Unit6 Keep our city clean(Story time)教学设计.docx

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1、Unit6 Keep our city clean (Story time)教学设计I. Teaching aims1 知识与能力目标(1)能听懂、认读词汇 keep, clean, make, air, dirty,smoke, rubbish, messy, dead, moveaway from, bin, plant, more, 并能 理解其含义;(2)能初步使用句型 What makesdirtymessy? makesdirty / messy. What can we do to? We Can进行相 关话题交流;(3)能掌握故事的大意。2 .学习策略目标(1)初步学会利用“班

2、级课题”的形式来研究与解决实 际生活问题;(2)能借助图片理解故事主要内容;(3)能在课文朗读时初步形成关注意群的意识。3 .情感态度目标能在朗读、交流、汇报等学习活动中,认识城市环境的 现状,结合实际思考解决策略,形成一定的环保意识。II. Focus ofthe IessonL能听懂、认读词汇 keep, clean, make, air, dirty, smoke, rubbish, messy, dead, moveaway from, bin, plant, more, 并能 理解其含义;能初步使用句型WhatmakeSdirty/messy? makesdirty / messy.

3、 What can we do to? We Can进行相 关话题交流;2 .能借助图片理解故事主要内容;3 .初步学会利用“班级课题”的形式来研究与解决实际 生活问题。III. Predicated area OfdifficultyL能听懂、认读词汇 keep, clean, make, air, dirty, smoke, rubbish, messy, dead, moveaway from, bin, plant, more, 并能 理解其含义;2.初步学会利用“班级课题”的形式来研究与解决实际 生活问题。IV. Teaching aidsPPT worksheetV. Teachi

4、ng proceduresStepl: Pre-reading1. Showing time2. Free talkT: You know the picture book is about the environment. And I know you previewed the story of Unit6 yesterday. What are Miss and her students talking about? Yes. Theyre talking about Environmental problem of the city. Actually, theyre doing a

5、class project about it. Did you do a class project before? Today, let,s do a class project with them. The subject is zzKeep our city CIeanj板课题Step2: While-readingT: Now we are going to do a project step by step.1. Problems(I)The first step is Problems of the city environment”.(板: Problems) Miss Li a

6、nd her students took some pictures of their city. See, what do you think of their city?S: lt,s not nice/beautiful. It,s bad. I dont like this city. It,s dirty.(教 dirty)T: It means.5: Not clean.(2)T: What makes their city dirty? You previewed the story. Lets check. In the two pictures, what is dirty?

7、S: The air is dirty.(板:air)T: What makes the air dirty?S: Smoke from cars makes. Black smoke (板:smoke)T: What other smoke makes the air dirty? For example, smoke from cigarettes, smoke from the chimney. Anything else?S:.(3)T: The first problem is smoke.(学生回答)Whats the next one? Lets focus on the str

8、eets and the river.(板:streets, river) Theyre so dirty.(等学生回答)What makes them dirty?S: Rubbish.T: Follow him (rubbish).(板:rubbish) Rubbish.dirty. Messy, what does it mean? See, which is messy? In picture B, there are a lot of things on the ground. That,s too bad. They are messy.In the river, the fish

9、 are dead.(生读)Can they swim now? No, what a pity!T: We know the second problem is rubbish.(4)T: This time, lets listen and repeat. Pay attention to the pronunciation, stress and meaning groups.See, smoke from cars is a meaning group. So, the second sentence, who can try?S: .T: Good, you can catch zz

10、Meaning groups”.2. Consequences(I)In fact, smoke and rubbish are harmful to us. They bring some consequences. See, the fish are dead. We have no fish to eat. We cant breathe fresh air.(板:no.to.We can,t.) Anything else? You can discuss in groups, then tell me.S: We can,t see the blue sky/lovely birds

11、. We have no clean water to drink. We can,t go fishing.T: You know a lot. And let me show you more consequences.These are serious consequences. (: Consequences) Infactz the pictures describe the environment in the past. But now, what happened?3. Strategies.(1) We should find strategies to solve thes

12、e problems. What are Miss Li,s students ideas? Turn to page59 and underline the ideas.a. T: First, lets talk about smoke.(点)Smoke from cars and factories makes the air dirty. What,s Su Hai,s idea?S: We Can.(板:take.to.)T: What,s Nancy,s idea?S: We can walk to school too.(板:walk to .) Do you walk to s

13、chool?T: And I think walking is more environmental-friendly. Do you think so?T: How about Wang Bing?S: We Can(板:move.away from.)T: See, we move. Is this a good way?If we do that, where are the factories? Maybe we move thefactories to the countryside, then the countryside will be dirty. So we can red

14、uce the smoke, right?T: What about Liu Tao,s idea?S: We can plant more trees.(板:plant more trees)Lookz we plant some trees, we plant many trees, but not enough, we need more trees. Why should we plant more trees?T: Because they help keep the air clean.U: You know, black smoke from. contains. Plantin

15、g more trees. China will strive to.b.T: So we can do these to solve the problem smoke”. What about the rubbish? (A)We know rubbish makes the streets and the river dirty. So Wang Bing,s idea is (板:put.in.)T: Look, we should put rubbish in the right bin. It,s recyclable waste, .So we should classify the rubbish.(A)We can do it to solve the problem. Lets read.c. Lets read and repeat.T: They have some ideas. What do you think of their ideas?S: Good. Great. Well done.T: What can we do to keep our city clean?S: We can go to school by bik


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