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1、员工离岗期间安全责任约定书Safety responsibiIity agreement of the empIoyee during the departure period 甲方(单位):Party (Unit):乙方(员工):Party B (employee):为了维护公司和员工之间的和谐工作关系,减少员工离岗外出期间不安全因素,保障 员工的生命财产安全等,特与员工约定下列条款。In order to maintain the harmonious working relationship between the company and the employees, reduce th

2、e unsafe factors during the employees leave the post, and protect the safety of the employees* life and property, the following terms are hereby agreed with the employees.一、离岗说明,本约定书所指离岗是员工下班后、上班期间因特殊情况请假外出、或 非因公外出(含未请假外出)等。Leave instructions, referred to in this agreement is the employee leave afte

3、r work, or not on business (including no leave for leave), etc.二、员工离岗后,应办好工作交接,安全外出。在外出期间应做好自身生命财产安全 防护工作,包括但不限于:遵守交通规则、严守法律法规、不到危险区域、不从事危险活 动、不随意更改预定路线、不随意到陌生区域活动或逗留等。After leaving the post, employees should do the work handover and go out safely. During the period, they should protect their life a

4、nd property safety, including but not limited to:Abide by traffic rules, strictly abide by laws and regulations, do not reach dangerous areas, do not engage in dangerous activities, do not change the scheduled route at will, do not move or stay in unfamiliar areas, etc.三、如员工离岗发生如下事项,导致自身、他人或给公司造成损害,

5、由该过错员工自 己承担责任或负责赔偿。If the following matters occur when the employee leaves the post, causing damage to himself, others or the company, the fault employee shall bear the responsibility or be responsible for compensation.1、没有按照该员工上下班正常的行驶路线轨迹返回居住地,擅自更改正常路线,擅 自到危险区域或陌生区域活动、逗留,或者擅自从事危险活动等,给自己或他人造成损害 的;F

6、ailing to return to the place of residence according to the normal driving route, changing the normal route without authorization, activity or staying in dangerous areas or unfamiliar areas without authorization, or engaging in dangerous activities without authorization, causing damage to himself or

7、 others;2、该员工离岗后外出用餐酗酒滋事,聚众闹事、参与打架斗殴等违反社会治安行为 的,或者故意违反交通规则等,给自己或他人造成损害的。After leaving the post, the employee goes out to eat alcohol and cause trouble, gathering people to make trouble, participate in fighting and other violations of social security behavior, or intentionally violates traffic rules,

8、 causing damage to himself or others.3、该员工违反法律法规进入不健康场所,参与卖淫、嫖娼、偷窃、抢劫等触犯法律 法规行为的。The employee enters unhealthy places in violation of laws and regulations, and participates in prostitution, whoring, theft, robbery and other acts in violation of laws and regulations.4、该员工违反公司制度或违反操作规程,未办好请假或工作交接即擅自离岗

9、或外出 给公司造成财产损失的,当事员工应根据财产损失程度给予公司经济赔偿。If the employee violates the company*s system or the operating rules, leaves the post or goes out without permission or causes property loss to the company, the employee concerned shall give economic compensation to the company according to the degree of property

10、 loss.四、违反上述要求一经发现,第一次该员工自愿乐捐当月基本工资50%的考核,第二 次自愿乐捐当月全部基本工资,第三次予以接受公司开除处理。性质严重的,公司将移交 案件给司法机关以追究该员工的法律责任。Once the violation of the above requirements is found, the first employee voluntarily happy to donate the assessment of 50% of the basic salary of the month, the second voluntariIy donated all the

11、 basic salary of the month, and will be dismissed from the company for the third time. If the nature is serious, The company will transfer the case to the judicial organ to pursue the legal responsibility of the employee.五、若该员工违反上述要求,造成的其它后果和一切损失,公司不承担任何责任,均 由员工本人负责。如给公司造成声誉影响,公司有权追究该员工的相应法律责任。If th

12、e employee violates the above requirements, the company shal 1 not assume any responsibility for the other consequences and all losses caused by the employee, and the employee shall be responsible for the consequences and losses by himself. In case of any impact on the reputation of the company, the

13、 company has the right to investigate the corresponding legal responsibility of the employee.六、上述约定内容乙方已全部查阅明白,完全同意且自愿遵守上述全部约定。Party B has understood al 1 the above agreements, fully agreed to and voluntariIy abide by all the above agreements.七、如因本约定书内容发生争议,由甲方所在地人民法院管辖。Any dispute over the contents of this Agreement shall be under the jurisdiction of the people*s court where Party is located. 甲方(单位):乙方(员工):Party A (unit)Party B (employee)2023年 月 日2023年 月 日time of contracttime of contract


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