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1、中国区法务总监绩效目标China Legal Director Performance Objectives1、为中国大陆的CRB业务以及中国的健康与福利业务 提供实用的法律咨询和服务。Provide practical legal advice and services to the CRB businesses in Mainland China, and to the Health & Benefits business in China. From time to time, as requested, provide practical legal advice and servic

2、es to the Health, Wealth and Career and Insurance Consulting and Technology businesses in mainland China.2、有效地管理大量事务,为公司的业务运营(主要是 在中国)谈判大量标准和复杂的公司和商业协议,同时平衡适 当的法律、监管和商业风险。Efficiently manage a large volume of matters, negotiate numerous standard and complex corporate and commercial agreements for the

3、 company, S business operations (primarily in China) while balancing appropriate legal, regulatory and business risks.3、在诉讼管理中发挥领导作用。Take a leading role in the management of litigation.4、与合规团队进行沟通,并与他们和法律团队进行合 作,为业务提供合规和法律建议。InterfaCe with theCompliance Team and cooperate with them and the Legal Tea

4、m in providing compliance and legal advice to the business.5、与隐私团队进行沟通,并与他们合作,为业务提供 与隐私相关的建议和解决方案。Interface with the Privacy Team and cooperate with them in providing privacy-reIated advice and solutions to the business.6、快速评估决策的潜在法律和合规风险、利益和后果。 提出替代方案和提出解决方案,以实现业务目标,同时巧妙地 管理法律和实际的业务考虑。Rapidlyassess

5、potential legal and compliance risks, benefits, and consequences of decisions. Present alternatives and propose solutions to achieve business objectives while skillfully managing legal and practical business considerations.7、直接与客户、供应商和其他第三方法律、采购和承 包代表,以及内部管理人员和员工进行沟通。InterfaCe directly with clients,

6、 vendors, and other third party legal, procurement, and contracting representatives, as well as internal management and staff.8、与公司团队合作(例如,客户开发、市场营销、IT、 人力资源、财务等)。以实现业务目标。Work with corporate teams (e. g. client development, marketing, IT, HR, Finance, etc.) to achieve business objectives.9、支持公司在中国的业

7、务运营的商业和其他法律需求, 同时继续作为东亚法律团队的成员,并作为服务于全球组织的 全球法律部 门的一部分。Support commercial and other legal needs of the company, S business operations in China while remaining as a member of the East Asia legal team and being part of a global legal department serving a global organization.10、与我们的就业法和调查小组合作,处理就业和调查 问题。Work with our empIoyment law and investigations teams on employment and investigations issues.


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