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1、练习双语:发表情容易拉近距离?其实笑脸表情也有禁区一项新研究揭示,在商务邮件中,笑脸表情和类似的逗趣表情可能不会让收件人感到开心。这些表情会影响收件人分享工作信息的意愿,且给人留下不专业的印象。下次在邮件里使用表情符号的时候,可要多想想了!Signing off an email to a colleague with a chirpy smiley might be more contentious than youthink.你可能没想到,在发给同事的邮件中使用调皮的笑脸表情会引发这么大的争议。Including smiley faces or similarly perky emojis

2、 may undermine information sharing andimply professional ineptitude, according to a new study by researchers at Ben-Gurion Universityof the Negev in Israel.根据以色列内盖夫本古里安大学的一项新研究,笑脸或者类似的逗趣表情可能会影响收件人分享工作信息的意愿,且给人留下不专业的印象。Our findings provide first-time evidence that, contrary to actual smiles, smileys

3、do notincrease perceptions of warmth and actually decrease perceptions of competence, revealed DrElla Gilkson.艾拉吉尔科森博士表示:我们的研究结果首次证明,与真正的微笑相反,笑脸表情不会给收件人更温暖的感觉,还会令他们对发件人的能力评判打折扣。,ln formal business e-mails, a smiley is not a smile/1 the post-doctorate fellow inmanagement revealed这位管理学博士后表示:在正式的商务邮件中,

4、笑脸表情不等于微笑。Researchers from BGU, the University of Haifa and Amsterdam University conducted a seriesof experiments with 549 participants, hailing from 29 different countries, according to a paperpublished in the journalSocial Psychological and Personality Science.社会心理学与人格科学期刊刊登的论文显示,本古里安大学、海法大学和阿姆斯特丹

5、大学的研究人员对来自29个国家的549名参与者进行了一系列实验。Participants were each required to read similar work-related emails from a stranger andsubsequently evaluate their warmth and professional competence. Some of these includedsmileys, others didnt.每名参与者都需要阅读陌生人发来的相似的工作邮件,然后评估对方的热情程度和专业能力。这些邮件有的包含笑脸表情,有的没有。Surprisingly,

6、they found that the inclusion of smiley emojis had no impact on peoplesperceptions of warmth and lowered their perceptions of competence.令人惊讶的是,他们发现笑脸表情不会影响收件人感受到的热情程度,不过会对发件人留给对方的专业印象有不利影响。,lThe study also found that when the participants were asked to respond to e-mails onformal matters, their ans

7、wers were more detailed and they included more content-relatedinformation when the e-mail did not include a smiley, explained Dr. Glikson.吉尔克森解释道:研究还发现,参与者应要求回复公务邮件时,当电子邮件不包含笑脸符号时,他们会提供更详细、更相关的信息。,We found that the perceptions of low competence if a smiley is included in turnundermined information s

8、haring, she said.我们发现,如果电子邮件中含有笑脸符号,那么他们会感到对方不专业,这会破坏他们分享信息的意愿。The study even showed that theres a glimmer of sexism in emoji usage.研究还表明,使用表情符号还有一丝性别歧视的意味。It revealed that when the gender of the email sender was unknown, recipients were morelikely to presume that an email which included a smiley icon was sent by a woman.研究透露,当发件人的性别未知时,收件人更倾向于认为含有笑脸符号的电子邮件发送者是女性。英文来源:独立报翻译&编辑:董静


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