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1、制作人:。制作人:。The main content主要内容 The definition of high speed railway 高速铁路的定义高速铁路的定义 Chinas high-speed rail development situation 中国高速铁路发展概况中国高速铁路发展概况 The status quo of Chinas high-speed rail中国高速铁路的现状The definition of high speed railway 高速铁路的定义高速铁路的定义 时速100120公里称为常速; 时速120160公里称为中速或准高速; 时速160200公里称为快速

2、; 时速200400公里称为高速; 时速400公里以上称为特高速。 High-speed rail is public transport by rail at speed in excess of 200km/h.Typically,high-speed trains trains travel at top service speeds of between 250km/h and 400km/h.高速铁路是一种轨道速度超过200公里/小时的公共交通。通常,高速列车运行的最高时速在250公里/小时到400公里/小时之间 .Worlds first high-speed rail - the

3、 Japanese Shinkansen successful operations in 1964, with a top speed of 300 km. 世界第一条高速铁路日本新干线于1964年成功运营,最高时速300公里 。 There are 11 countries and regions more than ten thousand km high-speed railway was put into operation. 目前已有11个国家和地区共一万多公里高速铁路投入运营。Chinas high-speed rail development situationPut into

4、 operation in our countrys high-speed rail operating mileage reached 7431 kilometers, the world in the first place.截至2013年12月,中国投入运营的高铁里程已到达1.1万公里,居世界第一位第一位。Speed: a top speed of 416.6 kilometers;运行速度运行速度,最高时速达416.6公里 ;Transportation: a long marshalling train can carry more than 1000 people, strong

5、capacity;运输能力运输能力,一个长编组的列车可以运送1000多人,运力强大; To adapt to the environment: the high-speed train can be all-weather running;适应环境适应环境,高速列车可以全天候运行; Energy conservation and environmental protection: very adapt to the requirement of energy conservation and emissions reduction.节能环保节能环保,非常适应节能减排的要求。 1、2004 -

6、China for the first time in guangshen railway operation speed of 160 kilometers of the domestic fast passenger trains. Guangshen railway is known as the experimental field Chinas high-speed railway. 2004年中国在广深铁路首次开行时速达160公里的国产快速旅客列车。广深铁路被誉为中国高速铁路“试验田”。2、2004-2005 - China CSR Qingdao sifang, China no

7、rth car prosperity don and shares company successively from Canadas bombardier, Japans kawasaki heavy industries, Frances alstom and Germanys Siemens technology introduction, joint design and manufacture of high-speed emu. 2004年至2005年中国南车青岛四方、中国北车长客股份和唐车公司先后从加拿大庞巴迪、日本川崎重工、法国阿尔斯通和德国西门子引进技术,联合设计生产高速动车

8、组。3、April 18, 2007 - the national railway speed for the sixth time implementation and new trains running. Busy trunk reach 200 to 250 kilometers per hour speed segments. This is the worlds railway existing railway-speed-increasing peak. At the same time, the harmony emu into the life of the people f

9、rom now on. 2007年4月18日全国铁路实施第六次大提速和新的列车运行图。繁忙干线提速区段达到时速200至250公里。这是世界铁路既有线提速最高值。同时,“和谐号”动车组从此驶入了百姓的生活中。4、on February 26, 2008 - the ministry of railways and ministry of science and technology plan, develop the operational speed of 380 km of a new generation of high-speed train. 2008年2月26日铁道部和科技部签署计划

10、,共同研发运营时速380公里的新一代高速列车。5、On August 1, 2008 - Chinas first with completely independent intellectual property rights, a world-class level of high-speed rail the beijing-tianjin inter-city railway opened to traffic operation. 2008年8月1日中国第一条具有完全自主知识产权、世界一流水平的高速铁路京津城际铁路通车运营。6、December 26, 2009 - the worl

11、d built last longest mileage, the types of engineering the most complex kind of wuhan-guangzhou high-speed railway operation. 2009年12月26日世界上一次建成里程最长、工程类型最复杂的武广高速铁路开通运营。 7、February 6, 2010 - the worlds first building in collapsible loess area, zheng west high speed railway operation speed of 350 km.

12、2010年2月6日世界首条修建在湿陷性黄土地区,时速350公里的郑西高速铁路开通运营。 8、On May 6, 2010 - a fast filling iron formally entered the countdown operation, dujiangyan station, harmony express the ongoing trial. 2010年5月6日成灌快铁正式运行进入倒计时,都江堰车站,和谐号列车正在进行试运行。 9、July 1, 2010 - huning inter-city high-speed railway operation. 2010年7月1日沪宁城

13、际高速铁路的开通运营。 京沪高铁南京常胜关长江大桥京沪高铁南京常胜关长江大桥10、On 28 September , 2010 - the shanghai-hangzhou high-speed railway from hangzhou to Shanghai hongqiao commissioning on the way, a top speed of 416.6 kilometers, again to refresh the world highest speed railway test. 2010年9月28日沪杭高速铁路从杭州到上海虹桥试运行途中,最高时速达到416.6公里,

14、再次刷新世界铁路运营试验最高速度。北京南站北京南站唐山火车站唐山火车站衡阳高铁站衡阳高铁站The grand blueprint of Chinas high-speed rail中国高速铁路的宏伟蓝图The status quo of Chinas high-speed rail中国高速铁路的现状Chinas major emu models中国主要动车组型号CRH1 type power emu: is the ministry of railways of the Peoples Republic of China speed for the sixth time for Chinas

15、railway, in 2004, up to the bombardier transportation and Qingdao sifang bombardier railway transportation equipment company., LTD. (BST) (formerly, Qingdao four directions - bombardier - Bauer, railway transportation equipment co., LTD. , BSP) ordering one of CRH high-speed power emu series models.

16、 (nickname: the big tube) CRH1型电力动车组:是中华人民共和国铁道部为进行中国铁路第六次大提速,于2004年起向庞巴迪运输和青岛四方庞巴迪铁路运输设备有限公司(BST)(前称“青岛四方-庞巴迪-鲍尔铁路运输设备有限公司”、BSP)订购的CRH系列高速电力动车组车款之一。(绰号:大地铁)Power emu CRH2 type: power emu CRH2 type, is the ministry of railways of the Peoples Republic of China for state railway speed for the sixth time for Chinas railway and construction of high speed passenger dedicated railway, from Japans kawasaki heavy industries, and CSR sifang rolling stock group co., LTD. The order of one of the high-speed


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