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1、Acre/安科瑞电气149外置开合式互感器单相导轨式多功能电力仪表Rail-type Multifunction Electrical Instrumentwith External Split Core Current Transformer安装使用说明书V1.4Use and Installation Manual Vl .4安科瑞电气股份有限公司Acrel Co., Ltd.申 明Announcement在使用本产品前请仔细阅读本说明,其中涉及的图片、标识、符号等均为安科 瑞电气股份有限公司所有。非本公司内部人员未经书面授权不得公开转载全部或者 部分内容。Please read the

2、manual carefully before using the product. The pictures, marks and symbol in the manual belong to AcreL The manual or part of it shall not be publicly reprinted by people outside the company without written authorization.本说明内容将不断更新、修正,但难免存在与实物稍有不符或错误的情况。用 户请以所购产品实物为准,并可通过WWW.ACREL.cn或销售渠道下载索取最新版本 的说

3、明书。口 Acre/李亚俊国内销售经理股票代码:300286. SZ安科瑞电气股份有限公司地址:上海市嘉定区育绿路253号手机号码:18721098757 传真:021-69155906电子邮箱:2881068607 邮编:201801目录Content1. 概述 Overview2. 产品规格 Product Specifications13. 产品功能 Product Function24. 技术参数 TeChniCaIParameterS25. 安装 Installation35.1 外形及安装尺寸 Overall and Installation Dimensions 35.2 开口

4、式互感器尺寸 OPen Current Transformers Dimension 45.3 安装方法 Installation Method45. 4 接线方法 Connection Mode56. 编程与使用 Programming and Use56.1 面板说明 Panel Description56.2 按键功能说明 Button Function Description66.3 操作说明 Operation Instructions76.4 编程菜单 Programming Menu76.4.1 仪表通用编程菜单 General Programming Menu76.5 编程示例

5、 Programming Examples86.5.1 如何修改电流倍数(CT 变比)How to Change Current Multiplier (CT Transformation Ratio)86.5.2 编程实例 Programming Cases107. 通讯接线 Communication Connection117.1 传输方式 Transmitting Method117.2 信息帧格式 Information Frame Format117.3 功能码简介 Function Code Introduction137.3.1 功能码 03H 或 04H:读寄存器 Funct

6、ion Code 03H or04H: Reading Register137.3.2 功能码 10H:写寄存器 Function Code 10H: Writing Register137.4 通讯应用细节 Communication Application Details147.5 通讯地址表(MoDBUS-RTU 协议)Communication Address List (MODBUS-RTU Protocol)147.6 通讯接线实例 Communication Connection Cases16注意事项:仪表现场安装时必须与配套的开合式互感器一起使用。Note: The inst

7、rument must be installed on the spot together with a complementary split-core current transformer .1 .概述 OVerVieW外置开合式互感器的导轨式多功能电力仪表,适用于冶炼、钢铁、电焊、半导体等高能耗行业的节能改造工 程,也适用于分布式光伏并网柜的功率监测、电力需求侧管理等应用。具有无需拆一次母线、接线简单方便、施 工安全,为用户节约改造成本、提高效率等特点。它集成全部电力参数的测量(如单相或者三相的电流、电压、 有功功率、无功功率、视在功率、频率、功率因数)以及电能监测和考核管理。同时它具

8、有多种外围接口功能可 供用户选择:带有RS485通讯接口,采用MoDBUS-RTU协议可满足通讯联网管理的需要;带开关量输入和继电 器输出可实现断路器开关的“遥信”和遥控”的功能,采用LCD显示界面,通过面板按键来实现参数设置和控制, 非常适合于实时电力监控系统。The rail-type multifunction electrical instrument with external Rogowski coil and split-core current transformer is applicable for the energy-saving reconstruction proj

9、ect in high energy consumption industries including the smelting, iron and steel, welding and semi-conductor industry. It is also suitable for applications such as the power monitoring of grid-connected cabinet for distributed photovoltaic power cabinet and energy demand management. It boasts of no

10、need of bus removal, easy connection and safe construction, saving reconstruction cost and raising efficiency for the user. It integrates the measurements of all electric parameters (including single-phase or three-phase current, voltage, active power, reactive power, apparent power, frequency and p

11、ower factor) and comprehensive energy monitoring and examination management. Meanwhile, it also has various peripheral interfaces for the user to choose: the RS485 communication interface with MODBUS-RTU protocol can meet the need of online communication management; the interfaces with switch input

12、and relay output can realize the remote signalling and remote control of the circuit breaker switch. It is very suitable for real-time power monitoring system with an LCD display and the panel buttons to realize the setting and control of parameters.ACR2 .产品规格 Product SpecificationsE-单相T-外置开口式互感器D16

13、-16mm, 120A开口式互感器型号:D10-10mm, 80A;D24-24mm, 200A;D36-36mm, 300A10R-导轨式安装ACR系列网络电力仪表E-单相E-Single-phaseT-外置开口式互感器T-External open current transformer开口式互感器型号Open current transformer model:IoR-导轨式安装IOR-Rail-type installationACR系列网络电力仪表ACR series grid electrical instruments3 .产品功能 Product Function型号 Mode

14、l功能特性Functionacrior-dxxte测量参数 Measurement Parameters单相电流 Single-phase current单相电压 Single-phase voltage单相(有功功率、无功功率、功率因素) Single-phase (active power, reactive power,power factor )单相(有功电能、无功电能)Three-phase (active energy, reactive energy)注:1、“”为标配功能,以上仪表标配1路RS485通讯;Note: I .t,refers to standard functio

15、n, the standard configuration for above instruments is 1 channel RS485 communication.4 .技术参数 Technical Parameters技术参数Technical parameters指标 IndiCatOrS输入Input网络Grid单相 Single-phase,频率 Frequency45 65Hz电压Voltage额定值:AC 100V. 400VRated voltage: AC 100V, 400V过负荷:1.2倍额定值(连续);2倍额定值持续1秒Overload: 1.2 times the rated voltage(continuous); 2 limes the rated voltage lasting for1 second功耗:小于0.2VAPower consumption: less then 0.2VA电流Current额定值:10A, 20A, 40A, 80A, 120A, 200A等(具体见产品规格) Rated current: 10A, 20


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