招标投标-关于投标书 精品.ppt

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《招标投标-关于投标书 精品.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《招标投标-关于投标书 精品.ppt(20页珍藏版)》请在第一文库网上搜索。

1、 Skill-training Objectives The students are required to read and have a better understanding of the form of bid independently. Knowledge Objectives The features of the form of bid. Important & Difficult Points The features of the form of bid. Approach Interactive teaching, discussion, questions and

2、answers. A brief introduction of skill-training objectives and knowledge objectives of this chapter (7.1). Task 1: Ask the students to have a general idea of the following form of bid.Supply, IQ OQ and Calibration of an Imported Building Management SystemForGiant Petrochemical PlantAt Shanghai, PRCF

3、rom (Name of bidder): _Date: _ (day)/ _ (month)/ _ (year)Note: The bidder shall insert all the information with regards to his business registration here below: _Business registration license number: _Date of business founded : _ (day)/ _ (month)/ _ (year) Place of registration: _ To: Giant Petroche

4、mical Plant 1. Having inspected the Site of Giant Petrochemical Plant in Shanghai, PRC and examined the Instructions to Tenderer, Conditions of Contract and schedule, SPECIFICATIONS, Drawings and Summary of Tender for the Works, I/we offer to carry out and complete the whole of the said Works in con

5、formity with the aforesaid document for the sum of U.S. Dollars _ (USD) or such sum as may be ascertained in accordance with the Conditions Of Contract.2. I/We undertake to if my/our tender is accepted to complete the above-mentioned Works in _ calendar days from the Contract Commencement Date as sp

6、ecified in the Letter of Award (including Sundays and Public Holidays).3. I/We agree to abide by this tender for a period of ninety (90) calendar days from the date fixed for receiving it and it shall remain binding upon me/us and may be accepted at any time before the expiration of that period. 4.

7、Unless and until a formal Agreement is prepared and executed, this tender, together with the written acceptance thereof by the Purchaser subject to the provision of the above clause 3 thereof shall constitute a binding contract between me/us. 5. I/We understand the Purchaser is going to establish bi

8、nding contractual relationship of any form with any Tenderer until a written acceptance is issued and the Purchaser is not bound to accept the lowest or any tender he may receive.Authorized Signature:_Date: _In the capacity of: _Duly authorized to sign tenders for and on behalf of _Registered addres

9、s of firm _Witness_ Witness Address_Occupation_Date: _Signed Sealed of firm: Topic: 1. What are the features of form of a bid ? The students present the results of the discussion. Form of bid is the answer to invitation for bid. According to conditions and requirements listed out in the invitation f

10、or bid, concrete information of bidding proposal will be presented to the bidding company after self-evaluation. The form of bid is competitive. Its various economic indexes are within the restraint of law. Form of bid is one of the most important documents. It is really an application of bidding wo

11、rked out by bidders on the basis of full understanding of invitation for bid, on-the-spot inspection and investigation. It is a response and promise to invitation for bid. At the same time, precise bidding prices and relevant matters are presented to compete for bidding. It is vital for a bidder to

12、deliver the bid to the appointed place on time. Late bids are always rejected and returned unopened. Although the format of form of bid varies according to different kinds of invitation for bids, the following elements must be covered: Headline : the first line of the first page is the headline “For

13、m of Bid” in the middle, the second line is the date of submission标题标题: 写在第一页的第一行,居中,写明“投标书”字样;第二行偏右写清楚投标日期Body: Explain in turn the name, quantity, technical required of the project that you are bidding and the price of goods, brief description of the goods, and time of delivery. If it is very comp

14、licated, explain with the help of a table.正文:正文:将投标的项目名称、数量、技术要求、商品价格、商品规格、交货日期等逐项说明。如果内容繁杂,往往需要列表填写。 End: including the name, address, telephone number, fax, etc, of the bidder, in order to be easy to be contacted with. 结尾:结尾:写清投标人的姓名、地址、电话、电报等,以便招标单位进行联系。1. Having inspected the Site of Giant Petro

15、chemical Plant in Shanghai, PRC and examined the Instructions to Tender , Conditions of Contract and schedule, SPECIFICATIONS, Drawings and Summary of Tender for the Works, I/we offer to carry out and complete the whole of the said Works in conformity with the aforesaid document for the sum of U.S.

16、Dollars _ (USD) or such sum as may be ascertained in accordance with the Conditions Of Contract. I/we offer to carry out and complete the whole of the said Works为主句。 在对上海巨人石化厂现场考察和仔细研究了招标文件、合同条件及进度表、技术说明书和设计图纸后,我们愿意按美元XXX的投标价,按照合同条件的要求、技术说明书和设计图纸承担本合同工程的实施工作。2. I/We undertake to if my/our tender is accepted to complete the above-mentioned Works in _ calendar days from the Contract Commencement Date as specified in the Letter of Award (including Sundays and Public Holidays). Contract Commencement


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