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1、附录A日ectric forklift industry of the necessary conditions for the developmentof the industryAs counterbalanced electric forklift transport, high efficiency, ease of handling,storage and transport characteristics, so a large enclosed trailer transport lines willbecome an important force for transport,

2、 general trailer market demand willgradually shift to the van. Development counterbalanced electric forklift requires thefollowing conditions:First, efficient transportation system of organizations. As counterbalanced electricforklift loading and unloading time of up to several hours, in order to sa

3、ve costs,European and American developed countries, the universal realization of thetransport van semi-trailer tractor and trailer head and tail separation between therejection linked to transport. Counterbalanced electric forklifts are generally largetransport companies, counterbalanced electric fo

4、rklift generally belong to dispersedindividuals or small companies, counterbalanced electric forklift trucks and trailers ingeneral in the volume ratio of about 1:2.5 or 3. Possibility of achieving effectiveconnection between head and tail, the maximum extent possible to reduce the frontof the resid

5、ence time of waiting and Kongshi to determine van semi-trailer transportefficiency as an important part, therefore, high speed and efficiency requirements ofthe appropriate van semi-trailer and efficient transport transport system oforganizations.Second, a strong information network system. Timely,

6、accurate and adequateinformation and shipping information for the balance of heavy transport vehicles,electric forklift trucks transport organization is extremely important. European andAmerican developed countries counterbalanced electric forklift transport mostlyinternet, electronic data transmiss

7、ion technology and global positioning system asthe basis to establish a strong information network system, which is to strengthenthe transport communication between companies and customers, transportationcompanies, and the front of the owners communication and coordination, unity ofcommand, unified

8、control of the important guarantee.Third, the appropriate infrastructure systems. Counterbalanced electric forklifton including roads, bridges and culverts, stations and other infrastructure, includingcertain requirements. Currently developed areas in eastern China and the domesticlevel in many part

9、s of the trunk roads have been equipped van semi-trailer transportrequirements, but the calibration of bridge height and tonnage also need to makecorresponding adjustments to the new bridges construction standards also need tomake adjusted accordingly, is also a need to strengthen the planning andco

10、nstruction station.Fourth, the rational road pricing system. Counterbalanced electric forklifts androad transport energy-saving advantages of low loss, therefore, the design of roadtransport charging system should be reflected in policy guidance to encourage itsdevelopment.附录B平衡重式电动叉车行业发展的必要条件由于平衡重式

11、电动叉车运输效率高便于装卸、存贮和运输等特点,因此大型封闭式半挂车运输将成为今后干线运输的重要力量,普通半挂车市场需求将逐渐向厢式车转移。发展平衡重式电动叉车需要具备以下条件:第一,高效的运输组织系统。由于平衡重式电动叉车的装卸时间长达数小时,为了节约成本,欧美发达国家的厢式半挂车运输普遍实现了头尾分离的牵引车与半挂车之间的甩挂运输。平衡重式电动叉车一般属于大的运输公司,平衡重式电动叉车一般分属分散在各地的个人或小公司,平衡重式电动叉车与半挂车数量之比大体在1 : 2. 5或3左右。是否能够实现头尾之间的有效衔接,尽最大可能减少车头的停留等待和空驶时间,就成为决定厢式半挂车运输效率的重要环节,



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