of the hospitality industry?选

6、项 A: The majority of hotel and restaurant employees aresatisfied with their current employment conditions.选项 B: More than 40 percent of hotel and restaurant employeeswork less than thirty-five hours per week.选项 C: Many hotel and restaurant employees are from groups thathave traditionally resisted un

7、ionization, ee g., women and minorities.选项 D: Many hotel and restaurant workers change jobs frequently.参考答案:【A】解析:通过题干和相关知识点可知选项A为正确答案。7 . An employer has posted a list of rights employees have under OSHA.The list has two items: the right to know about hazardous materials in theworkplace and the rig

8、ht to report violations of OSHA standards withoutfear of punishment by the employer. Which of the following rights shouldalso be on the list?选项 A: the right to accompany OSHA compliance officers during aninspection of the workplace选项 B: the right to refuse to work in an unsafe environment选项 C: the r

9、ight to know when an inspection by complianceofficers is being planned选项 D: the right to a company-sponsored safety and health program参考答案:【B】解析:通过题干和相关知识点可知选项B为正确答案。8 . A friend who works for a company with hundreds of full-time employeestells you she showed up for work this morning and received a

10、layoff slip.She says over 500 employees were laid off in total, and she says heremployer gave no warning. This employer has violated which of thefollowing laws?选项 A: the Taft-Hartley Act选项 B: the Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act选项 C: the Governmental Adjustment Act选项 D: the Civil Se

11、rvice Reform Act参考答案:【B】解析:通过题干和相关知识点可知选项B为正确答案。9 . Union organizers are circulating authorization cards among employeesin hopes of forcing an election. How many employees must signauthorization cards in favor of a single union to force an election?选项 A: 30 percent选项 B: 50 percent选项 C: 51 percent选项

12、D: 67 percent参考答案:【A】解析:通过题干和相关知识点可知选项A为正确答案。10 . Craft unions and industrial unions are not the same. Workers incraft unions:选项 A: have more skills than those in industrial unions.选项 B: perform work for a single type of industry.选项 C: essentially have the same skills or perform the same task.选项 D:

13、can decertify their unions whi 1 e workers in industrialunions cannot.参考答案:【c】解析:通过题干和相关知识点可知选项c为正确答案。11 . Since the Great Recession began in 2008:选项 A: employees have generally found it easier to advance theircareers at their current employers.选项 B: employees have been more likely to look for diffe

14、rentopportunities outside of their current jobs.选项 C: job applicants have been low in supply.选项 D: human resource and recruiting personnel have been morefocused on hiring employees at the lowest skill levels.参考答案:【D】解析:通过题干和相关知识点可知选项D为正确答案。12 Which of the following methods of collecting job analysis

15、information is most likely to be influenced by the Heisenberg Effect?选项 A: interviews选项 B: observation选项 C: critical incidents选项 D: daily logs参考答案:【C】解析:通过题干和相关知识点可知选项C为正确答案。13 . The Catch Up Hotel has a standard hour incentive program in place.It pays its room attendants $3.75 per room cleaned, and room attendantstypically clean two rooms an hour. A competing hotel has just opened thatoffers room attendants benefits that are comparable to those the Catch UpHotel offers. Managers at the Catch Up want to meet their competitors


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