听力材料 五下.docx

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1、2021学年第二学期小学五年级英语期终模拟考查卷听力原文出你所听到的单词L Listen and circle the words you hear1. Clean the plate, please.2. It,s autumn now. Time to go on a picnic.3. Look, the pictures are theirs. So beautiful!4. After dinner, I often go for a walk with my parents.5.Sh.The baby is sleeping. Please talk quietly.IL List

2、en and tick or cross.根据句子,打勾或画叉1. Boys and girls. No eating or drinking on the bus, please.2. It,s twelve o,clock. Chen Jie is eating lunch.3. That new computer is Zhang Peng,s. It,s so cool!4. The swimming contest is on April sixteenth. Are you ready?5. I like winter best because we can play in the

3、 snow and make asnowman.IIL Listen and choose the answers.听句子,选答语1. When do you finish class in the morning?2. Why do you like spring?3. Are these yours?4. Can you take him to the park?5. What will you do for your mum,s birthday?6. When is the Teachers9 Day?7. Please keep your desk clean.IV. Listen

4、and choose the pictures.听句子,选择正确的图片回答问题1. W: Hey, Yifan. is this bag yours?M: No, it isn,t. This one is blue. But mine is yellow. Maybe it,sSarah,s.W: But Sarah,s bag is pink. Well, ll ask Mike then.Question: Whose bag is yellow?2. W: Mike, the English test is coming. Are you ready?M: Really? When i

5、s it?W: It,s on June 12th. And then we,ll have the maths test and theChinese test on Jun 30th.M: Oh, no!W: Don,t be sad. The summer vacation starts on July 13th.Question: When is the Chinese test?3. W: John. Do you know the Mid-Autumn Day? It,s a big day forChinese.M: Of course I do. It,s on Septemb

6、er 13th this year. Let,s have adinner together!Question: Maybe, what will they eat on September 13th?4. M: Hello Lisa, what are you doing? Let,s play sports together!W: m listening to music now. m coming!M: How about your sister Sally? Let,s play together!W: Oh, sorry. Sally can,t come. She is sleep

7、ing now.Question: What is Sally doing?V. Listen and tick or cross.听独白,判断对错,用J或X表示Boys and girls. You,ll be very busy in the next two months. Because thereare many fun things in April and May. Let,s have a look. First, we havean English party on April 10th. Students can sing English songs andwatch En

8、glish plays in the party. Then, here comes the school trip. It,s onApril 20th. We,ll go to the West Lake and have a picnic together. Afterthat, on May 1st, we have a singing contest. It will be fun. Look, so manystudents are running and jumping in the playground now. Because thesports meet is coming

9、. It is on May 3Oth. And that,s my birthday, too! llwin a champion as my birthday gift!VI. Listen and Hll in the blanks.听音填单词1. Children day is on the first day of June.2. Look at that pretty dress. If s hers.3. Look, the little monkey is climbing the tree.4. We will go to the Great Wall in the winter vacation.5. I eat dinner at 5o,clock and then do my homework.


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