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1、丰义小学5B语法复习(一)现在进行时一、现在进行时的概念现在进行时表示现在正在进行或发生的动作,或者过去一段时间到现在持续发生的动作。例如:He is doing his homework now.他正在做他的家庭作业。Look, they are flying kites.看,他们正在放风筝。Listen, she is singing.听,她正在唱歌。Ils nine ten. We are having an English class.现在九点十分,我们正在上一节英语课。二、现在进行时的结构句式结构:主语+助动词be (am, is, are) +现在分词(动词的ing形式)+其他成分

2、三、现在进行时的用法1、助动词be应随人称的变化而变化。第一人称单数用am,第二人称用are,第三人称单数用is,第一、第三人称复数用are。记忆口诀:I跟am, you跟are, is跟着他、她、它,遇到复数都用are。第一人称:我I、我们we第二人称:你you、你们you第三人称:他he、她she、它it、他们they例如:They are listening to the teacher carefully in the classroom.Peter is looking for his little dog.I am watching TV now.Tom and Nancy are

3、 cleaning the library.Look, your uncle is watering the flowers in the garden.注意:一个人的名字或者其他一些单数名词,也是属于第三人称。例如:LiuTao Mike.Su Yang my mother your classmate his friend、her teacher their sister、this boy这些词都可以用he或者she来代替。2、现在进行时常与一些标志性的词或词组连用,例如:Its+time 现在点,now 现在,look 看,listen 听,at the moment 此亥IWe are

4、 reading the English books now.They are playing football at the moment.Its half past three. The boy is swimming with his friends.注意:be动词之后加动词的ing形式。3、现在进行时的疑问句将be动词提前。例如:Are they singing an English song?肯定回答:Yes, they are.否定回答:No, they arent.Is the boy running after the cat? (the boy 就相当于 he )肯定回答:Y

5、es, he is.否定回答:No, he isnt.Is your sister dancing now? ( your sister 就相当于 she )肯定回答:Yes, she is.否定回答:No, she isnt.Hello, Helen. Are you reading a storybook?(问句中的 you 表示你时,用 I 来回答)肯定回答:Yes, I am.否定回答:No, Tm not.Hi, Mike and Jim. Are you making a puppet?(问句中的 you 表示你们时,用 we 来回答)肯定回答:Yes, we are.否定回答:N

6、o, we aren,t.4、现在进行时的否定句式,在be动词的后面加否定词not。例如:I am not playing the piano. = Im not playing the piano.You are not cleaning the bedroom. = You arent cleaning the bedroom.The boy is not drawing the picture now. = The boy isnt drawing the picture nowShe is not singing in the music room. = She isnt singin

7、g in the music room.They are not growing the flowers. = They arent growing the flowers.牢记以下缩写形式与完整形式:Im = I amwere = we arehes = he isarent = are not四、固定搭配的词组youre = you areshes = she isisnt = is nottheyre = they areits = it islike, likes, do some, go这些词的后面也要用动词的ing形式。例如:I like singing, but my siste

8、r likes dancing.Jim, your bedroom is dirty. Lets do some cleaning and washing.Shall we go shopping tomonow?五、不规则动词的ing形式动词原形动词ing形式动词原形动词ing形式动词原形动词ing形式putputtinghavehavinglielyingcutcuttingmakemakingsitsittingwritewritinggetgettinggivegivingjogjoggingmovemovingrunrunningtaketakingswimswimmingdancedancingbeginbeginningcloseclosingshopshoppinglivelivingplanplanninguseusingforgetforgettingcomecomingskateskatingrideriding


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