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1、飞鸟集28首摘抄经典诗歌If you shed tears when you miss the sun, you also miss the stars.如果你因失去了太阳而流泪,那么你也将失去群星了。2I cannot choose the best.The best chooses me.我不能选择那最好的。是那最好的选择我。3They throw their shadows before them who carry their lantern on their back.那些把灯背在背上的人,把他们的影子投到了自己前面。4The light that plays like a nake

2、d child, among the green leaveshappily knows not that man can lie.光明如一个裸体的孩子,快快活活地在绿叶当中游戏,它不知道人是会欺诈的。5The waterfall sing, “I find my song, when I find my freedom. n瀑布歌唱道:“我得到自由时便有了歌声了 J6Do not blame yourfood because you have no appetite.不要因为你自己没有胃口而去责备你的食物。7The trees, 1 ike the longings of the earth

3、, stand atiptoe to peepat the heaven.群树如表示大地的愿望似的,踮起脚来向天空窥望。8The fish in the water is silent, the animal on the earth is noisy,the bird in the air is singing.But Man has in him the silence of the sea, the noise of the earth andthe music of the air.水里的游鱼是沉默的,陆地上的兽类是喧闹的,空中的飞鸟是歌唱着的。但是,人类却兼有海里的沉默,地上的喧闹与

4、空中的音乐。9Thank the flame forits light, but do not forget the lampholderstanding in theshade with constancy of patience.谢谢火焰给你光明,但是不要忘了那执灯的人,他是坚忍地站在黑暗当中呢。10Tiny grass, your steps are small, but you possess the earth underyour tread.小草呀,你的足步虽小,但是你拥有你足下的土地。11We read the world wrong and say that it deceiv

5、es us.我们把世界看错了,反说它欺骗我们。12The scabbard is content to be dul 1 when it protects the keenness of thesword.刀鞘保护刀的锋利,它自己则满足于它的迟钝。13The power that boasts of its mischiefs is laughed at by the yellowleaves that fall,and clouds that pass by.权势以它的恶行自夸,落下的黄叶与浮游的云片却在笑它。Let me think that there is one among thos

6、e stars that guides my lifethrough the dark unknown.让我设想,在群星之中,有一颗星是指导着我的生命通过不可知的黑暗的。15The leaned say that your 1 ights wil 1 one day be no more, said thefirefly to the stars.The stars made noanswer.萤火对天上的星说道:“学者说你的光明总有一天会消灭的J天上的星不回答它。16The water in avessel is sparkling; the water in the sea is dark

7、.The small truth has words that are clear; the great truth has greatSilence杯中的水是光辉的;海中的水却是黑色的。小理可以用文字来说清楚,大理却只有沉末。17He who is too busy doing good finds no time to be good.太急于做好事的人,反而找不到时间去做好人。14#The best does not come alone.It comes with the company of the all.最好的东西不是独来的,它伴了所有的东西同来。19The service of

8、the fruit is precious, the service of the flower issweet, but let my service be the service of the leaves in its shade ofhumble devotion.果的事业是尊贵的,花的事业是甜美的;但是让我做叶的事业吧,叶是谦逊地,专心地垂着绿荫的。20Set the birds wings with gold and it will never again soar in the sky.鸟翼上系上了黄金,这鸟便永不能再在天上翱翔了。210 troupe of little vag

9、rants of the world, leave your foot-prints in mywords.啊,天地间渺小的漂泊者,请把你们的足迹留在我的文字里。22Sorrow is hushed into peace in my heart like the evening among the silenttrees.悲哀在我心里缄默平静,如暮色潜入无声的树林。23Life finds its wealth by the claims of the world, and its worth by theclaims of love.生活因拥有世界而富有,生命因获得爱情而珍贵。24The f

10、ish in the water is silent, the animal on the earth is noisy, thebird in the air is singing.But Man has in him the silence of the sea, the noise of the earth and themusic of the air.水里的鱼是沉默的,地上的兽是喧哗的,空中的鸟在鸣唱。而人的心里有海的沉默,地的喧哗,天空的歌声。25Like the meeting of the seagulls and the waves we meet and come near

11、.The seagulls fly off, the waves roll away and we depart.如海鸥与海浪的聚会,我们相逢走近。海鸥高飞,海浪退却,我们分手告别。26are great in humility.We come nearest to the great when we我们在最谦卑之时最接近伟大。27Your voice, my friend, wanders in my heart, like the muffled sound of thesea among these listening pines.我的朋友,你的语音徘徊在我心里,如海洋低沉的涛声回旋在倾

12、听的松林。28In darkness the One appears as uniform; in the light the One appears asmanifold.在黑暗里,“一”表现千篇一律;在光明里,“一”展现万象纷呈。29Power said to the world, “You are mine.”The world kept it prisoner on her throne.Love said to the world, “I am thine. ”The world gave it the freedom of her house.权势对世界说:“你是我的J世界让它成为

13、御座上的囚徒。爱情对世界说:“我是你的J世界给它驰骋天地的自由。30The Great is a born child; when he dies he gives his great childhood tothe world.伟人注定是孩子;他把灿烂的童年付与世界后死去。31This rainy evening the wind is restless.1 look at the swaying branches and ponder over the greatness of all things.这黄昏,雨潇潇,风不停。我眼望枝条摇曳,沉思万物尽伟。32My thoughts shim

14、mer with these shimmering leaves and my heart sings withthe touch of this sunlight; my life is glad to be floating with all thingsinto the blue of space, into the dark of time.我的思想与闪光的叶子一同闪光,我的心受阳光的爱抚而歌唱;我的生命随万物愉悦漂浮,进入空间的蔚蓝,进入时间的黑暗。31Thoughts pass in my mind like flocks of ducks in the sky.I hear th

15、e voice of their wings.思想掠过脑海,如群鹫飞过长天。我听见翱翔的翅膀。32The cricketr s chirp and the patter of rain come to me through the dark,like the rustle of dreams from my past youth.蟋蟀的鸣叫和雨的淅沥,穿过黑暗来到我耳边,仿佛来自我已逝少年的梦。33The song feels the infinite in the air, the picture in the earth, the poemin the air and the earth;For its words have meaning that walks and music that soars.风中的歌听不尽,大地的画看无垠,天地的诗无止境;诗的文字有奔驰的含义和高扬的乐音。34The service of the fruit is precious, the service of th


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