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1、资金援助协议书Financial aid agreement甲方:first party:乙方:second party:经双方充分协商在自愿基础上,甲方与乙方就西红柿死苗事件达成资金援助 协议,内容如下:Upon full consultation between both parties on a voluntary basis, Party A and Party B reach a financial assistance agreement on the tomato seedling death incident, which is as follows:一、 甲方基于市场因素考虑

2、自愿给予乙方一定数量的资金援助,乙方收 到甲方的资金援助后,关于西红柿死苗事件甲方不再承担任何责任。Party A shall voluntarily provide a certain number of financial assistance to Party B based on market factors. After Party B receives the financial assistance from Party A, Party A shall not bear any responsibility for the tomato seedling death incid

3、ent.二、 乙方保证不再向甲方主张任何补偿(或赔偿),并负责消除生活在线 关于本事件的相关报道;否则由乙方自行承担西红柿死苗事件引发的一切赔偿 (或补偿)金额(包括可能追加的款项);如甲方因此事被索赔,甲方有权向乙 方追偿,乙方承诺全额承担甲方被索赔损失(包括但不限于补偿款、赔偿款及已 付款利息,律师费,鉴定费等一切与此有关的费用)。Party B warrants that it will not claim any compensation against Party A and is responsible for eliminating the relevant reports on

4、 this event; otherwise, Party B shall bear all compensation (including possible additional amount); in the event, Party B shall bear the full amount (including but not limited to compensation, interest paid, attorney fees, appraisal fees and other expenses).三、 补偿方式:现金援助。Compensation method: cash aid

5、.四、补偿金额及形式:甲方支付乙方现金款XX 元整(大写型L元整)Amount and form of compensation: Party A shall pay Party B xx yuan in cash (in words xx yuan only).五、乙方接受甲方补偿后本协议生效,生效后任何一方不得反悔并严格 按本协议承担权利义务。This Agreement shall come into force after Party B accepts the compensation from Party A. After such effect, neither party sh

6、all go back on its word and assume rights and obligations in strict accordance with this Agreement.六、 因履行本合同发生争议,协商解决,协商不成应诉至甲方住所地人 民法院解决。Any dispute arising from the performance of this Contract shall be settled through negotiation. If no negotiation can be reached, the lawsuit shall be answered to

7、 the people*s court where Party A is located for settlement.七、本协议一式两份,甲、乙双方各执一份。本协议签订前后双方所有 关于上述事件的协议、合同、口头说辞、案情表述等与本协议有冲突的,均失效 并以本协议表述为准。This Agreement is made in duplicate, with each party holding one copy. If there is any conflict between the agreements, contracts, oral statements and statements

8、of the case before and after the signing of this Agreement, it shall be invalid and the expression of this Agreement shall prevail.甲方 Party A :乙方 Party B :授权代表签字:授权代表签字:Signature of the authorized representative Signature of the authorized representative时间: 年 月日时间: 年 月日Time: year month dayTime: year month day


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