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1、南京舛踣人堂ContentsContents0Abstract1Acknowledgements3L Introduction42. The concept of mind mapping42.1 The definition of mind mapping42.2 The features of mind mapping53 The application of mind mapping in English teaching51.1 To use mindmapping tolearn new words51.2 To use mindmapping todistinguish synon

2、ym and homoionym61.3 To use mindmapping tolearn affixes and roots64. The functions ofmind mapping in English words teaching64.1 Motivate students9 learning interest74.2 Improve the ability of memorizing words74.3 Develop the habit of self-thinking85. Design the English words mind mapping85.1 Conside

3、r the factors of designing85.2 The idea about designing105.3 The elements of the English words mapping106 Some questions should be cared about the application of mind mapping127. Conclusion12Bibliography14AbstractThe word is not only the most basic element, but also the key to learning Englishwell i

4、n English learning. However, it is very difficult for students to remember manycomplicated words. This is the main obstacle in the process of learning English. Mindmapping uses its characteristics to help students learn and memorize words. It makesthose forgettable and complicated words more intuiti

5、ve and systematic. It cancultivate studentsinterest in learning English words and developing their ability instudy. Mind mapping has become the thinking quality of developing and cultivatingstudents. It is a vital measure for students to arouse and order their creative thinking.This thesis studies m

6、ainly the functions of the mind mapping in the English wordteaching. When we design the English words mind mapping, some elements should beconsidered. It will be good for people to learn about how to use the mind mappingeffectively.Key words: mind mapping; word memorizing; English words mind mapping

7、摘要在英语学习中,单词是最基本的元素,也是学好英语的关键。然而,对于学生来说记住许多复杂的单词是很困难的。这往往成为学好英语过程中的主要障碍。思维导图用其独特的特点帮助学生进行单词的学习和记忆,使易忘、繁杂的单词更直观化、系统化,从而培养学生对英语单词的兴趣,提高英语的学习能力。思维导图已成为发展和培养学生的思维品质,激发、引导学生的创造性思维的重要工具。本文主要研究的是思维导图在单词教学中的作用以及设计英语单词思维导图时的关键要素,有助于人们了解如何有效地使用思维导图。关键词:思维导图;单词记忆;英语单词导图AcknowledgementsI want to express my appre

8、ciation to many who have supported my efforts inwriting this paper during the past few months.I am greatly indebted to Prof. , for his continuous support and invaluablesuggestions throughout the period I worked on my thesis as well as for his generosityin spending his invaluable time reading, polish

9、ing and commenting on my paper,which is necessary to its completion.Hearty thanks should also be given to Professor 。 , Professor 。 , ProfessorLiping, Professor Zhufeng, and other teachers in our school, from whose courses andlectures I have benefited a lot.Special thanks should be extended to my pa

10、rents for their everlasting love,support and encouragement. I am very proud of them.What is more, I would like to show my sincere gratitude to those externalexaminers who spend their precious time reading my thesis and making valuablecriticisms and suggestions.Application of Mind Mapping in English

11、Words Teaching1 IntroductionWord teaching is an important part in English teaching. A large quantity ofvocabularies directly affects the capacity of listening, speaking, reading andwriting(纪曼然,2010:23). Therefore, it is the root for students to learn English well.Without grammar very little can be c

12、onveyed, without vocabulary nothing can beconveyed”(Wilkins, 1987:58). So, the vocabulary teaching is very necessary foreveryone who wants to learn English. However, as we all know, it is a main obstaclefor us to memorize much more complicated words in the process of English learning.Mind mapping he

13、lps students solve this problem with its unique characteristics. Thisthesis mainly focuses on the application of mind mapping in the English wordsteaching. By using this measure, it will have positive influences on students- But someelements should be considered when we design the words mind mapping

14、. Somequestions should be cared about the application of mind mapping.2 The concept of mind mapping2.1 The definition of mind mappingMind mapping refers to the effective mode of thinking and applies to thethinking “mapping.” Such as memorizing, learning, thinking and so on. It helps todiffuse the br

15、ains thinking. Mind mapping is also called mental map, which is anexpression of radioactive thinking of effective graphics thinking tool. It is simple butextremely effective. Mind mapping is a revolutionary tool of thinking. It uses graphicand skills to express the relationship between various topics and related hierarchyfigure. It establishes subject keywords memory links with images, color to fully usethe function of the left and right brain. Mind mapping utilizes the law of memory,reading, thinking to help people achieve balanced development between science andart, logic and


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