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1、书面表达冲刺练习一、书面表达1. 参观完约翰家的客厅,你能把你家的客厅描述给约翰听吗?要求:1.使用there be句型;2 .语句通顺、流畅;3 .不少于5句话。【答案】My Ii v i ng room2.We I come to my home. Th i s i s my I i vi ng room. There i s a sofa anda TV i n the I i v i ng room. Above the sofa? there i s a photo of my fami I y.There are some f I owers, too. There i s a p

2、 I ant bes i de the TV. I often watchTV i n the Ii v i ng room.假如你们班要举行才艺大比拼,快把你会做和不会做的事情写下来吧!【答案】Hei Io, I , m Mike. I , m he I pfu I. I can sing and dance. I I i kesports. I can p I ay p i ng-pong and footba I I. I can p I ay the pipa, too. ButI cant pI ay the p i ano. I cant pI ay basketbaI I.3.

3、现在是下午四点,请你用英语描述一下你的同学们分别在做什么。要求:1.句式规范,句子连贯;2.不少于5句话。【答案】Its four oclock in the afternoon. Mike is having a PEc I ass. He is playing footba II with John. Li ly i s runn i ng i n the p I ayground.Sarah is singing with some girls. Chen Jie is doing kung fu under the tree.Some boys are playing basketba

4、 I I over there. They are hav i ng a good time.4. 十年以后,你会变成什么样子?你的生活将会怎样?设想一下,然后写一写,至少写5句话。In ten years, I will.【答案】In ten years, I wi I I be taI I and strong. I won,t wearg I asses. I wi I I have b i g and beaut i fu I eyes. I wi I I I i ve i n Da I i an. I wi I IIive in a big house by the sea. I w

5、iI I read a lot of books.5. 请以“My Weekend”为题写一篇短文,介绍一下你的周末生活。参考i司匚:do homework, wash my c I othes, read books, watchTV, pI ay footbaI I, pI ay the pipa要求:1.语句通顺,语法正确。2. 40个单词左右。My WeekendI am a pupiI. I have a lot of things to do.I,m busy but happy on the weekend.【答案】My WeekendI am a pupi I. I have

6、a lot of things to do every weekend. I mustdo my homework on Saturday morn i ng. Then I shou I d wash my c I othes. I n theafternoon, I shouId read books f i rst. Then I can watch TV for 30 minutes.I m so busy. But Sunday i s d i fferent. I like it very much. Because I canpI ay footbaI I and pI ay t

7、he pipa. Im busy but happy on the weekend.6. 以“The four seasons”为题写一篇英语短文。要求:1.写出各个季节的天气特点和可以做的活动;2.不少于5句话。参考i司匚:p I ant f I owers, go on a picnic, go swimming, eati ce cream, p i ck appIes, make a snowman, pI ay i n the snowThe four seasons【答案】The four seasonsThere are four seasons i n a year. They

8、 are spr i ng, summer, autumnand winter. Spr ing is warm and the trees are green. We can go on a picnicin spr ing. Summer is after spr ing. Its hot. We can go swimming in summer.Autumn i s cool. We can pick appIes in autumn. Winter i s my favour ite season.The weather is cold. I can make a snowman i

9、n winter.7. 请以“Myself”为题,按下面的要求写一篇英语作文。要求:1.语句通顺,条理清楚,书写清晰、规范;2.不得少于50个单词。MyseIf【答案】MyseIfI am a quiet girl. I often go to schoo I on foot. I am i n CI ass1 Grade 6. I I i ke Eng I i sh. I often he I p my f r i ends with Engl i sh. I I i kesummer. Because I can swim in the river in summer. I I ike p

10、laying the pianoand playing ping-pong. On the weekends I often visit my grandparents withmy parents. Sometimes I can cIean my room and wash my cIothes. I am goingto Hong Kong next summer vacat i on. Do you want to be my fr i end?8. 暑假快要到了。好好计划一下你的假期吧,让它过得既快乐又有意义。请以“My Summer Vacation Plan”为题写一篇短文。要求

11、:1.用be going to句型计划一下自己的暑假活动安排。2.条理清楚,意思连贯,语句通顺,标点正确,书写规范、清晰。3.不少于50个单词。My Summer Vacat i on PI an【答案】My Summer Vacation PI anThe summer vacat ion i s comi ng soon. I am very happy. And I mademy p I an yesterday. Now, I et me te I I you. Fi rst, I am going to the naturepark with my fr iends and have

12、 a picnic there. Next, I wiI I go shoppingwith my mother because I like going shopping. Then, I am going to visitBei j ing. I am going to the Great WaI I and the Summer Pa I ace. Thi s i s mysummer vacat i on pI an.9. 假如你上周末生病了,但你的朋友们都度过了一个愉快的周末。请以“LastWeekendv为题写一篇短文,介绍朋友们上周末的活动。要求:1.运用过去时态;2 .条理清楚

13、,意思连贯,语句通顺,标点正确,书写规范;3 .不少于50个单词。Last Weekend【答案】Last WeekendI had a bad time I ast weekend. Because I was ill. But my f r i endshad a good time Iast weekend. Amy drew a very beautifuI picture. Sarahread an interest i ng book. Mary and her s i ster went to the park. They chasedthe butterfIies. Lily

14、jumped a rope. She had a good time.10. 以“My Favour ite Season,为题描述自己最喜欢的季节。要求:1.描述自己最喜欢的季节的天气、能进行的活动以及喜欢的原因等;2 .条理清楚,意思连贯,语句通顺,标点正确,书写规范、清晰;3 .不少于50个单词。My Favour i te Season【答案】My Favour i te SeasonThere are four seasons i n a year. They are spr i ng, summer, autumnand winter. My favour ite season i

15、s winter. Although it is cold in winter,and sometimes it snows, I p lay with snow. I can make a snowman with myf r i ends. I like skiing and skating, so I often go ski i ng and skat i ng withmy fr i ends i n winter. I a I so Ii ke the winter vacation and the Spr i ngFest i vaI. So winter i s my favour ite season.11.请你以为题描写一种你喜欢的动物。要求:1.写出动物的外貌、特点和生活习惯等;2 .书写规范、表达准确;3 .不少于60个单词。【答案】My DogI like animals very much. Dogs are my favour ite animal. I havea dog. Its wh i te. It I ooks I i ke a snow ba I I. It has two b i g eyes and twosma I I


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