Positive Luxury:可持续采购的未来-奢侈品行业的合作、创新和最佳实践指南.docx

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《Positive Luxury:可持续采购的未来-奢侈品行业的合作、创新和最佳实践指南.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Positive Luxury:可持续采购的未来-奢侈品行业的合作、创新和最佳实践指南.docx(30页珍藏版)》请在第一文库网上搜索。

1、Positive Luxury:可持续采购的未来奢侈品行业的合作、创新和最佳实践指南Positive Luxury发布了可持续采购的未来-奢侈品行业的合作、创新和最佳实践指南。传统而言,供应商为企业提供终端产品的生产和服务。在奢侈品行业,供应商包括葡萄酒种植者、养牛农民、棉农、宝石矿工、服装机械师和包装工厂等等。因此,供应商支撑着奢侈品市场。然而,选择不申报上游供应商的品牌通常不会披露这些信息,这些供应商的消费和可持续发展实践通常也未在公司信息中得到展现。在问责制和透明度常态化的时代,公司有必要将其外部性(包括供应链)予以内部化。品牌公司不应将此视为挑战,而应将其视为与供应商正式合作的机会,投


3、作伙伴一致的中期利益。在这份报告中,Positive Luxur提供了一良好的供应商指南,主要包括以下要点: 为什么品牌和供应商之间的合作以及完善的供应链监督是企业的当务之急 品牌在选择供应商时应该注意什么 哪些立法变化将对供应链造成影响 如何在品牌和供应商之间建立互惠关系CONTENTSIntroduction: The New Era of Supplier Colk Part 1: The Basics of Beneficial Procurem Part 2: What Makes a Good SupplierPart 3: Modelling Mutually Beneficia

4、l Bran& Supplier CollaborationKey Takeaways: What Suppliers Can Do T(Attract Sustainable Brands Conclusion: Closing Comments from DianaTRADITIONALLY, SUPPLIERS provide companies with the promanufacture end products. In the luxury industry, suppliers inclLfarmers, cotton farmers, gem miners, garment

5、machinists and pname a few. Suppliers, therefore, uphold the luxury market.However, they are often undisclosed by brands who choose notproviders, with the consumption and sustainability practise of thabsent from company comms. It is a significant omission, givenof brand resource consumption takes pl

6、ace in the supply chain1POSITIVE LUXURYBeyond ecological arguments, studies have shown that comparextensive collaboration with suppliers can out-earn those who dA partnership model should also appeal to suppliers. Not only dbusiness transparency, which helps to promote industry-wide reprotections, b

7、ut it opens up new avenues of collaborative investimprove their supply chain should be willing to bolster suppliersthrough both guidance and financing.At Positive Luxury, we assess brands and suppliers by their ES(explore risks across regions. Combined processes provide branmapping, ensuring transpa

8、rency for all parties involved.It*s time to embrace suppliers as partners - not simply sources doing so, brands can attain full-scope production oversight thatrisk, ensure end-to-end sustainability across the value chain an(innovation and opportunity. Meanwhile, suppliers can build a coputs them in

9、pole position in a tender process, increase customimid-term benefits in line with their brand partners.In this report, Positive Luxury presents a good suppliers guide, Why collaboration between brands and suppliers coupledchain oversight is a business imperativeWhat brands should lookout for when se

10、lecting a supplieLegislative change that will im pact supply chainsPractical guidance on how to foster mutually beneficial rebrands and suppliersUNDER THE MICRO-SCOPEUNDERSTANDING SCOPE 1 -2-3 EMIS:SCOPE ONESCOPE TWOScope 1 emissionsare direct emissionsfrom a company andits owned or controlledresour

11、ces.i.e. emissions releasedfrom firm-level activitiesThese are divided intofour sub-categories ofemissions:Scope 2 emissionsare indirect emissionsfrom a company,generated via energyconsumed by acompany.i.e. emissions frompurchased electricity,heating and coolingsystemsSeearefro iocc(sui.e.cor.The15:

12、emUPStationaryCombustion, i.e.heatingMobile Combustion,i.e. vehiclesFugitive, i.e.refrigerant gas leaksProcess, i.e. from on-site manufacturingDOPOSITIVE LUXURYTHE BASICS OF BENEFICIAL PROCURERPARTONE:THE BASICSOF BENEFICIAIPROCUREMENrTIERSUNDERSI7CHAIN AlJ TSuppliers thPOSITIVEPROCUREMENTPROCESSES-

13、WHERETO START?For both new and established brands,it can be hard to know where to startseeking ESG-complaint suppliers as thedefinition of sustainability is blurred byINVESTIGATINGINTELLECTUALPROPERTY IN THESUPPLY CHAINIP laws and supply chains intersect wherebrands and suppliers risk third partiesr

14、eproducing signature designs and sellingthem on the grey market if not protectedby copyright or trademark.In a landmark 2019 case, the Court ofJustice of the European Union (CJEU)ruled that the only requirement forFurnnAan cnnvrinht nrntArtinn it ufficiAntPOSITIVE LUXURYWHAT MAKES A GOOD* SUPPLIER?PART TWO:WHAT MAKES iGOOD SUPPLIWhile publishing,commendable stetransparency, a r(that brands tend tsustainable supplthose that do noteffectively greenvCASE STISHEEP INTHE BIGGEST CHALLENGEBRANDS FACE TODAY IS1HEIR LACK OF KNOWINGTHEIR COMPLETE SUPPLYCHAIN STORY”N


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