Unit 7 It's raining!sectionB 2a-2e(表格式教案).docx

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1、课文标题:Unit 7 Its raining! Section B 2a-2c单元名称:Unit 7 Its raining!教材版本:Go for it!授课年级:七年级二、教学目标语言知识1 .能理解并运用下列词汇(Curriculum words)weather, rain, snow, park, message, problem, Canada,summer, juice, vacation, Europe, mountain, country,winter, cook, could, visit, sit, skate, windy, cloudy, sunny,snowy, r

2、ainy, bad, dry, cold, hot, warm, Russian, back,again, soon, hard, him2 .能正确使用以下表达(Useful expressions)take a message, call sb. back, on vacation, right now,nothing much, say “hi” to3 .能正确使用现在进行时态(Present progressivetense)m having a great time visiting my aunt in Canada.Are you studying hard, or are y

3、ou having fun?A: What are you doing?B: m playing basketball with some friends at the park.A: What,s he doing?B: Hes studying at his friends home.4.能用how引导的问句表达问候(How questions)A: Hows the weather in Boston?B: Its windy.A: How it going?B: Not bad,thanks.A: Hows your summer vacation going? B: Great!语言

4、技能1.能够在听前根据图片预测听力内容(Be able topredict by pictures before listening)2 .能够根据听到的语句识别句子(Be able torecognize what they have heard and check them)3 .能够听懂并参与谈论天气的对话(Be able tounderstand conversations about weather)4 .能根据阅读语篇内容构建思维导图情感态度1 .鼓励学生通过互联网搜索天气预报,关心与我们紧密联系的天气状况,以及如何在不同天气下如何应对,培养学生具有一定的环保意识、责任意识和关爱他

5、人之心,达到人与自然的和谐。2 .鼓励学生通过互联网搜索了解异域风情,了解其他国家同中国的气候差别,以及天气话题在英美和中国的文化差异。学习策略1 .能够借助图片或者文字信息在读前进行预测。2 .能够对所学内容进行复习整理和归纳。文化意识1 .初步了解谈论天气是“闲谈”(small talk)中一项重要内容,“闲谈”是让交际顺利进行的一个重要策略。2 . 了解世界各地不同天气及人们进行的不同活动,感受地域差异。3.三、教学重点和难点重点1 .学生能够灵活运用所学有关天气的词汇来描述天气。2 .学生能够描述在不同的天气情况中人们正在做的事情。3 .学生能够根据教师提供的阅读策略阅读明信片文体并从

6、中获取所需信息。难点1 .现在进行时中助动词be和动词ing的正确使用2 .现在进行时的另一用法,即表示一段时间内正在进行的动作或状态。四、教学过程(含教案)课时Period 3课型阅读课教学内容Section B 2a-2c教学目标语言知识1 .能够灵活运用灵活运用有关天气的词汇来描述天气。2 .能够使用现在进行时态描述在不同的天气情况中人们正在做的事情。语言技能1 .能够根据听到的语句识别句子。2 .能够听懂谈论动物的对话。3 .能够谈论自己喜爱的天气并给出理由。情感态度1 .培养学生自觉保护环境的意识。2 .能在小组活动中积极与他人合作,发扬协作精神。教学重点1 .学生能够灵活运用所学有

7、关天气的词汇来描述天气。2 .学生能够描述在不同的天气情况中人们正在做的事情。3 .学生能够根据教师提供的阅读策略阅读明信片文体并从中获取所需信息。教学难点1 .现在进行时中助动词be和动词-ing的正确使用2 .学生如何根据教师提供的阅读策略阅读明信片文体并从中获取所需信息。解决办法设计了有梯度的教学环节,通过认知角度的变化及任务形式的不同来调动学生的学习愿望,掌握重点,解决难点,实现能力目标的要求。教学方法情景教学法、游戏教学法、任务教学法教学过程学生活动设计意图Step 1 Greeting.1. Greet the students asusual.1. Greet the teach

8、er.2. Be prepared for theclass.使学生进入学习状态,引起学习兴趣。Step 2 Lead-in1. Guide the students towatch the video, and payattention to the weather.Its also a small game.2. Present videosictures ofdifferent weather and peopleare doing different things inthe pictures .All the students watchthe video and one ofthe

9、m click the buttonaccording to the video.Students work in pairsto talk about theweather and whatpeople are doing in thepictures.引出话题。复习目标语X-S。Step 3 Pre-reading1. Present the new words:visit, Canada, summer, sit,juice, soon, vacation, hard,Europe, mountain, country2. 2aAsk students to look at thescr

10、een and talk about thepictures (in 2a) with apartner.Make a model to the Ss51: Howts the weather inpicture a?52: Itts sunny and warm.51: Whats the girl doing?52: She,s sitting near thepool and drinking somejuice.Look at the pictures ofnew words on screenand learn the newwords.Students work in pairsa

11、nd talk about thepictures. How theweather?What are the peopledoing?通过图片教授新单词。通过两人一组对话巩固目标语言并未接下来的阅读活动做准备。Step 4 While-reading1. Fast ReadingRead the postcards in 2b andmath each postcard with thecorrect picture in 2a.Then check the answers.Students read thepostcards quickly andmatch the postcard the

12、correct picture.Then check the answers能够根据文中关键内容迅速找出与之相符的图2. Careful reading:Read the first postcard againand find the answers to thesequestions. Where is Su Lin now?(2) What is Su Lin studyinghere? Is she visiting some ofhis old friends there? What she doing rightnow? How,s the weatherthere?Read th

13、e second postcardagain and find the answersto these questions. Where is Dave now? What are Dave and hisfamily doing there? Are they having a goodtime? Hows the weatherthere? Hows the weather inJane country?Then check the answers inclass.with partner.Students read thepostcards and try tofind the answ

14、ers to thequestions.Then check the answersin groups of four.片。让学生与同桌先核对再全班核对。能够根据文中细节内容迅速找出与问题的答安54C o让学生先在四人小组内核对再全班核对。Step 5 Post-reading1. Read the postcards againand fill in the chart with theRead the postcards andfinish 2b.通过完成2c梳理文information from thepostcards in 2b.2. Read the postcards andunderline the sentences with“be V-ing” and “weather”.3. Ask students to payattention to the three parts ofthe postcards. Greening Main part (what youare doi


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