1、涡旋压缩机技术规格书Specification for ScroI I CompressorMOdeI: 403DHV-64D2Y广州日立压缩机有限公司编制审核客户确认Hitach i Compressor Products (Guangzhou) Co. 9 Ltdo广州日立压缩机有限公司1.规格 Spec if icat ion1 o 1 压缩机 Compressor压缩机型号Compressor Mode I403DHV64D2Y压缩机型式Compressor Type变频压缩机 InVerter Controlled Compressor压缩机方式Compression Type涡旋式
2、 Scrol I Type使用冷媒RefrigerantR22排气容积Displacement64cm3rev润滑油/油量Oil / Oil ChargeSUNISO 4GDIHT / 1800ml涂装 Painting黑色 Black Color Paint总质量(含油)Net Mass (Including Oi I )37kg吸气管接口内径Suction Accept I。D 22. 2mm排气管接口内径 Discharge Accept I. D 12. 9mmCCC 认证号 CCC Certification No.20030107040987191 o 2 电机 Motor变频器电
3、源Transducer Power380/415V, 3,50Hz60Hz电动机型式Motor Type三相感应电机 3 Phase Induction Motor运转频率范围 RUnning Frequency Range3090Hz频率变化 Frequency Vary加速ACCeIerat ion SpeedIHZ/s3Hzs减速 DeCelerate Speed0.5Hzs工作电压范围Voltage Range基本 V/F 特性10% Basic V/F+10%绝缘等级 Insulation ClassF 级 F Class绕组阻抗 Winding Res i stance (at 2
4、0)0. 86467%基本V/F特性Basic V/F CharacteristicsO 66 43 1变频器输出电压Z ji3090变频器输出频率1 o 3 性能 Performance制冷能力Capacityat 60Hz14200W输入功率Motor Input4300W能效比EER3. 30WW运行电流 Running Current11o 5A噪音 Sound Level60dB (A)振动 Vibration15 ms2冰 制冷能力测试条件 Test cond i t i on of coo I ing capacity:冷凝温度 Condensing temp。: 54. 4 蒸
5、发温度 Evaporating temp。: 7. 2 回气温度 Return gas temp. : 180 3 周围温度 Ambient temp0 : 35. 0 膨胀阀前液体温度Liquid tempo :46, C1.4 一般特性 Character i st ics气密试验压力Leak Tight Pressure3。OMPa高压侧 H. P. Side / 1 05MPa低压侧 LP. Side耐压试验压力 Hydrostatic Strength Pressure4, 5MPa 高压侧 Ho P。Side / 2。3MPa低压侧 L。 P. Side绝缘阻抗 Insulatio
6、n Resistance10M Min.绝缘耐压 Withstand Voltage1,830V-1min.残余水分量 Residual Moisture350mg Max.含尘量 Residua I Impurities100mg Maxo2。压缩机配件 Accessories Of CompressorNOo名称 Parts Name数量Qty代号 Drawing NO.备注 Remarks1支撑螺柱Bolt4TP1101标准部件 Standard Parts2防振胶垫 Rubber Grommet B4TP11023防振胶座 Rubber Grommet A4TP11034垫圈Washe
7、r4TP1-1045M6 螺母 M6 Screw Nut4GB4186M66M8 螺母 M8 Screw Nut4GB41-86M87弹性垫圈Spring Washer4GB93-87-68温控器挡板 Thermostat Holder1TP1105选择部件Option Parts9排气温控器 Discharge Thermostat1TP1-10610热油器 Crankcase Heater1TP1-1103 使用条件范围 OPerating Conditions蒸发温度 Evaporating Temp.15 15排气温度 Discharge Tempo(冷凝温度+15C)120C以下(C
8、ondens i ng Temp. +15C)120C MaXo绕组温度Winding Tempo120C 以下 Max.压缩机外壳温度Shel I Tempo115C以下 Maxo吸气压力 Suction Pressure0.10.7MPa (起动、除霜等短时间运转除外;Except the short period such as start, defrost)排气压力 Discharge Pressure1. 12.8MPa压力比 Pressure Ratio27。5 (起动、除霜等短时间运转除外;Except the short period such as start, defros
9、t)起动时的压力差Pressure Difference At Starting排气压力一吸气压力WO. 30MPaD. P0 S. P. less than Oo 30MPa启停周期0n0ff Period周期为10分钟以上,停止时间必须3分钟以上10 minutes min/cycIe, OFF should be over 3 minutes最低油量 Mini mum Oi I Charge400ml Min.异常升压/降压Abnormal Presso Rise/Drop上升:3. OMPa 以下 Rise:3. OMPa Maxo下降:Oo 2MPa 以上 Drop: 0o 2MPa
10、 Min.配管(铜管)应力Copper Piping Stress启动时:50MPa 以下 Start:50MPa Max.运转时:10MPa 以下 RunMOMPa Maxo冷媒水分含量Refrigerant Moisture Level60ppm 以下 Max o系统固体杂质含量Solid Impurities Level100mg 以下 Max.运转倾斜角度Tilt In Operation压缩机倾斜最大5o以内5 deg. Max.X其他注意事项Remarks:1 .设置排气单向阀可以起到能量调节与压缩机不带压差启动;The exhaust check valve may adjust
11、 capacity , and startup at no pressure difference,2。每台压缩机都需要独立设置电流、压力、温度等保护装置;Some protected device should be mounted for any compressor , for instance current, pressure and temperature.3。在系统匹配时需要考虑在各种运行模式如:高落差长配管、最大注氟量等情况下的回油状况,当压缩机 出厂注油量(180OmI)不能够保证压缩机运行的最低油量400ml时可以从压缩机排气侧补充适量牌号为 SUNISO 4GDI-HT的
12、冷冻机油。It shouId be given our attention to oiI that compressor runs for example long tube and the max. refrIgeranto If compressor oiI fa I I short of 400m I, it must be injected from the exhaust.4。压缩机在去除吸、排气接头盖后,请勿放置10分钟以上;InstaI Iation sha I I be comp Ieted within 10 mi nutes after removi ng the caps
13、 of suet ion and d i scharge tube05 .请勿压缩空气;Do not compress a i r.6 .在真空状态下请勿通电;Do not energize under vacuumed condition,7 .在环境温度低于20时,必须安装油加热器(4080W, 220V);Crankcase heater i s requi re if ambient tempo i s below 20eC.8 .请勿反向旋转;Do not reverse rotate,9 .运转时,各相间的电压偏差应在额定电压的3%以内;Voltage (run): Voltage
14、 deviation each phase shaI I be within 3% of the rated voltage.10o成箱压缩机包装件的叠放堆码极限为2箱,装卸过程中严禁翻滚;Pile I imits 2 pal let. Tumbling i s forbidden during hand Iingo11.向压缩机充油或冷媒时,必须从排气侧进行;Charge oiI or refrigerant from the discharge pipe012。压缩机的接地装置应永久与制冷器具的接地装置连接;The compressor, s ground should be connected with that of refr igeration system permanent Iy and firmly.13。并联系统中回油毛细管前必须安装过滤器。A fiIter is requ i re before cap iI I ary tube i n Multiple refr i gerant4o 附图 AttachmentA1压缩机外形图 DimenSion of CompressorA-2压缩机性能曲线 1 Compressor Performance Curve 1A-3压缩机性能曲线 2 Compresso