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1、硕 士 学 位 论 文论文题目:先秦官吏考核制度演变探析Analysis on the Evolution of the Pre-Qin Official Examination System作者姓名: 作者学号: 指导教师: 论文密级:专业名称:中国古代史单位年级:政治与历史学院20XX级完成日期:20XX年4月研究生学院先秦官吏考核制度演变探析中 文 摘 要先秦时期是我国历史的开端,这一时期所确立的典章制度为后世典章制度的发展奠定了基础。其中,官吏考核制度作为先秦时期政治制度的一个重要方面,也在自身的产生、发展的演变过程之中为后来的考核制度提供了借鉴。由于远古史料匮乏,加之不同学者的认识角
3、随着各种新制度的确立而全面革新为一种官僚体制下的官吏考核制度。这一发展演变过程为秦汉时期更加成熟的官吏考核制度作了充分的准备。关 键 词:先秦时期;官吏考核;演变ANALYSIS ON THE EVOLUTION OF THE PRE-QIN OFFICIAL EXAMINATION SYSTEM ABSTRACTThe pre-Qin period is the beginning of our history, established the base of this period of system development for future generations of instit
4、utions. Due to lack of understanding of ancient historical materials, and different scholars have different point of view, studies of the official examination system was established in when to have different opinions. I think that our country ancient examination system formed in the Western Zhou Dyn
5、asty official. The need for further explanation is, although the appraisal system was established in the Western Zhou period, but the examination and appraisal phenomenon has appeared earlier. On the basis of previous research, this paper thinks that the official examination system in the legend tim
6、es after brewing, with the national establishment, officials have begun to sprout. After continuous development, to the Western Zhou period with slavery political form, mature and formed a relatively mature system. As the main assessment system; a clear assessment standards; parison of strict examin
7、ation time limit set; used relatively perfect evaluation methods. The Spring and Autumn period, with the great social changes and the occurrence of a corresponding change. The Spring and Autumn period with the destruction of the old system and performance for the continuous adjustment, in examining
8、the main division, mode, content and standards, and. In the Warring states period, with the establishment of new system and prehensive reform as a feudal bureaucratic system under the official examination system. The process of development and evolution of the Qin and Han Dynasties more mature after
9、 the official examination system was fully preparedKEY WORDS:Pre-Qin period;Official examination;Evolve目 录 前言1一、考核溯源3二、夏商时期官吏考核的萌芽4三、西周时期官吏考核制度的形成6(一)周天子对诸侯的考核6(二)诸侯对属官的考核10(三)史书所见“六观”考核法10(四)金文所见西周官员的晋升11四、春秋战国时期考核制度的变革13(一)春秋时期考核制度的调整141.考核主司142.考核方式153.考核的内容与标准18(二)战国时期考核制度的革新191.革新的历史背景与理论基础202.
10、御史新考核官员的设置223.考核方式234.基层官吏的考核245.考核与奖惩256.举报制与连坐制对考核制度的补充26结语28续论2930CONTENTSForeword1Chapter 1 Looking for the roots of assessment3Chapter 2 Xia and Shang dynastiesSeeds of assessment4Chapter 3 Western Zhou dynastyThe establishment of the official examination system63.1 Granting by the king of prin
11、ces assessment63.2 Examining the official by leaders103.3 Historysee six views appraisal method113.4 Recording on pronoting of Western Zhou dynasty officials in inscriptions11Chapter 4 Spring and Autumn period and the Warring States periodChanges of appraisal system134.1 Spring and Autumn periodThe
12、adjustment of the appraisal system144.1.1 The main division of examination144.1.2 The way of examination154.1.3 The Content and standards examination184.2 Warring States periodChanges of appraisal system204.2.1 The historical background and theoretical basis of changing204.2.2 CensorThe new examinat
13、ion official settings234.2.3 The mode of feudal official examination234.2.4 Assessment of grassroots officials254.2.5 Appraisal and incentive264.2.6 Report system and riding systemSupplement to the assessment system27Epilogue29Continuing discuss30References31前言本文拟在马克思主义理论指导下,采用理论结合史实,历史文献与考古资料相参证的方法
14、,对先秦时期官吏考核制度的演变进行初步的研究,以提出自己的见解。考核,在我国古代也称考课、考绩、考功等。其含义就是特定主体依据一定标准对考核对象履行职责的情况进行考察与核实,并依此对其予以赏罚升降。由于远古史料匮乏,加之不同学者的认识角度不同,学界对官吏考核制度设立于何时有着不同的见解。有人认为:“西周采取大计、审计、巡狩、朝觐、述职等各种检查方式或考课形式。” 邱永明:中国监察制度史,上海:华东师范大学出版,1992年,第40页。有人认为:“春秋时期建立了考核制度。” 杨升南:中国春秋战国政治史,北京:人民出版社,1994年。也有人认为:“战国时期创立了年终考绩制度。” 杨宽:战国史,上海:
15、上海人民出版社,1979年。还有人认为:“秦统一后,才有一套完整的考察制度,而在春秋战国时期,各国并未形成一套严格的官吏考核制度。” 蒋亮平:春秋战国时期人事考核制度初探,华中师大学报,1995年第3期。而武玉环在其博士论文周代职官管理制度研究中认为官吏考核制度在西周时期已经确立,虽然考核方式还不十分完备。笔者赞同这一观点。需要说明的是,虽然考核制度形成于西周时期,但考核活动和考核现象却出现得很早。这是因为官者,管也。有治必有官,有官就有考。将官作为管理者而言,只是在不同历史时期它有不同的形态而已。当然,它们的性质也是不同的。也就是治的主体和考的对象在不同历史时期有不同的称谓而已。所以治、考的内容、方式、特点等也是变化着的。通过梳理史料,在前人的基础之上,我认为先秦官吏考核制度演变过程经历了萌芽、形成和变革三个阶段。一种制度的出现、发展和最终确立乃至演化,首