1、练习双语:研究表明独生子女最容易出轨Poor only children.可怜的独生子女。They have a reputation for being attention-seeking, selfish and spoiled, and new researchisn,t going to do any favours for their image.他们以寻求关注、自私和被宠坏而著称,然而一项最新研究又给他们增添了坏形象。According to a new study, only children are most likely to cheat on their partners.
2、根据一项最新研究表明,独生子女最有可能出轨伴侣。The research was carried out by Illicit Encounters, a dating website for married peoplelooking to commit affairs.这项研究是由非法邂逅网站发起,该网站是为已婚人士寻求婚外情的交友网站。The site found that the majority of its users (34 per cent) are only children.该网站发现,其大多数用户(34%)是独生子女。28 per cent of members are
3、first-born children, and 23 per cent are youngest siblings.28%的成员是家庭长子,23%是家里最小的兄弟姐妹。And it,s good news for the oft-neglected middle children, who are clearly the most faithful -just 15 per cent of the website,s users are middle siblings.对于那些经常被忽视的中间孩子来说,这是个好消息,他们显然是最忠诚的一只有15%的网站用户是家庭的中间孩子。24 per ce
4、nt of members also have step-siblings.其中24%的成员是过继子女。Illicit Encounters propose that only children are most likely to cheat because they desireattention.非法邂逅的研究表明,独生子女最可能出轨,因为他们渴望得到关注。The sites spokesperson, Christian Grant, says: Its well-known that an only child canexperience the feeling of immense
5、 loneliness in their childhood, and that comes back to hauntthem in their future relationships.该网站的发言人克里斯蒂安.格兰特说:众所周知,独生子女会在童年经历一种巨大的孤独感,这种孤独感会让他们在未来的生活关系中挥之不去。“Having been starved of attention for so long, it,s something that they find themselves indesperate need of. This manifests itself quite cle
6、arly when someone,s partner works long hoursor travels frequently for work; the alone time for an only child just won,t do, so an affair is theperfect short-term solution.长期以来,他们一直渴望被关注,这是他们发现自己急需的东西。当他们的伴侣工作时间太长或者经常出差,这种状况就更加明显;让这些独生子女独处时间太长基本是不可能的,所以婚外情是他们解决问题的完美方案。0n the other end of the scale, a
7、 middle child is surrounded by loving parents and siblings.They dont grow up with the same need for love and affection, but they,re also more thancomfortable during moments of isolation.而另一方面,年龄处于中间的孩子从小就沐浴在父母和兄弟姐妹的慈爱下。他们成长过程中不需要同样的爱和关注,并且即使让他们独处也会感到很舒服。zzStep-siblings, too, are negatively influence
8、d by their childhood. Having seen their parentsunable to remain happy with a single partner, it,s easy to see why theyre more susceptible tofollowing suit/过继子女也是由于受到童年的负面影响。当看到自己的父母不能幸福并专一的生活时,你就很容易理解为什么这些孩子也会容易效仿父母的行为。But this isnt the first study to suggest only children are most likely to be unfaithful to theirpartners - a 2015 study of 43,000 people by Seeking Arrangement drew the same conclusion.此次研究并不是第一个表明独生子女最有可能出轨的研究一2015年的一项针对43000人的研究得出了同样的结论。Best not put your lack of siblings on your Bumble bio then.最好不要把你没有兄弟姐妹当成你出轨的借口。