Daxue Consulting:2022年中国可持续消费报告.docx

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1、Daxue Consulting: 2022年中国可持续消费报告Daxue Consulting发布了2022年中国可持续消费报告。在全球气候变化的现实下,环境可持续性不仅是一种公关策略,更是一种必然趋势。虽然企业在采用可持续做法方面应承担的大部分责任不容忽视,但本报告重点关注的是消费者,因为消费者有能力通过将需求转向更环保的替代品来影响企业。然而,消费者的绿色购买决策也依赖于他们对可持续发展的理解。为此,Daxue Consulting对1,000名中国消费者的信仰、习惯和对可持续发展的理解进行了调查。调查数据令人惊讶。报告发现可持续发展在大众市场上有很大的空间,因为虽然环保人士较少,但同时

2、否认气候变化的人也较少。人们对可持续发展战略的普遍态度是包容和开放的。然而,很少有人愿意特意购买绿色产品,因此可持续产品也应该为消费者带来健康和安全等直接的好处。另一件显而易见的事情是,中国在可持续发展方面的信息来源存在巨大差异。一方面,虽然普通消费者之间存在一些认知差距,但政府对可持续发展的宣传与消费者对该概念的理解之间也存在明显的相关性。为了到2060年实现碳中和,因此政府正在利用宣传手段引导其公民养成可持续的习惯。迄今为止,宣传重点一直放在减少食物浪费和垃圾分类,但为了达到碳中和,政府将不可避免地要求其公民采取更多行动,而品牌也需要为那一天的到来提前做好准备。I Green GSusta

3、inable1.ForewordCONTENT OUTLINEdaxueconsulting2.Our green guilt” survey results Beauty industry F&B industry Fashion industry3.Hypotheses on the future of sustainableconsumption in China4.About usForewordUnder the reality of climate change, environmental sustainability is not just a PR stratelarge s

4、hare of responsibilty held by bus nesses on embracing sustainable practicconsumers have the power to sway businesses by shifting demand to greener alternateHowever, a consumers green purchasing decisions are also ceoendent on their unceany assumptions on Chinese oerceptions of sustainability. As a r

5、esult, we surveyed 1and understanding of sustainability. In analyzing the survey data, there were many pointhe report.We found that there is room in the mass market for sustainablity, because while therefewer climate change deniers. The average atttude towards sustains oil ity was one of vare w Hing

6、 to go out of their way to shop green, hence sustainable products should akhealth and safety.What else became ev-cent is the vast differences in Ch nese sources of informationgaos in the average consumers knowledge, there is also an ev cent correlation oetweerand consumers understanding of concepts.

7、 With the goal to oe Carbon Neutral by 20sway its citizens habits towards sustainabil ty. As of today, the focus is on reducing fo 20,000 RMB monthlyhousehold income)75%are from tier 1 -2 cities 2022 DAXUtCtTNSULT NGALL RIGHFSHFStHVtDWaste sorting is the most eco-friendly action iiWe asked Chinese r

8、espondents to rank environmentally sustainable actions based on theirmost eco-friendly action as this in tattve has been highly promoted by the governmentgovernment enacts a strong influence on societys beliefs towards sustainability.How eco-friendly are the following initiatives?Buying biodegradaHe

9、 productsReducing feed wasteReducing packagingBuying orgafiicfocdGoing vegetarianBuying local prodixtsNet relevant 2 Ecc friendly ,3 Very eoo friendly*5匚已 亡 suiting Sdr./uy (2022). N - i 000.ihl “daxueconsultingChinese views on environmental initiatives colDespite wasle sort ng and buy ng biodegrada

10、ble and reusable products having been rerespondents, these initiatives are not actually as sustainaWe as other options involving reduciithe perception from Chinese respondents and how different initialives are prioritised by adojChinese consumers almost have an opposite perception on how different actons affect the erChinese respondents perspective:High priorityWaste sortingBuying reusable productsBuying bio* degradable productsReducing food wasteReducing packagingBuying organic foodGoing vegetarianBuying local productsThe


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